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Y4� <br /> �j. .._... � ....� ( ���� <br />''�.�4�'�`3 f � <br />�:,�'e', �. <br />`��� ,_� ��������� <br />,�,. <br />� ' �ionrcnc•r: <br /> - ------- -_--___--=---»oh7�c,:�c�i �_o;��tio_.,__L 22,470 <br /> � ntiu�+'.A1:Lh1(i\Hv7•iir-srrR��s[•.nrs:r�,�t Jovice �4. Nargens, I1014 by marriaqe Joyce t��. 1'osten and <br /> John D. Yosten, ;ter husband, <br /> , ,linnRngur,whcther one m�mare,m cunsiderotinn of the sum of' - � � � � � � <br /> Ei hteeii 7Housand and Yo/1Q0_--------- --------------------- <br /> -- ------------- <br /> --�--------- ---=—---------- "—"��ot.Lnas <br /> Iva�ied tn said moneagvr by The I�quitabie H+tildinR and Luan;lssociatiun of t,ind Island.\rbrasY,a.Sioneaeee,upon �fi� shsres o1 suick of � . - � � � . <br /> tniii ASS(?ClAl10\ l.cnifiratc No.L 22�h�O .dn iicreiiv Rrant,comrp and monea�c the said.1SSih:1,11Y0ti the iclinwing � � . <br /> . deniibed n�l cscafc,snua�ed in F1a11 C�iimta,\'cL+raska: � � � � <br /> � <br /> THE FAST HAIF QF �1�E iVORTHEAST QUARTER OF 11iE S�JUTHEAST QUARTER <br /> ([';NE3;,5E�:,) OF SECTTQN TI�lEN7Y-TNREE (231, TOldNSHIP ELE4EN (11) <br /> N012Tf1, IiNVGE TlJFLVE (12), i;E�T OF 11iE 6th P.M., I�' HALL GUUfVTY, <br /> \E4RA5Kl\. <br /> y ;' <br /> i��Fe�Lcr mith :ill the �cnements,i�creJit�menis�r,d�.pruncmanees d�cicumu i+clonemk,u�dllt�inY]fl9C�letl 1�001 eo�enngz-.ap tcirluN�screens. � � . . <br /> «indu�e shaurs.h!inds,sionn a�indu�ct,av:nmes,hra�i!�y cr cenditionine.and phunhing im.i«a�er�•quipntent ami accracries�hric!o,pu!nps.stores. : � . <br /> tei'�i�;e�alurs.�nd e.thet 13stvres�nd equipm�nt non�oi h�±ealier sttacheil tn r.r nced in c�+nnection�ci�h shiii real es[ate. � . �. <br /> . ,1nd ahc�eas iiir said moitp•ignr I!^.t�creed ard docs!icrcbv aerec thot tir:mengagnr<ii�!t ar.ii�t�dt���r�il taxes and 2ssetsments ic�ied er � <br /> : �sv�ssi�d upon said�remis�s�iw itn�n this mortq�cc±rii ihc bnnd��,�,,•cii tl�^rel}� L•rti!re P�c<,•unr ihall t•ccomc dcLnqucnt:to fnrni=.h apnro�rd ' . . . <br /> t� in•,ua�ire u,un 4�,c buildines��n.Cd .��•mis^s sncatcci in dir su:n ot c �• � . . <br /> t 1 ��.�QQ.�II I'���hic �o said :\SS�,iI\l70\ �„d in dcli�er io�sid <br /> �.� � :15c0(]:1TI0\ti�c puliries Sm c�id in<w:mcr.a��d not�u cemnut ur��cntu�ar,}•�e��ac un ci�t.ut�:fu3 picmises. � � � . � <br /> 'i��. In ca�c ui�iciault in ihe pcni+rmance ui:mt�:N the�cnnc���i�in;:dnini�s u1 this menesec ei th;hond<�cured iiereh��.ihe meneagee shall. . <br /> ;��� , o,�dem�rd.Irr enutird tn im� eJiote pns<.ess�un i�f�iie n:nil�aced�.rm;.:ec srd thc mu�:caeer I�,cre6� ��si�r,s, u�mslirs snd �ets uver io the . . <br /> mo�ty,�ger ali tlir,crni�.nccnues and ir,eu:nr m Le r.cri��ed lium d;c mnrte�eed pirmixs durme SucL time as thc nwnexee indc6tednesz sh111 rentain � � � <br /> - unpaid:and the m�.i+�.