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<br />;x STAT� (1F NEBIiABS�, C�ounty of .............
<br /> ...........................................:
<br />•- Piled ior rc•con3 nnd entered i� 2dumerical Indca
<br />�
<br />�. on ............................................................et ................ o'cicck ................ 3:..
<br />': ` and recorde3 ir.Deed Itecord............................... F'age .............................. .
<br /> •`` ......................_.................................... By .......................................
<br /> .....................
<br /> Connty Clcrk or Deput�• Gouucy Clerk or
<br /> Register of Deeds lleput}�1:€gister of lle��ds
<br /> f 7b- Q�17296
<br /> � IREt+lE 3!. SxREFrT�sR, A t'.As'� Yiob1�1,,
<br /> , Lerein called the grantor whether one or 2:n,
<br /> in considr.ration of TF.�'£iTEE19 Tfi0t7SAIdD DCILI.ARS ($13��•�)
<br /> zeceived from grantee, dues grant, baresin, sell, coneey and confirm unto
<br /> AA?I➢ALL L. Sf�.rfS
<br /> hcrein called the grantee a�liether oue or n:ore, the folln�,in�described real prepertc in
<br /> ` ............SAL�.......................................... Gouncti•, i\ebraska: LCTTS r"I. Gf�iY T'i�0 (82)� AIrD
<br /> T ' EIGhi'Y TI-�iEE ($3)� Itd E�i02dT ADDITIO",J lsir ADDIiIC2i TO TI� CI1 T OF GRA,I'D
<br /> ' iSLa11D� I�:ALL COIRa'TY� h�&�k5?ik.
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<br /> Tn Lace. uud to l�old �he above described p:emises together with all tenemenu, hereditamente
<br /> and appiu�tenances thereto LeIongine ur.to the �antee and to grantee's heirs nnd assi�ns forecer.
<br /> ;: `. _�nd t!:e erar,tor does Lereb�� cu�•enant with iiee grantee and tirith graniee's heirs and assigns
<br /> tl�at ernntor is 1:,trfuLp seised ei �aid premises; that the}• �rr iree iron encumnrnnce
<br /> !'s `
<br /> �liai gran:or has;ood right and l��ciul uiittiorit�� to eon�•e�- the samz: aud that �rnntor �rarrsnts and �cill
<br /> ? ' defend the title to said p:emises eeainst ti�e lan-fiil claims oi all persons;chomsoe��er. ,
<br /> Daied ��1� � 19�6
<br /> . . _
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<br /> CEDRGE 5*�.�'FL.���,'
<br /> ' <T:1TL 6I'\EBRASIi3.Counrr cf.........................................................:
<br /> Lefore rne. a notan� puhlii• nn;�liS'ied for�aid counrc, per�onallc came
<br /> ' �,II� L. s.�F.�.F-�.x r�� cEc:p.cE s���z, ms� �rm v�T�,
<br /> af I
<br /> ;:;ioticii tc� uie to he tlie identie;�l person or F;ers�ns nno signed the
<br /> iorv�oiae instrument nnd ,^.eknolcled�ed the esecution thereof to be his, �j
<br /> Ler or their co]untar}•act and deed. ' , '
<br /> ��,��Q � �J9q N ,
<br /> , �Cifness n:�• hand sn%i notnrial setil on�E�.^..�!.'.Z?ti!�..,l..�l.....//../.....� �
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