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<; <br /> u: I `�4 <br />,, j . <br />�. , �j. <br />� � � (� � 7 . � �; s; � <br />�� � MORi6AG�R5 MAY MAKE PftEPAYMENTS QF PRtNCiPAL ON ANY INSTAU.MENT OUE DATE SUCk PREPAYMENT SNALL 8E �. � � � <br /> � APPUED TO INSTALLM,F.PlTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER TFiIS MORTGAGE PROVI�ED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT fN DEFAULT <br /> � AND ARE THEN THE CWNERS OF THF. MQRTGAGED PROPEitTY. UPON REQUEST GF 7'HE UNpE(iSIGNF.O. CR EITHER OF THEM, . . . <br /> € � � FAYEE AGREES 7p fURNISH TD TNE UNOERSiGNED 300�/a 6F SUCH PRINCIPAL FREPAYMENTS, UNLE53 ADYANCEMENT IS PRO• �. � . � <br /> HlBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND 5UPERYISORY AUTHOR4TIES THEN IN EFFECT. AlL SUCH ApVANCEMENT5 : . � � � <br /> �� � � � SHALL BE SECURfD BY THIS MQRTGAGE IN THE 5hME MANNER ANO EfFECT AS iF h0 PREPAYMENTS HRD 6EEN A1ADE. � . . � . . <br /> r TfiE 3SOR7'GAGOR FL?R'CH1:R ('OVl`.NANTS A1D AGREES: <br /> t <br /> . '!'hst thc ATurtgagor ++�ill paq thr imichfcvinrwv ;is hcroinbcforv• �m»�idrri. � � � . . � <br /> .. Tlznt thc hiorf�xgor i: thr <:�vnrr of said pr��prric in fro �imPle :�nrl has F«�xl n�ht and ta+. lal aulhorifq tn . srll ai�d . ' � . . . <br /> . - ttinu�ev � tfie ssn:e a�d that tho s�mr in (rrx� aud cti�:ir nf am• licn nr ��noumhrane•��: and fi�nt '� for1 ;::�4,u �.�ill tr.rtrant ami dofrnd tS�c � - � � <br /> �. title to � said premisvs again:l the i�laims� of nll per.u�ns whntnsoe�'rr. � � . . <br /> . � . To- pay immeviiat�•ly whrn dur :uid pnynbl�� atl gen+nal taars, speriat Lu��s. cp�ria! � ���«mrnts. }��:��er �hargcs, srwvr v�r�•. � � .. � . <br /> � im chargi�;: and ofher tazei xnd :.hsrke� xgainst saiu proport}�. snd ail l;�xes i��eii•d on Uic dc�bt s<�eurc<i licreb��: and to flvni<h ti�n . . . . <br /> � � � AfoNgagcc. ❑lxui ttv�ur.=t. ��iti� tho .. ;tticin:d or di+plicstc r���<ript� �horrG�r. l�lu+ Oti�rtF:��;or a�;r�Y•. tha: thcri� shnit I�c � xddrd fv . . <br /> � � ench monthl�• paymeni Ti•qui�'ed lierPundrr or wid��r the r��idi�nce nt dcht �acurcd � hrn�l�r +m nmounl e�lim:ated bp tls iliorit'ag��` . . . . <br /> . �lo Ix � �ut}icient tu enatilr t6c \1or4:-.i,;cc to pnc. a, ihcy bis.imr riu��. alt �:uc .us.�csments, and sicnitar chnr�;rs u�k,n fhe pmm- . . . . � . <br /> - . ia�. �.uUj�ti-i [hen�lo; :+np deficirnc)• . I,vv.ause u[ thc insulG�•fenep ot su�h nddilion:�l pa��n:ents •hall be fordn� ith dcPoxitrd bp tbo � . � � . <br /> 9ihrtFa�ur �vith thr Atoriga�re� upon d��mand by Nie \turlFat�ee. :\up cirf:�ult undrr thi<- � +sra�.r:�pli .hxil be� dc��med :� di�G+ull. m . . . . . � . <br /> � }>acmnnt of t:u�., �=v�csmrnis. nr similar ��h:�rFc; roquimd h�•reundre ; � � � � , , � <br /> . : '1'Lr \ta�rlF:igor a,re��s Quii tbcre shall .