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� ...,. �' Y:. <br />?3. � . , .�Jy`� <br /> a$ � . � . . . . . . . . <br />;�: �' � . �b� � � U71 �; 1: � <br /> a„ � MORTGAGOR5 MAY � MAKE PREPAYMEMTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT �UE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE ' � � � <br /> AFPLIED TO I�iSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDEft THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT fN DEFAULT � � � . <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS� OF THE MOR7GAGE0 PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF 7NE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, � _ <br /> � PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISN TO THE UNDERSIGNEO 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENT5, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- � � � . <br /> 3 HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN W EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS . � <br /> SHALL BE SECURED� BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFfECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. � � . �� � <br /> THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVIiNANTS AND AGRF.F_S ; <br /> I ': <br /> � � 7'hat the . Atartgngor uill pay fhe indehti�clness as hercinlx•ftire prnvirf�d � � � . � <br /> 1'hut the AI<�rt�;ngnr is the owner of said propr-riy in fi•e �implc and has �orul ri�ht a.nd L�wfal auihority� tn sell � and � - � <br /> - ccnevev the same anii U�at ihr same is frre and cl��ar of nn}• lien nr encumbr:ince: and � hid A1nrt�aFur wilt �rarrant and d�d��nd the . . . � <br /> � title lo viid . prr.mise, � tiqainst the daims uf . all per=o�u �vhnmsuevee . . . . <br /> �� � � �. To pay immedisiely ���hen iiuu and paya6lr all �eneral tax<�. special taxos. s{x�cial :icsessm�nts. wat.r ehug��s, sewer sen�. � . . . , . � � � , <br /> ice� chargcs, and other tnzes un& charges �guinst snid pro��t�riy, and �II t�ses leried mi the debt srrured herehy. and lu furnish ihe . . . <br /> . . ,\7orl�;agec, upon mqucst. ���th t}�� �ri;,�nal ar du��lir:�fe rereipt> Ihercfor. 'Che '�ton�agur m�rers th�t there shall Iu+ added to . . � � . � . <br /> �, each �nunihly payment � required hereunder or under Ihi� i�vidence nf de6t srcured ]sreby em :amoimt e;timated b}' th�+ '�lortgagcr . . �. . . . . <br /> � tn � be sutRcie�il. ta en•sble lhe 1lorfgugcr to puy, as ihoy becnme duc. :dl taxes, as::essrmaris, and similar charges upun th�• pnrm- � . � � - <br /> ' � iu•s. suhjec�t lhernto; any deficiency b.