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�' � , ��y <br />�p Y <br />�"` �'. ,�b- �n�`��� � <br />�' :. • <br /> z CORPORATION SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> The grantor Da-Ly Realty & Insurance, Inc. <br /> I , :� corporutiou organized and existing under and by virtue of the Inws of the 8tate of Nebraska <br /> in considerxtion of TWENTY-�IGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNllRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ($28�250.00) � <br /> received from grantee, does grant, barguin, sell, convey nnd confirm unto James B. Kelsay nnd <br /> Janet L. Kelsgy, husband and wife <br /> as joint tenants �rith right of sur��ivorship, and not as tenants in common, th� F�"n«�ir� de5crihsd real <br />� ' ro ert in Hall ,,,,, County, Nebraeka: Part of Lot Three (3) of the <br /> PP Y ............................................................... <br /> County Subdivision of Lots 13 and 16 and part of Lots 8,11,12 and 14 of the County <br /> F: ; Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE'�SW�) of Section <br /> Sixteen (16)� in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) �dest of the 6th P.M., <br /> �{ '; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the <br /> Westerly line.of fractional Lot 3, in Block 8 of Arnold Place, in the City of Grand <br /> �; V: Island, Nebraska, with the North line of said Lot 3 of said County Subdivision; <br /> �:, :• <br /> thence running in a Southeasterly direction on a continuation of said Lot 3� in <br /> Block 8� Arnold Place, to the Southerly line of said Lot 3 of said County Subdivision, <br /> - same being the Northerly line of the alley as now located and established therein; <br /> > +� thence Northeasterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 3 of said County Subdivision, <br /> to its intersection with the Southerly line of said Lot 3, Block 8, Arnold Place, and <br /> thence due West along the North Line of said Lot 3 of said County Subdivision to the <br /> place of beginning; said tract fornting, with said fractional Lot 3, Block 8, Arnold <br /> Place� one full Lot 66 by 132 feet and <br /> The Westerly Fifty (50) feet of fractional Lot Three (3), in fractional Block Eight <br /> (8) in Arno1d Place� an Addition to the City of Grand Island� Nebraska. <br /> To ha�•e and to hold the ubove descriLed premises together �vitli all tenements� hereditaments and <br /> ;i appurtenances tlicreto belon�ing unto thc grantees and to their ussigns, or to thc licirs and ussigna of Che <br /> sun•i��or of them fore�•er. <br /> And grxntor for itself u�id its successors does Lereby ro��enunt �sith tlie grantees and �vith their <br /> � • assigns and u�ilh tLe Leirs and assigns of the suTvivor uf them that grantor is In�vfully seised of said <br /> _ prewises; tLat they are free from encumbrance except for easements and restrictions of record <br /> � i <br /> r : <br /> J. . <br /> that grantor has good right aud lawful authority to cm�voy the same; nnd that grantor wnrrants and <br /> �ti�ill defend the title to said premiaes against tlie la�ti�fui clnims of all.persons whomsoever. <br /> It is the intention of nll parties hereto tliut in the e�•ent of the death of eitiicr of the grantees, <br /> � the entire fee simple title to the real estate shnll �•est in tLe surt�i��in� grantce. <br /> In witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be nffi�ed and these presants <br /> sig�ted Ly iLs f'resident. <br /> ���;itca,���(���� �� 's�J�' �rc;ac� <br /> , .�;; � <br /> ' �... .. '; .. . ti� <br /> '. ,. ..' ' NEEP,AS{<N DOCUt;SEf�TARY � ¢�<•;t y' � /f-� <br /> �,.� �� �F7�''',_ STAidiP TAX � GL �-�t ��a?-d.C/ti` <br /> ,` , . .�..... .. ...1.1......_....... ...� .............................. � <br /> ... �,, � <br /> ..... . <br /> Da-Ly R�lt & Ins�ce, Inc. �'¢' <br /> , 4 � DEC 1� 1976 � <br /> . ; �w . <br /> � . v i3y � � ...�....��4i�K.. Pmsideut <br /> '•� :�� '� , .............. .. <br /> . ��13r pY i�. Rudolf F. 1 e <br />' r ST�T� OF Nebraska ,,,,, County of .......Ha11 <br /> � Before ruc,n notary public qualificd for s,�id county, personally cnme <br /> Rudolf P. Plate� President of <br /> Da-Ly Realty & Insurance, Inc. , a corporution, <br /> � <br /> know•ii to be the President and idenUcnl peraon�cho signed the furegoing instrument,und ncknow- �'��`;=� <br /> ledged the execution thereof to be hie volantnry act and deed us such officer and the volunt�ry act and N��•• <br />; � deed of snid corporation and that its corpornte�cal �ti'as thereto affiaed by its authorit}•. I . � �.:" <br />�r,' � ,7 '' <br />, W�tzte�my hand nnd notarisl eeal on........................I?Q�.4N!be.£.,..��............, 19..�6......... t� <br />� T{t�t rtr� <br />.. . . � — ' f i!} <br />� GCN:?.' r'•Y /.�... � � <br />,. • r..::. ............... ... ........../........�............................ Notnn� Public. <br /> Sirf:c`�':., <br />� . _ J� <br />�,�. },sy�;;�:�r._,., ...�r • Tip commission eapires.......`.�...�j.�...................... 19�� <br /> ::c4c. ... ...... <br />�� �� � � <br />_ �. <br />,,� - <br /> � <br />