�� . ' J��.
<br />��� . . . . � � . i�rN ?Si��
<br /> � � �� � . . . . . . . . . � . .
<br /> ✓e4' 0 �l '� 31 �}
<br /> 'Phnt the Morlgugor will pay fhe indebtedness ns hereinlxfore providr.d. � � � . . . �.
<br /> ; r,,� - 'Thtit lhc Mnrlgegur is Ihe owner � o( stir! propuriy in f�e simple nnd hus Koal right nnd Itiwful authorily to s�+ll and . . . . . .
<br /> � , cum�ey lhe same nnti that tL�a snme is [ren nnd cicur nf r�ny lien ur encumbrnnce: rand that� n]mtgagar will wnrrnnl. and defrnd the
<br /> tillr tn said � premises ng�inst the claims uf all persons wLomsoevec : � � . . . � . � �
<br /> � � �. '1'u pny immedixlely � when duc und payable nll gencrtd laxes, speCinl laxry, special mssessments, w;�ter charges, seN•er scrv- �. . � � . ��
<br /> � ice chnrg�xr, and other tuxes and churges against suid proper�y, nnd ull taxes levied on lhe debt srcured hereby, and to (urnish the �. � � � � � �
<br /> � � 1�4ortgagee, u�wn rt�uest, with the nriginal � or Juplicnte receipls the•refnr. 1'he I�1otfRagor agrecs lhaC lhere shull be added . to � � . . . .� �
<br /> , ench monthly payment required� l�ereunder or under the evidence � o[ debt seciued hr.reby un amount estimated by fhe A4ortgagee � � � � �
<br /> . to he sufficicnt tn enuble the �Torigugee tu pay, as Ihey become due, all �axes, asaessmenls. and similnr chnrges upon the pram• � � .� � � . . �
<br /> isea subjcct themio; nny deficic•ncy because oF ihe insutiiciency of such adJitinnal pnymcnls shall 6e furthu•ith deposited by the _ .
<br /> � Mnrtgagor �aith lhe Dlorlga�gee upon demand bp the hfortgagec. Any default under this pnragraph shall be dre•m��d a drfault in � � � . �
<br /> '��� t. payment of tn�es. �+tisrssmenls, . ur similar char�;es r�•quired hercundre . � . � . � :
<br /> '� � Thr- �torlKagur tigrces � hat (hcre shn�i also be added tn r;�eh monthh• pnyment ut princip�d nnd inlerc.rl n•quired herr . � . . . . � .
<br /> . . under nn . amount estimated by lhe hlortRagce lo L�� sidticirnt tu enaMe ihe �tortR+�{:ee tu pay. a; i� brcumes due. 16e irr.;ur�nce � _ � � .
<br /> � premium on any insuraner policy d��licered in thv �furl�;:r;ee. Anp deficiency b��cnu�e uf Ihe insulBcirncy nf such additiunal pny- �. � � � . � .
<br /> � miudz shnll he (orthwifh depnsited 6y ihi� ilinrtgagnr wit6 the \turtg;i4ee upi�n di•rnund 6y fhr Alorlg���re. r\ny drLiult under Iliis � � . � � . , .
<br /> � � ? pan�graph shrall. br <leemed a de(ault in �hr p:�ym�mi nf insuranci• premiwi�s. I( thr pulicr nr pulieies depnsite•�t are sueh us hume. � � .
<br /> o�rners or all risk policies. .uid thi� dupnsi�s am insu(iicien[ (u p.�y �hi• entim pnanium, � he 11url;;n�;ce nlay' :tpply ihr deposit tn � . : .
<br /> ,� �. p:q� premiums on risks rc��uircd to br insunsl ba this morfgagr. � � - . , '
<br /> f. !
<br /> iYxymenfs made by lhe \fort�agur widvc thr aLot�e p;vagr.�phs may, at thr uptiun o[ die \torlgager, bc• h�•Id I�y it and � . . .
<br /> rummingled �vilh olher sucli funds or il.s a�en [unds iar lhr paymrnt of ::uch ih�ms. and un�il so npplied, such p.iyments are horobp � � � .
<br /> pledg�•rl ;�s securi�y fut lhe unp.�id b;ilance o( lhe murl �n�;e indi�b�rdnoss. , . . . . .
<br /> � � '1'u prucure, deliver iu. and maint.iin (nr ihc• brnr(it o( tl�e hlorlp��;r�� duriug th� IiG• ui thi, murfg:itic ori�inal po!icirx and � � . . . .. �
<br /> renewals then»(, delivered +ri least fen dnys Ix�fore the expiratiun u[ nny sucli pnlici��s. insurin�: ngsinst [ire and nthrr in.,urable - � . � .
