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�; • <br />�: � ,;�t <br />� , I <br /> . .�:�.a. <br />�r �_-:�..I>7b,�_{��_'�:�';3:..-, .._ .._-. .: __. _- -, _ -_ , <br /> ; � <br /> _ __ .. <br /> �.__. .. . .. _ _ _ __ , <br /> � �I � 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) (Heviaed 1962) — 1>>u FiuIIman Gun•r.1 supply fiouse,L'u�mm,Ncbr. � . . . <br /> —�� <br /> .. �I} � � � � _ <br /> }; KNOW ALL nfGN I3Y TiiESF. PRPSI:NTS: That David A. 4Thite and Sharon R. White, Husband and � ; <br /> � Wife, each individually in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, I <br /> � ( of Hall County,nn�l Sfate o[ NObxaskd ,u�considezation o({he sum o( j <br /> ij TWENTY-THREETHOUSANDANDNO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARs [ <br /> f; in hand paid,do Lereby 5ELL and CONVLY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island � <br /> I ! Grand Island, N�braska i I <br /> �!� of � H311 County,State o[ Nebraska Uie following descriLecl premises siluuted � i _ .� � <br /> . �!4 � . } � � .. � . . <br /> in HHll � Cow�ty,nnd State of Nebraska ,lo-wit: �� <br /> i�� �f � � i � � . �- � <br /> i� i <br /> �� Fractional Lot Sixteen (16) 1n Practional Block One (1) in � ,' <br /> ;� Parkhill Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, i ;' <br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska. � i <br /> ' <br /> i f <br /> , `,� � I <br /> � i: <br /> i '' <br /> i ; <br /> �1 ! , <br /> E <br /> f � ( <br /> �� The inlentiun being to convey hcre6p:m nbsulute liUe in(ce simple,including all the rights o[homeslmd and dowrr. I <br /> 'PO HAVG AND'1'O}IOLD lhc premises.�buve deticribed, witl�:dl lhe nppurtenances fhereunto bClonginF.unlo the tcatd . <br /> � ` mortgagce(s) and to his,l�cr ar thcir heir5 nnd assi�;ne furuver, pruvided nhvays, mtd ll�ese presenls :ire upon lhe exprcav� , . <br /> a�nditiun thal if the said mor�gagor(s),his,her ur thcir heirs, esitiutars, :uLninistrators ar assi�;ns shall pay or cause lo Le I � <br /> paid lo(he s;iid mortga„ec(s),his,het or thcir heirs,excculurs, administrator5 ar;�signs,the principal smn of S 23����.�� � � . <br /> paYnble:ia foilows.tu wit: I <br /> i <br /> i � 2 <br /> � Payable in three hundred monthly installments in the amount of ONE IIUNDRED i <br /> � EIGHTY-NINE DOLLARS AND 10/100 ($189.10) including principal and interest � ; <br /> � to be due on the first day of each month, commencing February 1, 1977 with � <br /> final payment of principal and interest due and payable on January 1, 2002. <br /> 3 ' <br /> � i <br /> S. � � <br /> : I a•ith interest.t�ccor�ing to ihc lenor and elTect oI the mort;agurs written prumissury nole bcarin�;even d�te with lhese presenls . � <br /> � I and 5}1LII�)3}'all laxes UnJ:issessm��nts I��vird u�xro s�id real rstate,and all ather taxes.Icvies nnd asse,smenLv levird upon lh�� . . . <br /> �'��. � mortgage or lh�•notc�which this mortgage is given lu secore, betorn the same txcumes di�linqucnl,und keep lhe buildings on 1 <br /> � Isaid premises insured for thr sum o[S 23�000.00 , loss,it unY,payable to the s�id mortR�Kee.then lhese presenLv i . . . . <br /> I In IM cuid,otherxise to be and remain in full force. . . <br /> t PI' IS I�UIi'CHL•'R AGRLIiD (1) 'Chat it thc� said mortgnFor shcdl f,iil to pery such taxes or procure such insurnnce,the; <br /> � � <br /> I said murlgagce may PaY such taxes and procure such insurnnce:and the sum SU iIIIV:II�CIKI, \51LF7 interest at eleVen Per i <br /> � ttnt,shall be repaid by said mart�;atior,and tLis murtgage s-h:tll sland ns security tor the Sama ('-') Thnt a fuilurc to pay nny� <br /> � � o[snid monuy,eilher prinripul or inlerest,w�hen thr s:ime Uecomns due, or a L•tilure lo cumplv wilh uny ot tlie forrgoing' <br /> i� al;reements,shall cause tlie a�hule sum o[money }�crcin secured tu becume duc �nd collectible at once at the option o[ the� <br /> � modgagce. � . <br /> • �, ���, Signed this 17th day of DOcembet , 1J 76� � i <br /> n ^ i : <br /> �� �� <br /> � . � In presence o( X ���f�lr�.!'-���.Ey'✓�............. . ..i ,.. <br /> i Davj A White ' <br /> , � � ''� � X� , . F%'>% ;:� ; 1�` • , <br /> : .................. .. ....... . . .... ... .._ . �?!.(,:`C. C �.._:(,.�t.......... .. . .._.. .... t , <br /> _..... Sfiaron �2. Z�liite '. <br /> • i <br /> y ' I ............... ........ ... .............. ......._...... . . . . ......... . .. ..... ..... ........ <br /> � : <br /> � ' � ST _. ..Nebzas.ka...... . Co�,�ty ot . ......Hall <br /> i Q.i .............. <br /> ' �Gj3e o���,�rf ry public yualified for said wunty, personally c:une llavid A. White and Shaton R. White,� <br /> ;� � .•�;E�t,..,. ,1, ; <br /> v <br /> � i � C�np�S1�� .� e.�t�o,C��h identical person ur persons who signed the furegaing instrument und ncknuudcdgc■1 the execution f ', <br /> '�. , �;� .th,�r��j��p5�i;�jBl 3��r o thcir voluntarY act nnd dc�d. i <br /> � � 1 `�C',�„ i <br /> ,�XPIRES t'� ' <br /> � December, 17,;�� ,.,._...�,... � <br /> . {� Wi ess my�h�hd d notanal sca on ............. ... 19 � <br /> ! ,; �'cqutiGniig�'�w��� ....__........G.���o.......... .. 1f�.�.`... .......��'-G� s:tza..i�m^�.._Notary Pubtic , <br /> 's. � � � ,�.,- • <br /> .,; <br /> ` 'OFN , i , „ <br /> � � STA � l I:ntered on numericul indes mid filed for recurd i ' •N � <br /> � ......_"-"_.............._....._._...--'_..._........ � <br /> ; � J�. <br /> County in the Register of Dceds Office of said Counfy the� ' � <br /> ........................................................................... <br />�� of................................................ 19..........., at...............................o'clock and............................minutes................. Ei.,; -' ,�' <br /> _ � ' <br /> o: i und rncorcled in pai;e........_..._..__.................... i � <br />�� �� ., ........ReF. o[ Dceds i . . ' <br />.� <br />=? i IIy..........................................................................................Dcnuty� <br />-' { <br /> �S ._ ___ _.. ,_ ___ , <br />� - -_ <br /> - _. . _ _ __ ___ <br /> � J <br />,,--� <br />- � <br /> � <br />