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<br /> - 4.1—SURVIVORSNIP WARRANTY DEED Felm�6 Wolf Company�L�ncoln�Nebr. � �
<br /> WTLLIAM A. BE7JPZER and SHARON E, BELTZER, husY�and and wife,
<br /> " in his and her own right,
<br /> ;Lerein called tLe grantor�sliether one or more,
<br /> in coueiderntion of One Do11ar, Love and Affection,
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, burguiu, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> tis joint tenants �vitli rig}it of aurvivorship, nnd uot :is tennnts i�i common, the following described real
<br /> � ' property in ..........................�d.�.�............................ County,NeLruska:
<br /> An,undivided one—half (2) interest in and to
<br /> z The Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section thirty—
<br /> � -
<br /> five (35), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br /> Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> To Lnve and to hold tlic above described pc•emises togethcr �rith all teuemeuts, hcreditaments
<br /> nnd uppurtenances thcreto Uelonging uuto tLe ;;rantees itud to tlieir assigns, or to the lieirs and assigns
<br /> oC tl�e sur�•ivor of tLem forever.
<br /> �' tlnd grantor does hereby covenant with the gr�mtces aud with their assigns and ���th thc Ueirs
<br /> ' and assigns of tLe sttrvivor of them thnt gruntor is la«•fiilly-snised of sriid premises;that tl�ey are free from
<br /> �
<br /> encumbrance
<br /> K' thnt grantor Las good riglit and lan•ful nuthority to cmrve}• thc sumr; aud that grantor n�nrrnnts aud will
<br /> defend the title to aniS prenuses a�ainst tiie luivful claims of all pcivons�shomsoever.
<br /> ; Tt is the intcution of all parties hereto tliut iii tlie event of tlie deutli of eiiLer uf the grautees,
<br /> i fhe entirc fae simple title to the real est+tte shnll vest in tlic sur��icin� gr;tntec.
<br /> !' llated December /�" IJ 76.
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<br /> ' NE6RASKA DOCUh^ENTARY � � �% y � , ; �
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<br /> Hh1r'TAX • 1+�i72!G`,'�- � �.'
<br /> , .... ........ ........�.T......:.........................................:... 4r?' ........................ .: C�.....,�ll./..........
<br /> � ,� Sharon E. Be1t,z�r
<br /> ,.
<br /> DEC u 0 1976 .�`
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<br /> t. ............. ......_....................�............... ..........,,x. ....................................................................................
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<br /> :; � STAT� OP ..............�.$�l.r..�........................., Coiuit�• oi' .......................I�.Tr.�:................_.......:
<br /> Beforc me,a notary pnblic quulified for s�i�i count,r�, personnlh� came Willidm A.
<br /> i Beltzer and Sharon E. Beltzer, husband and wife, in his and her own
<br /> right, •..i :
<br /> ���yo � .;,N ,.�.
<br /> F�, N
<br /> kno�cn t nr. �th�i� tic person or persons«�ho signed the foregoing instrument nnd ncknowledged � a
<br /> L the exec io� tlic���e iis, er or their��oluntnr�� uct nnd deed. � ;�. .
<br />�" � COMMISSION � . -=-� / L� r' ,:�::
<br /> � it������i�r��i� turinl r,cal un..................Deee�ei�.�f.... ..., 19..76......... �
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