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, ; .: <br />�.` . � �,� <br />°� � <br />� x.: <br />� � <br />� <br />�.,_: <br />� _ . <br /> ti�� � MORTGAGE--SaWng� and Loan Form--(Dicect Credil Plm) 2553 (Spodal) � � � � _ <br /> �� MORTGAG� <br /> _ 76' �;O7' '7�i <br /> � . _ � Lo�No � . . <br /> �`� .THIS lNDEN7UAE.made.ih�� I�1'h � ,�QY o� �.. .. D@CEf�lbOr : � .19 76 by aad between � � . . . .... <br /> MARSTON K. ANDERSON AND HELEN L. ANDERSON, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br /> ; right'and as` spouse of the othor <br /> � � ol����� Couaty,Nebra�ka,ai morlqaqaS.,and Homo Fedem!Savinge and Loun AeaoeiaUon o(Grand hl�d�� . � <br /> a rorporaflon orgaNsed and ezisUng under tho�lawe of Nebrmka with!te prindpd otllce and place o!bueinens at Grand la]aad,Ne6raal�a. � � � ' . � <br /> � ae mortgagee: �� � . . � <br /> WITNESSETH: That eatd morigagor 5 !ar and In coneideratlon of tha eum ol � <br /> ° �� SIXTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 ----------------------------------- „o�i,,, �g 16,000.00 , <br /> � � the receipt ol which te hereby aclu�awledged,do_by theae pteeeala mortgage and wmmnt unto said mongagae, ite euaeeaon and � � . � . <br /> � H��� <br /> St aenigm, forever,all the follawing doxrtbed real eatate,eitualed!n the county of <br /> �I ..and Slate ot Ne6imka.tawih� . .. � � ... . <br /> SLOT SIXTEEN (16), ItJ ISLAND ACRES N0. 7, A SUBDIVISIO�J OF PART OF FRACTIONAL <br /> SECTION SEVEM (7); PART OF THE 4�EST HFLF �JF THE WEST HALF (4��Wi) OF SECTION <br /> � EIGHT (8); AND PART OF LOT T4JENTY-FOUR (24), ISLAP�D ACRES, ALL IPJ TOWNSHIP <br /> ELEVEIJ (II) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 67H P.1�1., IN THE CITY OF GRAPlD <br /> '" �� ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> + �, � <br /> :� ��f #' $ <br /> ' � # <br /> .{ �� <br /> I Soqether wilh all heatiaq, lighting, and phmbinq eqWpmont and lixlurea,indudinq ntokon and burnen,naeeue,awninqe,�tormwiadoNt t1 � � <br /> { %j and doors,and window ehadee or blinde,umd on or in connection with eaid propu:ty,whether lha eame ate now locoted on eaid property } � <br /> �' �. Sj� on c�real�er placed t6ereoa � . <br /> >± S� . ... . ... <br /> _ TO FIAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and einqutar the tenemonte.Lateditamontn and appuitenaaces ihoraunlo beloaq• � <br /> ` S; � <br /> �: �, �$ inq.or in anywiee apportalning,lorever,aud warmnt tho IiOe to tho eame. Said mortgagor—�hore6y covenan�with aaid mortgagee f � � . <br /> ij �hat_�'io� �fe ,m m�dallvory heroo(.�he lavrtu!owncr-ot�ho p�emiaen above rnnvayed md doccoibed,and are $ <br /> � j� seized ol o good and indeleaeible eetato ot inhedtance theroin,Iteo and dear ol all encumbr¢ncee,and lhal tbe�will wvaant md S � � <br /> � fj delend Ihe lille ihereto foiever agaitut tha doims and demanda ol all petsone whomsoever. � � � <br /> f <br /> PIiOVIDED ALWAYS, and thls inetrument fe executed and delivcred to exuro the pcymont ot the eum ol <br /> ,. � <br /> '` £# 51XTEE(J THOUSAND AND NO/100 --------------------------------- 16 000.00 � <br /> i�ollam f5 ' 1, . <br /> #s wilh lnlemat therron,la7other wilh euch chargee and advances as may be dun and payabla lo s¢Id moqgageo undor the terme aad f <br /> y� �i <br /> , <� condi�ions at tho pmmissory note of even dato hciewi�h and secured hereby,ozecwed by eaid mortgagor.5._to naid mortqagoc,paya6le � <br /> $ as oxp�cased in eaid nole,and to