�t�n L�� a�idr,i In ;�;��:i� mrn�thlp papmrni nf prin<�ipai anai int��rrsi. r<�uiral here- . . . <br /> undcr an amnnnt c�tim:in•d bc Iho '�torl�;agc�� t<, l,r .utlicirnl t �, rn:+hlo ti�o \torf;.ati���` to i;a. . a. �t Loo�imr= duc. ihc in.ur:ma> . � . <br /> - prc•niium on :;m� in�ur.;n��.e polic}• dolicorrd to tl��o 11 ��rigafi�Y•. :\ne �irficicnc�� L��rsue• „f ! h�• m=�dticienrc ei >uch addition:il pay- , . . . � . <br /> ? mcnis shall iw� (orthw�ilh di po .it�4i 1±�� liu� \1ort �;a�:nr ��ith ti:o \l��rll:.+���' rqu�n d�.m u.<i I�c : hc \1arh �Fi � ;\m' <1otn�ilt undrr this : � . � . . <br /> � � F?:�r:igrnph chall ixr drvm�. rt .i de(eult in the i>a}�mr�rt oI in�.iu .u:co �,n nuums. It i !,1 p-,lir� ,�r p�,licir�, Ji pn<ito�i aro .u:h s; hcme- . <br /> . ; ou�ncn ur sill cisk �rolii'ii�;. r.nd tho �ir��nsits arr in,n�ticicnt io ��ag thv ���itirc pnnnnnn. � ! u• \1nr�t::U'�'o m:�r aµply thr d�•pnsit ta � . � � � . <br /> � t,ne ��n�miums nu riski n•quimd tn !a� in;un�1 I,�• t.6i. mortcsr;e_ � . � . <br /> 1 <br /> P:acmonts .ivadc !ip thc� Aton �;:i�;nr uucior thc :ihav� par:icroph�. mea�. at ihr a�itin, of ttu• \torprn�r��. hr }v�ld 6�� it :ind : . . . <br /> � ��.+mtniitRlivi �citli ethrr =urh fimiis nr its ou�n hmdr. fnr ti�r p:�yn��•nt u( .uch it� m.� . and iu;Ul s,� :ippli��d, s�ich p:armrrt. nrv• hcrohy �. � � , . . . <br /> . RIIY�F<4I 85 s�rurit�- (ot the ;mpaid h:il��ncv ol tLr tnnrtg:ii:.� indrbtedn��•s. : � . � . � <br /> g, <br /> . . 'Co pmc�urc. <?riirer i:�, and m:mitain far thr brnrlit r,[ � lir \1 ,rrig:vFrr du:�ina ihc li (r �d t !ii= nw� twa,e enginal pniirir. attt! . . � . <br /> � � �rnc�rais th��r�w(. dclivrti�d .tt Irasl t��n d:n�s f�dnm thr ���piraliun n! ::nr �uch coli.:irs. m ��uno�t ;��ain,t iirc nnd uthrr ittmur.�blr . . . <br /> `�- hsznrcls. ca.uvlties. snd r��ntin�encic, �is thr �lortt:+Ea• may� mquirr. in :�n amnunt rqu:�l tn tim , im?rbt�kiizrc.c <rcur��d . by this � . � . <br /> \[arl�ngc. and in rnmpanir, ac�rptahlc lu tL•o Ainrt;.ngc��. ���ith In>; Iup':�idc ei:m,r in Lirar nt nn;i in furrn ai ccptai,ic In ihc \1urtAn- � . . � . <br /> �a�. Li the evenl any policp i. nnf ron���o� � l �,.n nr l�rlon� �on daps of it : r�pirntinrz. the \f„rt�n;;i�r mae pna�ur�� m:urnnc�• �in iho � � � � � . . <br /> . . impravements. P:��• thv �nr�T�ium ihrre(oc nnd .u�h sh:tll bor.�mr imme<ici�i�ly dur an�i �m��:abir �. ith iufrmst »I thr t :nr srt '. . <br /> y: . (urth in said noto uniil p:iid :ind sii.ili br :rninni I�y thi, ir.uxt;t:icc }'ailurc �rn th�� �ran ��I' il�c 91nn�:ngor �n suci� rrn.��eals . . � . . . <br /> . :a, am l��rrin rcquirr�i uc L�ilurr in pac an�� .um. adr:�nccri hi�rruudrr .hall, nt tho npr,��n of thc Afnrtt:a;;a�.