��gee st!all liacr�hc nouei to spl�umt irt.n�em oi atten!5 u nts��desnc tin t!�r.purCose ol repa�ri»g s�id premises ar.d remin� . . � <br /> �hr c�mc in.d i�,Ueninc+he�rnt<,u��rnucs�nd,m•,.rir.a�id i�m���pe��•.,ut ot �,�d mr�r.,� �n e�prn<es ot ;epair.ns;aid t•;emisn and reeeisarv . . .. <br /> mmmis.wnt nmi rq•en•es mcmred in irn!ine:+nd nunxiine thr same snd rn „Ilec�ine �i�nt�l� ihsreGmn:t!;r, t•�isnee rem:!ini.e�.i!am�.in be � <br /> � ai•��,Iied i�.;�r:ud dre dis:hsige��f<�id monezre irdeLtednesr.these;�•.f the m m_:�,cr r.,���1. e�e�ci<ed at snc tim�du*;ut�t!te esistence ef such . . <br /> . dcl2ul�.iin.<pccU�'e v(am-�cmn�+�xn�a��i�r�ut th^santc. <br /> `t� 1 hcsc P�escnts,hmcc�r�.s�.urun�he l��r,�luinn.I hai it d;c aid\tnue,¢�n slc�li tcp7t :�r,d lnan un ur I�cto�c tLe m:nuntv v1 said<_ha�e�hr . <br /> ` ��n tncnt:p���,non�l.l� m}aid 1�SOCI�\71�)1 tLr v i t.�rcilicl in tLc H�.�m� un�d h��ef.���. i�,.cic.t .d t`iut ����I c� �aid!o�n.�.n on c�l n�r <br /> .;� �I�,.�-�n•ntirih dat u�c ch;m�1 e�en r�nr�h.t,ud s�id In.f.i is.tvilc v��id �.i}�all ta�e�.n i as<.e ment�Ie�ie�{akamst<,id n.emi:es ard��n thi�11o:tc...e^ � . <br /> � an i thi 9 md�,.cun 1�Iu�cL�.V� nr deliry i:++�s.tu�m.. ��.a�,r.l rism:�ncr iq. n�h�hdldi.e th iru��in� sum�.i F�a ���.�� ('��:�ble � . . <br /> � �. to c,id 1SS17('I,111!1� i•�,.�� t. . �d:145(`t'I:11I[)\i.�ut ?un.m,d r.l!n•crra i.�it i_:d t". .nh t��.s.a..issiucntc .i,�?i:ira�icc�r�lh in�c�es!�t <br /> ihcmesimtnnleEcili'ttethc�e��nlnnnda!f��tl•=}inrnl;f!IMxhich3lonv�ieunc��rl.� �crecst��pn:�•rimitnntt�cic�rns�idrterttisc 4.^cp;!ndcnmpl�� . <br /> �• � �vi�h all dtc a�tcrm:n�<svd�ondm�.i.ei Uic No�xi h,i'v this d:!� t,-.�.�1 �I <br /> ��j,Q�� U� .� . ..�d 1Ln��a ur i. •.�id:\�SUlLl11O\ �i i,�„��:��!y� <br /> sr . �.tiih all lhe requi�ements��l�hi l nnslitmiun•i�iJ ISt 1 2 r,nl z�id:AS�i0.1:i1 ItlA,N n t'+.^<_. v�esents si�.dl h.conte null and e�td itheiv:ise th^v <br /> . �re::nd nci� hc linerli��cd�� � r,t nf il�c c!iS .1ScOC1:171r1� ��t,•r !;�ilvi^_ t��r thu�e m,,•uliz lu n•al; rC z�id <br /> � slvll rentain i:i Iiill f�+ . h <br /> �,i��n,rnts m hc liurr ro"n11is in�n�•n<;n•n,knnt tud m�.,mhlt p���n.c��ts,m �o F cy,�i�d a•m�lc n�i!h the�e�een!ruts�r.�{a�r.d�tinns of"id ISund�. <br /> -i " :r�id Aloit��goi aviers n�ha�e:!irieicer:ippuinted G�t�fmi�h;n such 1 te�I��su�:•�o.,ceedine<. � <br /> ��. . 11 their is�m��eluinkr in o«�ncisliip nl t!