eecure tho petformance o!all iha t�rms and conditione [aalainad tho[ein. Tho torma ol avid noto aro <br /> Stt hereny inmrporated herein by this reference. � <br /> 1$ It in lho inteation and agreement ot the parties hemlo thal this mortgaqe ehall alno encuro any luture advancea mado lo eald . <br /> fffit <br /> �f morlqagor S 6y smd moriqagce,and ony and alt Indebledneea fn addit(on to�ho amount above etaled which eaid mortgagors,or�y <br /> ` { al Ihem, may owo to enid mortgaqea however ovidenced whether by note,boolc accounl or otherwise. Thla moHgoge ehail mmain!a lul! <br /> ' f forco and eltect between the parttee hurotn and their hetro, parnonal repveacnlaUvea, euaeenon and maiqne, unul all amounta eecu:ed <br /> 7- . +� hercunder,indudlnq future advmtee,aic pald in lull wilh inlo�eeL . <br /> k � <br /> �� 7he mortgagaci horoby aneig�—to eaid mortgogeo all reab and income arisiaq at any aad all timee lrom aald property aad # <br /> � =1 hereby authorizo aatd mortgagee or itn agent,at ile optio¢, upon take charge o!eatd property and collect all reate and Incame + <br /> $� thetelrom and opply the eamo lo the paymenl ol inlorea6 principal,ineuroace premiume,taiee,asaeeamepta,repatre or improvemmU necee- <br /> $Ttt aary lo keep aald pmporty in tenanlablo condi6on.or to other thatgae o[payma¢t�provlded!or horelo or tn the pota be[eby eeeured. 7W� i <br /> � $� :ent asaignment ehall continue in torce untll the unpald halance of eatd note is fully paid. Tho taking ol ponxeaton hereunder shall la no � . <br /> � manner prevont oz retard caid mortgagee in t6o mlloction o! eaid euma by forecloaure or olherwiea. <br /> ; The lailura of tho mo�tgagee lo aaeeri any.o! !u rights haieunder at any timo�hall not be conrirued ae a waivet of Iu dqht to maeq <br /> �,( - Si iLe same al any laier Umr,and to tmbt upoa and enforw�Vict wmptlance with aq tho terma and p�ovidom ol naid note and of thia � � <br /> .'�. �f mo»qaga. f <br /> � $j 11 eaid mor�gagor_;.ahall cause to bo paid to�aid mortqageo the enHro amwat due il dereunder,and under tha terme aad provirlooa <br /> $; o!eaid note hvre6y eocured lncluding luhuo advancea,and any eaenetom or ronewals �hereot fn acco:dnnco wiih the tarma and provt+lnna <br /> f� thereof,and!1 aaid monqagor S, ehali comply�vith all Iha provLloa�o!safd note and o!tht�mortgage,thoa thew presa¢ts�6all ba vold; <br /> 3 othar/vise to romviu Sa!ull loree�and affoct.�d i�d mortgoqee entitled to Ihe poaae�eloa ot all ot aafd proportp,and may,at Ib <br /> �% option.�declare tha w6ole o}wld¢oto and all indebtadaeu oep�a�enled tMreby to be Immediately dua and payoblo,and may torecloae thfa � <br /> •= mertgage or�ake on�other legal acflon to protoct.SU dght, and lrom ths date o!euch default all Ilem�ol indobtedneu wcvrod horebp # ,�( � . <br /> �s ehall drow fnleteat al��'pq►annum. Apprdaement walved. t . <br /> Ip j <br /> s., � ;� This mortqaqe� bindtaq upon and�hall anure b the�beneHt ol the hefr�,ezeeutvn,adminlatratore,succeuon md autqa�d � N � <br /> � � � lhe rospeclive partlee heteto. . . � a ..:� <br /> T,,�� L �� IN W[Tt7FSS WHEAEOF, aaid Morigagor S �^�Je harounto set_ thA I� d 5 Ihe day and year llnt ahova .¢ <br /> wduen. <br />',s�,`�,,`� . '� ��_,� �/. ,)- �/' r" .. <br />`� �$ �/Jl-L.�t tC�L�/1.f,✓�/fLC�L.4t�'i L' . 4r} <br /> x; �� I�lar'ston K. Anderson e en L. n erson � <br />;ti <br />�� �# <br />;;�� �:,.�._- � � <br />:-� <br />_�# <br /> :; <br /> , <br />_� <br />� <br />