<br /> harards. casunities. mid con�ingencies ns thr �tort�;:��;re may rrquire, in :m amnunt eyual tu the indebtedness s��cured b}• thi.; � � � �. �. . .
<br /> _ 1�lnrtgage, and in companirs ;icceplablc� lo the 1lortgt�gee, with loss p:iyablr clnu�o in (avor of nnd in fnrm ncceptable lo lhc� ,�1origa� . . . . .
<br /> ��`a � gee. lu the eaent any pulicy is nut reni•�vi•d un or brfore ten days u( its rxpiratiun. the nSnrtgaRee may prucurr insurance on lhe � � . . � .
<br /> k.. � improvemenls. pay the premium therefur. and such swn shall become immediatcly' duc� und payabl�� wilh inferest. id the r+te srt . . _ �
<br /> forth in wid note until P�id and shnll fH• secumd by lhis mnrtga;;e. Puilure on � he part of tl�e Vorl�;agor to furnivh such renewr�ls . . .
<br /> ' ns tim herein ns{uired or Liilure lu p+�y am� wms adv�inced herounder sh:ill, nt Ihe uptiim of the �tnrl �;;�ger. cunnlitutr a di�fault �� � .
<br /> �.� � under thi• tenns u( Ihix murt�;:i�;e. '1'hr deli�•ery u( vuch pulicii�s sh.ill. in thr evrnt o( di•fnulf , constitufc an a+si�:nmrnt af thr un' . . � � .
<br /> �,= � . 1 earne<l prrmium. � � � . , ,
<br /> _' � � Any sums recrived b}� the \1nrt�a�ce by r��asun ut la�s nr d:un.i„e in.,iucd ugninst mny be r��tained by Ihe :�1urt;;a�ee � . . � .
<br /> i� - ; i�nd �pplieJ tnward t6e p�ymerrt o[ ihe d��bt herelry sccurcd, ur. t�t the option uf the Uortgagee. such sums ei�her whully nr in . . .
<br /> purt mn�� be p;aid over tn �he \Surl�;atior lu bc usrd to repair such buildings or (u builrl new huildint;v in th�•ir place ur fur any . � . .
<br /> nther purpose ur object �:rtisfuctury to ih� \Tortg.�„re wilhout al(eclin� the lien on lhe murt�a�e (or lhe full :�rnuunt ��•currd hrrr. � . . �
<br /> by beforr such paymeN ever t�wk pluce. � . �
<br /> 7'n promptlY rep�ir. rrsturc ur r�•build nny buildin;;s or improv�•�nont.s nuw nr horraltrr un Nm prrmisi�s which mny bi�- � . . ..
<br /> cume dumnged ur desiroyed: to krcp snid premi�es iu 4a�d cnnditiun .�nd rep��ir :md frer from any mechxnir's lion or ut6er lirn ur � . .
<br /> "v, � � rlaim o( lien nut rzpre+sly subordintilyd to thr lirn herc�oC not to sulTor or pt�rmil nny unla�cful uze� u( ur :my m�isancc fu rxist on � . .
<br /> � �aid properly nnr in prrmit k�aste un naid prrmises. nur lu J�, :my nther :ict «�hereby ihe property hrreby rou�•ec��d shall hrenmr . �
<br /> i�� � � Icas valuable. nor lo diminish nr imp:�ir its v:�lur hy any arl ur urnis,inn to :tcl : lo cumpl)' �si� li :dl requin•mi•nt� u( I:nv w•i�h ro:p�•cl . � . . .
<br /> 'r �: S ln fhi� murlga�;i�d premises nnd thr usr thereuL , . �
<br /> �
<br /> € � � 'I'h�it shuuld thi� pn�misi�:; ur ;�ny part then•o( bo L•iken o� dama�:ed by ranson o( any pu6lic imprucrmen[ ur cundi•mnati�n � � �. .
<br /> proceeding. ur under the right <�[ ���uinant dumain. ur in :my other manner. fhr Norl�nger shall 6e entiqed to all cumpen,ations. �. � .
<br />. �.�. � awurds. und any c,lher payment or rrlie( thendur. and shall be eniilled, at its crpti�m. to cummenre. uppear in and prrnc�cute in iL5 . . �
<br /> „' . � own name any i�clion or Proceedin�, ur tu make auy cornpromise ur setUement in connrction with such takin� ur dnnuiFe. All such , .