•caas�� nI Ihr. 1�vtiuHicienc}' oI such �dditinn:�l papmi�ni, sh.ill be. furihtsith dupusited by the� �� � . � <br /> . \forlgaqor u�ilh ihe Atortgngeu upon demnnd hr the 1lort�u;;ee. :i�q• default under � hi� par:�::r.iph ahaiil be dcemed a defiault. in . . . . . � , <br /> . Payment of trixe:;. :wsessnx�nt;, nr similar;;cti rrquirrd h��rew�di+e . . � . <br /> Tlic 9furt;;u�:or ngre��n thnt U:ere :h�ll al.:o M added tu ��,�ch mnnthly p:q�m�znt ut prinripal and intrresl n�quired here- -: � . . . . . . <br /> under nn :+mount estirm�te.d hy tho Ain�tgaFec lu b�• ,utlicirnt to �v�nbie the Ator� E��:�•e� ti� p�iy. :�: it b��mmr. due, the insurance _ . . . � . <br /> , � premium on ttny insurt3nre �ailiC)' deliee•red tu the 9fort�;n;;ee. :\np drficienc�� lu�cause uf tho msu(iici�•ncy r�f ;uch udditionatl pay- . � . . <br /> f- � mi�n�, =hall bt Inrth�cilh dcpo=itix3 l�p thc �furtg;��ur ti��ith t6e '�loripagcr upon d��mtmd 6�� ti��� '�fon�;aR!'�'. :Any dc•fuult under this � . . <br /> ; pnra�rsph vhe�ll tx• deemrd a def.auft in llir paymi�nt o( in.ur.mce ��remiums. li tiie policy or pnlicies dF�posited are =uch ns hon:�- � � <br /> uH•ners or nll ris}: policii�,. and Ihr �fepusits nn• in=u(fici�•nt to p,�y the ��niire prrmium, thr �iurti;ii�ee• rn:iy apply thN de��osit tn �. . � . . . � . <br /> r. ' p�q premiums on riski rcquited to be ineured bp ihis moricagr. � � . � . <br /> _ Yapmc•nts made h}� the :�forlgngor under the nbu��e parscrnph. rne�v, at thr o�rtion oi thi� ;�tonY:��ee. br held bp il nnd � � � . ' � <br /> j`. � commingled wilh niher <uch funds or iL. o�rn (unds fur � he pnymeut n[ such items. and until .<u applied. riuch pn>•mrnts arr tirmby , � � . . . <br /> pl�vigt�cl as srcurity far the unpaid balanrr, af Yhe mortp:��;a• indebtedne�s. _ . � � � � <br /> � . . . , . . . . � � . <br /> ; .. 'I'o pnxurc. drli��er lo, und mainuiin for the b�•ueiit� of thr '�Tort.;:i�ee durinv the IiG• ��f lhis morty::i„e rrri�:iwl pulici�; and . <br /> renewals thereof, delicen�cl cat least ten days beforr. the exPiration of auy �ucir policies. inaurinP. »;'�iinst firr ;m�i nfher insurnble . <br /> ;� � hazanls, casuallies. nnd contingencies aa ihe \tort�a�;ec may re�yuire, in an amounL equak iu the , indehtcviness ��ocur�Yi hy this � � . � <br /> � A7orlgage, and in a�mP�inies accrpt��ble to ehr Aioriga;ee. �cith ln,, paynbl�• c�ause. in lpeur of r3nd in torm neceptablc tn tiie \fortFa- . <br /> ���c. In the e�•en[ . an3' policy is nut � rene�e«7 mi or beturr trn days ot it; expiratinn. the 11oriRagi•e �may prurure insurnnce un the � . . � . <br /> � improvemcnta. pap tLe premium therefur. rsnd sur.h sum .=.hall 'nrc;ane icnmcdiritelp dui� aud pacu6li� with interesi at ihr rate set . � � <br /> � tnrth in said notr puid und shall }n secunxl bp this monF�6�'. I'ailure en thr purt uf tLe \iortga�or to (urnish �uch renewnl., : � � � - � � <br /> �i-� a+ are hemir: mGuirc�l or fitilure in pay em� sums advunced }��roun�ler nnall. :ri ihe optiun �if thr \1nrtKng�•e. rnnstituti� n dr(nutt . � � . ' <br /> �' under the tnrnis of thi, mort�aKe. 