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<br /> � }${3 0�_ HALL� � r'auaty..Nohraalca.�ma�tqaaoc 5�d FL�me Fodarcl Saviags anc Iaaa kaaociatian of Grand lelmid. .$1 � � �
<br /> j� c ca�poration�.organizod-aad e=iattnq under the lawa a1.Nebrmkc��:i61ts printlpnl otfice and place o!Eusineun�ot�Grvnc Iolmid.NoSmxL•n. $' � . .. .
<br /> f+. ��as mnrlgaqee: � .
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<br /> e . � -�i � �KTiNFSSETfi: Thaf said monga4ai'for and Sa cwsideralien o(�the�eum ot .$S � � � �
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<br /> � j assigne, foTever,all�We lollawing ties--cihed seaf eet¢to,aitun�ad 3n the raunry d �`� � � � � . �
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<br /> � $� iogethot with all heatin9. Siahtiaa. cnd pl�ing xquipmant aad lizturas,includin4 et�ka}s¢nd 5u_^.�en.sacens.�uinw.atormwiad�vre� '� � �
<br /> ¢nc dna.,cnd vrindnw dicdes oz blinds.used on or iz c�nnecti�n wit6 aaid propexn•.whother the mme cre new Ixateri on amd propMq �> � �
<br /> : oc hemelter piarrd the:con. t . .
<br /> $; '.�?iF.VL FND 70 HOLD T?�5F.7�.taae:her wftt �ll end sinaularlhe tenomaats.horn3itamantc¢nd cppurtenaacca t5arouato belons- Si
<br /> . :: '
<br /> . $I in9.ar in¢nyv.�ise appnrt�ininq.t�revci.and warcn±�he title�o the Rame. Said n�r�gaa�r•— ho:ebp e�ven¢ni_v.-i1h s�id mort4oqec '� �
<br /> ��, i:
<br /> . �% thet_�.l�e�— - - .a1 thr dulivcry hcreoi.t5e l�w'1u1 o��nex�o'ine�ICRll906 aS�ve canvcped ad daetri6ed,anc $;
<br /> y „ _r� a�b
<br /> �i
<br /> } Ij� aeized a! c�qe�c anc inde'tnaeibic ea�ote oi ir.healan:c therair..1rre and clec:oi al:oncum5::.�:rc.and that__he��_wlli wa;r�t�c I, �
<br /> defnnc tht title tGe:e�.fozeve� againa:the d�ici: ana drmandc of ail porsons wlwacs�evo:.
<br /> � �
<br /> � F; F'AO�'iD� F.I.V.'hl'S. tu:d :hi: L18IFUIDCL! ta cxecutea anc deli:•n:ed ro sncure the pa}�ment�o!lhe sum�' ��
<br /> : $; ,,_ -. ..^f" t ir i � _____-___-_—__—________________ ... JDU•Ut� %�
<br /> � C!:�n I I"�'l!I�,ti v:) ��'�J hl;��%��J--- 5o1i,..a tE " , �
<br /> �, with interes! thettwn,laoother w:th aucn cha:oet m� advasros¢s rs�p 5c :iue ^nd aeya6ie tc xmd sanqaqee'uads: the terme end £'
<br /> :
<br /> � ��' [anditi�na o'. 1he pr,mnisson• aate ol evna dcle hem�cith anfi eecu•ed herobg,ezecuied be ezid ar.tgaao:=te a�ic aortqagoe.�^yeSle F�
<br /> ' aa ci�rcasod in nai�noto,and tn aecurr the na:t�:mons o!cll Lhe torms and caadifi�aa cassL�aned thurein. She io:mn n! s:id a�te ete ,I
<br /> $j hercbp m.-o�ora�rd herein bp thin retnrenca. ��
<br /> ,f" ii
<br /> �_ � � Tf ie thc mmatioc end agreament o! l:�e aarnes hervto Iha:ths ma:tqage sh¢L c:m eocuze en7• fu[uze adv¢ncea m�de W naid �I
<br /> $ i
<br /> 'I mortaaqo!�bs eaid monq�qee. and ar.}• an3 al: indnblednvsa ir. ¢dditiox to fhe mnoun:cbave state.d w•hicl�x:ie n�-ta�go:a, a�p �r
<br /> o: them. mcp owc ro sa�d a�r�gagee.howevnr evldenced a•hethoc b5 pote,boo\ay:aum o:�ct�crwieu. .nia manoaae eiiall remme ic tuL' ��i
<br /> $% far[e�antl clteci Mttveen ihe nertres he:et�¢nd thoir heire,p�nana]reprcaematvea, auc:csa�:n anc csaivcs, uviil aL acocan eenuad �i
<br /> hercunriez,includinq fut�e adv�cea.a+e paid in 1u11 w'ith iateresL 'S
<br /> �i Fi
<br /> �i _ �.