<br /> " cnmpensation. aw�irds. d:+ma�;es. ri:;ht u( nction and pnx�civJs arc herrLy ❑,signrd to thi� \torigugee. who may. aRer deductin�; .
<br /> < �� lherefrom all its espe•nu�s. relenx� ;any mnuvys .0 rreeiw•J hy il nr �ipplY the sami� nn cmy indrhtrdnrss s��cured hereby'. The \f�rt-
<br /> [. . � gngur agree> to execule such [urthor :isvi�nma�nls o( any comprnsntinn, a�eards. dnmaer,. and ri�;his uf artion :uid proc��eJ.; a� thr
<br /> ,�. � D1nrl�;ngee rnay r��yuire. �
<br /> �� 7'hnt in case of tuilure to pei(orm any of the covennnts herein, the Dforlgagec may do on lhe rlorl�ugor's behnlf every-
<br /> ` � thing sn covennnted; thnt the Tlortgogee may also do nny act it muy deem nacessary to protect the lien therero[; that the Atort•
<br /> � : gagor will repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed 6y the Alortgngce (or uny o( the ntwve purpaves, and such moneys
<br /> tugelher wilh interest thereon at the rute provided in snid tmtr. ehall becvme so much ndditionnl indebleclness hereby secumd and
<br /> f, � may be induded in any decree fureclaaing this mortgnge and be paid oul of the rcnls or proceedy of sule uf snid premises i( not �
<br /> J .�. � otherwise pnid; und thnt AfortRn�cr shnll nol incur nm• perxmnl liability becnuse o( nnything it mny do or omit lo do }��.reunder.
<br /> a
<br /> . In lhe event nt thi• default by '�tortFugor in the paymcnt n( nn�' inst.alhnen(. as mqulred by ihi• Nu�e arcurrd hrrohV, ur �
<br /> in the performanm u( the oblikution in lhis mort�;aFe ur in thc nolo secured thereby. the \tort�;agce .h�ll be �•nfifled to dr.�le�re the
<br /> - � debt secured hernby due and parable H�ithout notice, and t6ee nturtgngec shall be entiHed :it its upfion. without nutice. either by itself
<br /> � or by a receiver to tx nppointed by the enurt thercv>f. and H�ilhout rrgani tu tho adcv� uacy u( :�ny srcurily Inr the indebtedness u•- .
<br /> ��. -. , currcl hereby, to enter uP�n und lake possi�ssion ot the morl�;aged premises. and tn coll�•ct and reccice thc ronLs. is,nes and prnlifs
<br /> therenf, and vpply the sume. l�ws costs u( operation and mllrclion, upon �IIC Ipfll'IIf1YI11Pcc vrured by ihis mort�;nre: said rrnis,
<br /> i+�ues nnd proftv txing hcreby assi�ned lo the �9r�rtgn,;ee ne furlhrr securily fnr thr pnymrnf of ull indehtrJn��sa s�runYi hcrehv.
<br /> � � 'Che Mortgngre shall huve tlie pmcer to nppoinl anp ngent or agentti it may de4ire fm the purpusr of ri•pairin� �:iid prrm• .
<br /> ices: renling the �me; mileclinF the rents, revrnues und incomr. tmd it may pfiy out o( said inrnm�� all i•�prnsrs incurrnl in rrnL
<br /> �, ing und manuging the same and of culle�cling the rentals themRom. 'I'hr bulance r�m;iining, it nny, sha11 b�� applird towarrl fhe -,y.! - �,.y,. �,:
<br /> . �� � ditichnrge of the mortgu�e indebtednexu. This assignment is to irrminnte nr.d bccnmr nuil and vnid upon rvirnsr o( thi. mnrf�;iFo. � �
<br /> ' N
<br /> ; 'I'h� blurtgngee may collect n "Inte charge" not to excecd Fiva ('�•nts (uc) [or rnch dullnr ISLWI �d oai�h tnlal m�mlhlr ��� a . .
<br /> pn�•ment mnn• than Li dnyv in arrrnn ta cov��r thr ��xtrn exp�•n�P im•��Ivrd in handlin� drlinqu�nl :ucnunls. ,
<br />�� . � �
<br /> � Ail paymrnts tnadc under thr prrrvisions of thiti morf�;u:;n nr � he nulr herebp necured. �rhich may 6e construrd n� intr•re:t . � r � �-
<br />"� .�� .. . �hnll nnt. in the n�gregale ucer thr t�rtn thorrof, excee�d ihe rntr. ihat map no�c b�• Inwtullv n�ntract�d (or in writinf:. � ' �.
<br /> i!Y
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