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r 3: <br /> 7 <br /> � � <br /> /� <br />� . ' . � . . .. . . . . .. . . � � � .. ` . . <br />� � <br />' �...—^. � . � . <br /> STATP C71�' NLI3RA�KA, Couuty uf ....................................................: , <br />� <br />. P'iled for recnrd on ................................. 19........ut.......................,.... o'clocic .......,................ ni. <br /> unci recorded in ttie Dced lteeord ................................. Puge ............................. <br /> ...........................................:........................................ I3y ..............,................................................................,...,...... <br /> IZegister of Deeds lleputy ltegister of Deede <br /> � .: .�b- ����l�� <br /> SUP.VI�lORSHTP �1VARRANTY DEED <br /> > ; <br /> MARTOId G. SCOGGTT�S and IdORMA MAE SCOGGTNS,husband and V�ife, each in his and <br /> heT Own ri�ht arid a6 6pou�e 03 the otheT ,herein called the grnntor whether one or more, <br /> in consideration of POUR `PIiOUSAIID FIV� NUNDR�D AIJD ATO/1.00 llOLIlARS (9�4,500.00) <br /> reccived from grnntees, does grnnt, barqnin, sell convey nnd confirm tmto JERRY I,. KINGSLEY ond <br /> IIORb2A JEAIJ KIPIGSI,EY, hueband and wife, <br /> � as joint tenants �sith riqht of eurvivorehip, und ttot nx tenants i❑ emnrnon, the following described real <br /> r +` property in ...G���d...�r9.�,a.�,�.�.e...�T.�.1,1.,....... Cuunty,Nr,LruRkn: ' <br /> i The Southerly .Porty-Ai�: (46) feet of Lot <br /> �ighty-eeven (87), in VJest Lawn Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, I�lebraslta. <br /> NEBRASKR DOCUMENTARY <br /> " STAtviP TAX <br /> r �` h�n�� <br /> ` �hjti��ti DEC 15 1976 <br /> �_��.BY -� <br /> To hnve nnd to hold lhc :ibovr, deseriL•ed premiecs to�;etlier �vith nll tenements, hereditaments <br /> F' and appurtenunces thcreto bclonqing unto the grnntees und to tl�cir uetiigns, ur to tlie lieira nnd nesigns <br /> i of the surcivor of tiicm forr,��cr. <br /> And gruntor rioes 6creby covennnt �sith thc grantceR und witl� thcir asxigne nnd with thc heirs <br /> � and aHsigne of thc eu�ti�icor of tLem thnt gr:mtor is]�i�vfully xr.ised oL'snid prr,rnieca;that thcy nre frce from <br /> encumbrnnce� subjeci; to any easements, covenante and restricti�ona of <br /> � record; <br /> �. that grantor has gond right nud Inwful �mthority to com•cy thr, snwc; iu�d lhat qrantor �sarrnute aud t�•ill <br /> K dcfend thc title to saicl prr.misrs ��quin»t the knvful clni�us of;tll petxnnx �rLomsocecr. <br /> ; It is the intention of ull parties Lcreta ihut iu the eveut of t,lic dcuth ot citLcr of tlic gruntces, <br /> �` tlu• rutirc 1'er. t.iflc tu thi�; rcal proprrty �linll vent, in the xur��iciug qnmLec. <br /> s <br /> '�; i�,�t��1 December /�f , �s'76. <br /> , <br /> ......................... ��'1.�:�.uXt,..�..!'.�t..U.:���.�,a,�. <br /> r .................................................................................... ���r���..��:..�?. � <br /> ���� <br /> ST�iTli OP ................TIGHHIISL�A................. County of ...................IL31]............................... <br /> I3efora uie,n notnry puUlic qnulificd for suid county, persm�nity enme I�lAl3I0Pd G. (iCOGGIIt� <br />, ; and JTORT+tA TrIAL SCOGGIiTS, husband and wife, each in hi3 and her own ri6ht <br /> and as apouse of the other, <br /> k�iown to�ne to bc the identicnl pernon or persona who eigned the forequing instrnment nnd ackno�vledged ^-�.� + _' ` <br /> : ihe exr,cution thercoF to bc liix,Lcr or their voluntnry ar.t nnd decd. -..pj <br /> L � �/ - . � '. <br /> Nitnese my hnnd und notnnnl ecnl on ..........�l�.G.�AJ.b.A�'..............�..1.............., 19.../.6........ �:, <br /> /�[ .�1 . /�y n " , <br />' ��•S�dfdNt6riiki ...........�•••••••.�.(.I.../��Z'�L.11:................ A'ot:iry Pnblic <br /> ' UYMO H.�AINL.JII. ' � � � - . <br /> a„ <br />''� � �MrComabUenlaotru Cc•�rf.LKi— " _. . <br />�v. � xa.�en A1}' comtniasion eapirea.....'.�.��..............................1...., ]9......7..,... <br />��:: I�urm 1.1! 'Po br i�pt�roved by XrLradut Stntc Bar A�noeiution Yelwn k Wol!6�..llne,ln.NeLr. <br />� � <br /> _ � J <br />`'� <br />..� <br />