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�; , ,. ,. <br /> ri� � ; ��� <br />� J.,.� <br /> � ' � <br />� <br /> a�..3 <br /> k� STATE OP NEB$ASSA, County of ....................................................: <br />~'` Filed for racord on ................................. 19........ut............................ o'clock ........................ 3i. <br />�": <br /> nud recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Pnge ............................. <br /> y .. ,. ................................................ By .......................................................................................... <br /> �U-� ������egiator uf Deeds Deputy Register of Deeda I <br /> � <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> DUANE D. CURTIN and MARJORIE A. CURTIN, husband and wife, c�ach in his <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each otber <br /> ,l�erein called the grantor whether one or more, <br /> in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00� AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION <br /> recxivad from gtantees, does grant, bargain, se�l con��ey and confirm unto GAIL IL. PETERSEN, a <br /> single peraon; and KIMHERLY A. PETERSEN, an only child and infant, <br /> � age 2, birth date 11-21-']4 <br /> as joint tenonta with right of eurvivorship, nnd not as teiiants in common, the following described real <br /> property in Hall................................. Countp,Nebraskn: <br /> Lot Fifty-three (53) in Iluenavista Subdivision, <br /> an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> NEEP,ASKA DOCUFi�[idTARY � <br /> STAlir TF.X <br /> a ; �ti i �,�rcrt'� IJ E C 1� 1976 <br /> � �,ticF,,.,., <br /> � '�S ��,���, <br /> �$ �=7�'� BY'�Y"= <br /> �` To ha��e and to hold the nhove described premises together �vitli all tenements, Lereditaments <br /> 1 <br /> nnd nppurtenances Lhereto belonging uvto the grantecs aud to their assigns, or to the heirs aud assip ia <br /> af the snrcivor of them fore��er. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenunt n�iih the grantees und �vith their assigns and with the heirs <br /> and assigns of the sun�icor of them that grantor is lu«�fully seised of said premisea;thut they are frce from <br /> � encumbrance except for easements and restrictions uf record <br /> , that grantor has good rigiit and lan�ful authority to enuvey the s,iule; uud tliat grantor �carrnnts aud v:ili <br /> + defend the title to said premises ugainst the lntivful claims oi all persons �cl�o�nsoecer. <br /> It is ttic intentiun of all parties liereto that i❑ the eve�it of the death of either of ttie graniees, <br /> the entire fee title to this reul property 4ha11 cest in the surci�•ing grantee. <br /> 'i Dated Docember 14th 1976 � - <br /> , .. .................................................... . ./��1J�.G.YJ.CG/ �f/5:::�Y.."....................... <br /> : ............................ .. ..... . .. .... " <br /> � Duane D. Curtin <br /> � ,�l' � . <br /> ..:�l.l,�l�.;. _u� �l ,��cx:..:.«:................... <br /> - .................................................................................... .... <br /> y Marjp e� A.� Curtin <br /> ' ' Nebraska....................... Councy of ............Hall.... <br /> ; STATE OF ..................................... ......................._.......: <br /> j : Before me,a notary public qusiified for said couui}•, persoualiy cnme DUANE D. CUFtTIN and <br /> MARJORIE A. CURTIN, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br /> and as spouse o£ each other <br /> kno�vn to me to be the identical person or persons who signed the forngoing instrument and acknotivledged '� � ' • ' <br /> . <br /> the ezecution thereof to be his,her or their�oluntnry act and deed. ' N <br /> / ,/, � <br /> ' L Witness my hnnd nnd notarial seal on.�....?���c�J ���:� •.•....., 19� <br /> .........i....... ....... . �.�Y�..... :, <br /> ...... <br />.`: t81EutROTtd�ttsatl1Mneb `q„-:�..u.�:����"�.C.'rL1G� I�otury Publie � + <br /> ,� I' <br />: ....... .. ... ..... ....... .............. .... <br />��.: FORAESTJ.POItARD �- ��.� . . <br />� MyComm.EiD.JwrY.1YBo 3fy commissiou capires�:."y::Cu-c 1.................... 19��1..... � <br />�u- <br /> r,` I�'unn 9.`L To Ue nppro�•ed by \ebraskn Sfate}3ar Associntiou Ketbn k Wol[Oo.,Linmin.NeLr. <br /> �-- t— � <br />`'-.� <br />_:.� <br /> f <br />.:.� <br /> [ <br />