'I'hr d�•li�•er�� of such polici�•s vhall. in the ee��nt o[ dr(ault . ci�nstilute� nn :is.itinmrm nf th�• um . . . . � <br /> � c:irniv! premium. . � . <br /> s � � :1ny sunu rra•i���•d hy Itie \iortRa�;�r hy� rr;ison o[ los, ur dumage in>iucd u�:ainst nvi}• Irr re�ained In� the \1urt�:a�ce � . � .. <br /> . :wd '1�1(IIIPI� �O\4';If(I }hp plvment n( Llir d�bt hereM� srrurc�i. ur, t�t Uie uptiun uf thi� �inrtFagee, such sunu ci� her whnllp or in - . . . <br /> :� pert m:fy br paid otrr lo th�� Uorl �;a�;or lu txr used to rrpair suck� buildiu{;s nr tn build nr��' buildin�s in the�ir pince or for ant� . . . <br /> . nther purposc or n6j��a•t �uisf��rturp io i}��, Aiurt�n;:o�� �ri� hnut xff��r� in:; tiv li��n �,n iL:, mnrtFa�:e i�rr � i�r IuII amoun� serum�i here. . � <br /> bc h�•(um tiuch paym�>nt ov�•r tcrik place. � . <br /> �. '1'n prumpllp r�•p:�ir. rr:turr ��r mbuild :mv bnildin;:x � � r impro��emr•nt= noo� � ir h��rcvi(��� r �m tLc prcmiscs ��ivch nvn' lx�- � � � � <br /> i� � � � <br /> , come dumaA���i or di�troyrd : in kecp =uid pmmis��: in ca,d �nn�iitian tmd re,pair :ind frr•i• Irom nu�' m��rhanic's Iicn nr olhcr li�•n o� . <br /> . cfaim nf lii�n nnt sut�urdinated t�, thr livu tu�n•�d. nn� �o ,uficr �,r pa• rmu .ui�� unlawfui usv „( or an�� nuisanc�• w ��xi=_t nn � � � <br /> , anid prnperty nor tn p��rmit �ris�i• on ;aid premi.r•s. nor b� du nny �rthur urt �ch�� rrh�� tlu• pn�p«�rty h�•rrhy ronveci�d shali lx�eome - � - <br /> ii � v:alu�hle. uor tn dirtunu�li �,r imP:�ir its ralur }i�• :iny ac� ,�r r�rni .tiun t„ �i�t . t � � ��urnpl} �•• iNi :ill rc�quin�mi•nis nf L�w �+'ith m<p��•t � <br /> .i ' to th�� murl �a�;vd prrmi�r, end ihc u �� ther��uL � <br /> �. 1'h:at ,hoiild th�• pcetni�e, ar :my P��rt tho�ouf 6e tak��n nr d;�maged hy rr:�.an ui an9 public i[nprr�vem�•n! or cundrmnntion . � <br /> ��. , pr�xredinR. or un�icr fhc ri�ht n( eminrnl domnin. ur in any u; hcr msnm�r. tiir �1�-�rl �a;;�•�• .hall h,. rniiH��d to all o,mpaneations. . <br /> awnrds. vnd any �rilu•r pa�'mrnt or r.•lic( lhrrrfur, an�. t �h:dl hr cntilli�ii. al ils op� ir�n. tu rmm�ii�nce. appcar in and prtni�ul�r in iLc . <br /> � � n;vn name .ui}� netion ur pnxr•�•din;;. nr tu make uny ���,inprumis�; ur ,rnl�•mrnt in cnnnection �ti�itL such takinti nr dmm�an. :111 �uch <br /> ",�� � rumpi•n+i�ion. n�.•arris. dnma4��. riFht u! :�ction and Prnccivl; ;are hemhy a:;i4ned !n liu• \turte.r;ve. alin mac. ;�ftrr deduclir.g � . <br /> � ' l6emfrum nll ifa oxp��nsea. relea.�• �mv mun�•ys s�r rrr�•icrd b� f: nr :� pply fhr ..;�nt�• un nm' Indrl�t ��dne:.: .icurrd h. n by. Th�• Ainrl - <br /> E . . ,^�ago� nFmri to esrcutr =ue}� furih�,r :�._,iGnmentc n( :m�� �-umP��n>ahuu. :����nrds. d:mv��r:. a:�d rights ui ��c� inn �� nd prorrri!: :tc tlir <br /> \1UrtgugFP rn:11' rPqUifc. <br /> . '}'h�t fn cnse u[ failure tn prdonn xm� nl �hr cuvenanls i�erein. IF<• 9lurlan.Grr rnac �In un � hr A7urtga�;� �r�s brhnlf e�'��r��ILing <br /> : >o eovennnteci : that thr binrl�:a;;ee may alsu du :mr act il ma�� iia���m nrn•.sary u� � irutret � h�• lii�n Iln�r��nf: that thr Siurl¢ugur •h�ill <br /> t � repny upon d�.mand eny money� p;iid ur di>:bured hv the \turt ¢a;:rr i��r :iny u( th�• :�huv�• purpn.