�c�ral est:itc�m�it�tar,rd 1!etcin.I•.y�<alc ut utl�ctui^e.thcn tl��c cnt;ir temaininc im.i:htcdn^_<.s h:rebv <br /> f _ <ccmrd Ihr o�nivn ul I�hr Pquilul,lr 13ui1dinp and l.nen A'suciatii+n ut l„a»d I51mnJ.�clna<ku.6rmnte imtncdi:ttc!y duc andps���hlc ttithuut <br /> �inil�e� mHice.nnd dre;!nrount u•m�niien duc voder said h�.�nd.^nd any nthr�L�nn{tl,i anr,d�fition+l vd��nces made tLenvndc�.shall.11um Qie <br /> i: dzte��I ese�cise ol said��plinn.l,rs�iiucirs�i!the masinunn Ici�l r.itr.s•,d!his n+.u•tg��c m�t�d:en be fnreelen�d m<�tist'r the anmunt due un s�i1 <br /> � � L'�q1�,8tltl]n�-r.�llll'1 I/ifI14I I�111 9tWIGO1101,9tI\111C[c�t����r�fici�siih�II� p�id l� r.!id 1 hc P.quit�Mc N!iildine and l�� n��1.ociation al t�iand lsland. <br /> `:elna�ka!ln insiu,nn.t:+:es rnd�s�essnr.•ms aud•!hshaclinz�'ctrn iun chz��es.���ith imr�est th^reon. lin,n date ol p,�rrent 2t thr tl1:iXi111U111 <br /> � iccalia�c. � <br /> � .. :k�veeided in Ute Rond sreureJ h^�ebp.��hile�hia!�r�u�ace icnnins in rHict the mo�t��arre m�� herealter ad�::nce addiiiunal smue tn tl+.e <br /> d-. ; rukeis nl SSIII(IUIIl�.1I1"If 1S4IFI17�ti SIICCC�SniS i111i1tntC<I,ttlllCll�inuy sl�ail bc��ithin ILc<.rrviit�•ut thi:rom�uat�^tl. s mc as dic Lu;ds m�iain,�llc <br /> <ccured�hcicl,��,Uic tntal:m!nunt ot�iiinri�,:il d„bt no�t i�.�ctccrd:�t xnc tin�r d,c mi¢iml amnuut cl d�is mr•, . . <br /> -. u:,��:a,!�;� llth �i���„r Ue�einb�r .�.u.��� r,�'� <br /> ; � � <br /> � _. �_ - <br /> .>- , <br /> ����,i_.r� �, ;:}'—"'� , . .� ��'-„ <br /> � � <br /> _--- --------- <br /> ,_ , : ,-� <br /> r: <br /> •' Jd"yce Pi. 'i osCen �.-�o m-J. �'1�s ten"— — <br /> STATL•UFNGBRASIGI.� S, Uiit6is t]��l'!atal DEC2111h8P 1'? hcl�• <br /> col�NTv oP HALL '� '�'r`• i <br /> . t!ie vndetsiened.a Nomrg PuLlic in snd ti�r s�id Cour.t�,t �s�,�tsllt'came - <br /> Joyce P�. Hargelis, iiow by mar��iaye, �.luYce M. 1'osten and J�hn U. Vosten, uer husb�a�id �G� � <br /> .� � .:;: ..,. v.ho �1'! pr<mal��!:nnvcnto � �• <br /> � <br /> m�..�li�Uc'11�E id@utieal perau!� g ��Losc name S al-a :diiscd ln thc abutr instrumcnt e;mnrtr.�zo� $ �r.d t�lny sc�ciallt• a`f <br /> r�' h.;. �-. <br /> ' atknuteleilgedthr :�id�usttvment tn l�c the i r snluntnry act mtd dec�1. t� <br />'c, <br />�y � HfIR�SS mt I!ind snd f•t H ial Se�l lhe dnte hiurc<�id. 1 �I t;1 <br />° ! 4�t[+rtmiission rxpires ( 1 , I�y` <br /> . <br /> s�''� � , t" F k��t,�� �,��, ����� ' � �r; ��������- � y � <br /> 33; .' -: !� __— _�- - - ` .-,izn i'uFj�-- <br /> ,i:enit� + �` <br />�� <br /> -� � � I <br />-x <br />' � <br /> t <br /> � <br /> }. <br /> 3 <br />