<br /> � ihe mortaoqor�herabp Ras�aa_t�smri mnrtac4ee all reate and incomr�ntvq at ¢r.S�aaa cll Eimw Szom nmd pzopmry ead �
<br /> �?� ne:eby eut'.�orize s¢id nn�tcragee or its ageat.at ita option upon def¢ul:,t�tole charqe a!smd arope:tp end alleC,all rente vnd ynac�e 1�
<br /> " � ;; ihrr�tram-ond a�fy ihe aame tu the p¢yment at inforneL�innpai,iasurence prnmiuuu,tazrtu,eseonemen�a. rrpQize or�mprovamente nacce�
<br /> ;i�.. jj aaty fa Lrcp caid Dsoaorry m ten¢ntaSln randition,a: m nthc:cLmqec m.pa}a�ome am�ded f»hn:ein or m the no�e bombp xcured. Th:s ��
<br /> �; :eo!asei�nment ahsll r�atinue in lnree until 1he unpaid bolance ot nai3 nnte ic Sully pmd. The taM�no n(ar.rsacnian horounde:shdl in ao i
<br /> - i mmmez pre�eat a retsd nmd mongogee iu thc aIls.-ti�n o!said nume rp f�re.:loaure or otbe.�ue. %�
<br /> ±� $:
<br /> iRic Eailure al the mac�qagee ta nnnext�aay o1 3u nqLta hnreuaoer C.¢n7•ume eF�cli ao:Se ta:aCued as c waiver of iv rioht to aaeen �
<br /> Fi ILe�a�me e(ar.y lete:time.and to inaial upaa��d eaiorce etnet raspliance wlth al! 1t�e t�-ce atd �:�vini�nx of r•c�a note aud aE thie 3:
<br /> monyoge. ij
<br /> t� Ii aaid mar�qaqa=ah¢II �avae to be pmd tn aaid monqa�m 2he anfue amoua;due it berruntiez,and ucde_the�n_ae an:pr�ciaions #�
<br /> �:. ' n{said.nole koreSy aor.�r3.iecluding tuftue advm�rae.mri ray�aztenaioae n :enew¢h thereo2 m nc:a:d..^ax wi:h t6e torme��d proviaiaaa S:
<br /> `� l
<br /> � �i lhoierR,cad.il acid mart4�4��-ahatl e�m�ly.ii:h all tho prrnviaac�of e^i3 nate�d u�ku.a�r'gaqa t2wa theee prewan nhall he oaid: $(
<br /> othanviec to�remaia Sa Sxill ivzro�ad ailo�.�d ead.maztqaQee ehnll Su enfltled to tk�e pcnesaion o:all al�d prapattg,aad m¢y,nt itn T:
<br /> i: apti�,-decL"re t3e whole�of eai3 aate and all iaaebtednes�mproieated t2wrabp to be++�^���M�!r due anc pay�bls.and m¢�forrc!�•�ie $> _
<br />' i mrtqoge s t¢kn�acq vthur legcs7 a:ricn to proteet ity:tqLt,ea3 4rom thr date o!eucL defwlt all Itome w �adebtodnr.0 securnd Lnrebp Fi �.'�^�� �
<br /> : s6c1!dmw inmrax:�C�Aer�aum. Appzaiseaoat wafvnd �% �y
<br /> 4� � : I�:a� t�
<br /> 4�..]� ��: 7hie�murtgpqe.ch¢ll be 5lndiag ssaoa¢nd ahaU�ntae to 1h�5anellt d the�heln.�amaits�.admtafetretaa.aucoaa�n�d cesipm o! �; � �>�^.
<br />?� C t; the.res}ecti.ve partiee Lnrete' �� ��g
<br /> u�: � f� IN W:21JiS5.9.��'.�.atid Mort�¢gar S �^:�� he:evnw se� J�:2 I' ticn.?=ihe dap and yca::i:at w`�ve �� �• „
<br /> a�tftea. � t;f�
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