��,. ��nd =uch mnnry�s tot;ethrr witli <br /> �n � interest tliere�on ni tiie r.iia prueiiird in r�aid uute shail hecume s�� much nddfiion:d iu<irb� ��dn�•?, hrrr6c .��cun�d �ind maY !x• in- <br /> ° . clude�l in nnv decrt�c toreclusin�; tiiis murp;a�:e rmd be paid au[ nf ihe re�i�s or prnce��d. � �f .:dr � �f .:ud pr�•mise, if nol uther�vi.�• . <br /> 's � paid: thnt it shnll nut be uLlig�aton� upun the Atorlt;a�e._. to inquin• inln � h�• �:didiip o( nm� li<�n. �.ncumtr�neos, ur rl:�im in :id' <br /> �•:- . vnnci�R munryn ns abu�'c auti�orized. L•ut nuthinF hcrriu cun� ;iinrd shall I.• cnn<tr��•<i :i, nvauiriu,: t6i� \inrl ;;:qp�r In adt:mcr nny <br /> moncys for any suc6 purP�>,c nnr fu dn any rict her��und��r. nnd th:u \inr��;,i�;cc >h:dl inivr imc prr�unal linbilitp hi�c:m-�• of ajny- <br /> �� thinr. it mny da or ��mi! t�� d� � hereunder. <br /> . <br /> r <br /> . � In t6i• ev�•rd u� lhe de(imlt Lr \1urlHago� in Ui�• p;iym�•nt o( :�rrv �mtallm�•m . :�- i ��quircd 67 ihr \ofv si�rurrd L�ve6r. �.�r <br /> � in the performe�ticr ni thr edili�;nliun in i}�is murtgape ur in Q�e nole siYured ihrreb��. l6r �lort�;ng�-e �h:ill I�t� rnii �lyd tu drelare Ihr <br /> . � dent secured hereb>• due aud p.tyable wit}i�ut notice, itad the• \li�rt�agee �hall h�• enLllyd :�t it. opUvn. w�ilhout nnticr, cither by itx�if <br /> � �� or hy a rcwr. iccr to im uppoinitvl by iha n,un fhcr�n,L xn�i i+�ithout rr�:.�rd tn thc .id�Kauacq �d .im� .��euri�c G�r thc ind�•Mitilncs�s ��� . `. I -' .1.,.� � �•. <br /> . . cuavi }te;tlry. tn rnte[ u{rent tmrl take P�>s.rvsiutt oi the murtgul:ed prrtni-vs. and to cullcct and r��ceive thr rentv. i<:ur•s anri prolita � � `�+"� .' � , <br />� � thereo(. ond apply Ihe snnu. litis m,t�c �;[ o�mrnlion u.^.d iollection. n�x,a ihe ind��btr•dnr>. v�cured In Ihis tnorltiige: ctid n•nts. . . � � �`` �' <br /> Liva�cs ancl proli45 kx�ine hYrt6y assigncd to the ?�Iort�;ager a� Aitihcr aet•urttt Inr thr• pa> m�•nt o( :�ll ind� bt rinr:� .�ti ur >d fuaoh� �. <br /> 'I'Fie \Sorlgagene shnll hnve lhe perH'rr to nppuint nny r��ent or ag�•nu it rnav Je>irr f„r ihr purp� �.�• n( n•pmnnc ;:iid ��rrm- � . <br /> y ` . . . ivrs: renting t}ie rame: arllectint; !}�r rents. re;rnu�s and ir.eume. :vid �t rciuc pa�� � �ut ut ::ud inro:n�• all r�p<.n:�s inru�n+i im m�t- n <br /> �, � ing nnd managing. thr� snrne and uf Coil�•r.iinR 1}nr rrntalc ihen�irum. 'Cir, b;d;inei• n:re;iinin4. :f :�ny .I::ill hi- ;q �pi �ed t� �+v;inl th�• . 1�1 : <br />� , <br /> - � di�urhnrFe o{ thC murir�a;;e inde•btrdne�+. 1'his ns.i�;nm�mt ic tu h-rtninnt� and ln�rnm�• nni ! :u�d c��id uy�.n mi,.a�..• � �i ii:iti m„rtt:nee. _ . . <br />_�z <br />::�i. <br /> � � � ,. � � <br /> rt`� <br /> � <br /> r.'3 <br /> _� <br />��. <br />