�, cnn<Gtutr a d��fnull . . . <br /> u:ide� � h�• t ��m�� ul this tnnrlg�iC��. "I�hi• rirliron' o[ .nch polirio. �hnll. in il;o c�'��nt nI drfault. �;,mhlutr an :o>ir;nmrnl �d Ihc ua- <br /> . ourni,i pr��mium. ' , . . � . . � <br /> 3��� � :\uc .uma rrceiv��,i hp thr \iorl;:a�:r-r b>' rr:nnn af lu.. �� r r,.mi;s;:�� in.nre�i :��;ainst ms}� hr n•f:iinod l,r •}ir \IortPn�ee . .. . � . . <br /> . nnd appl;c�i tu�c:v�i 1.h�� ��acmont oi ihv deht Lrrob�� =r:urr�i. nr. :d ihr op� ion ot tho \ torlp�igoc. *nrh •:�m•: rithrr whelly or in . . . . .. <br /> �;� � part mny bo psiil o�-rr t �� Iho \t.�n �:;��;nr �r, 14� us�vi tn rr��mr wch b��ildin�:s nr tn l�uild ra•��� huildmc� in t !u•ir plarr ��r I�x am' . <br /> n;hrr purV��':�' or u}�I���•1 .�ti.favtor}' tn Ihr �7��rtc:+cvt• .� ithcnt :�Il �vtin�t tLr lirn „n 16�� inivicacr I��r � h�� Iull :vm�ntn .rcur�•d h�•n•- . <br /> � hp I•rfnrr ,ucL +,�:n�im�ni �•��or ��u�n � •.I:nt•. . <br /> � .. .� "I'o prnm�rlly rrpaic irslorr or rebuild any U�iildin;;•� r. r improvcnti•r,t. n�nc ur firr••:aitrr on the Prrmi-��s which m:ec he- �. . � . <br /> iv�m�• dam:tRed cr��rd . to 6rv•�� <;i�i prrroi.r> �n K�•,d h•ndition nnd ropair nnd 1r��r fiv,m :un� moi I:anic�, lion ��t u� �ur hrn or . . <br /> � claim e[ li��n nut r� r.ulvvdin:tt��d tn Ihc lion 6cmo(: nni iu .ii6vr ur Panmt un>� unl:n.i�tl u��r r.f � ,r nn�� nuran.r tu oaist on �. . . . . . <br /> � :nid UroprrM nor in prnnu �ca,t�� nn esid prrmt.u•s. nar In r!, � nm� nthcr act �c?��� rrhv Wv anvprrl �� ht•rrb�� vun. rcrd sh:fll IktiYxno . . . . . <br /> iv>: v:dunl:fo. nor t�• �hnniu.ii nr im �eur it. c:dw�� h�� am� sii c� ��mi.,iou fo :u� . to romi,ic u;th ail r��qun�rnu•nh ��I I:ur �rith n•.p�v't . . <br /> tn the morl:::ii:rd pn•nu>cs :in�i 1hr u.�� � hrnv�l . . <br /> 'i, Th:it chould ' ho pmmi•rs ur mp' part ; hrrrnl la• lak��n �,r d:vnacrd b�� n�n,un ���( :iaq• puhlic imprncomont or i��nd��rttnulinn . <br /> nroav�clin�;. or undcr thr riFht o( rmiurn� d�,mnln. or in nny uthor mm� ncr. ch�� \turt �::icr�• sh:dl bo .�ntill�•�{ to ull �vmprn.atians. � . <br /> :�.van4s, snd :iuY ��ch��r p:�ymont ��r rriirf thcrrfor. a�vl .]iall ho rntitloi, at it. � q�uon. in vnmutor��e. :q��:rn� !n :md �rn�ir�rtr in rt.c <br /> Fj�- o��'n usmc nny act �ou ur pr�xxr�ii�r:. � �r (n tnako :v»' r��mprnntiso �ir *r� tlrro��nt in cnnnr�tum �� ith .u�h Li6in;; nr dnm:�Rr. :111 st:cit <br /> c���mpvnvttiu:�. a�rani+. dnma�:rx. :i;;ht .�f nclinn and proa��.i. :�re horrbp n.s�t:n�•� i t� � fho \t ��rt �a�rr. who may. :dtrr drdurfinc <br /> - tl�err(nini all i(s rsPenx••, relra.�� :urv manrp. .0 :�a���i��rd bc it or :�PI'h� thr „n :inr u:d��b; rdnrr:, .rcnred Lrrrl�c. l'li, \:�irt- <br /> Zi� FAcuf a�;n��� to �•s.wv�e =uch Inrihrr ati.iFnmo�N. ol nm� romprn•ati� m. :n� ar;k, d.�mncrs. nnd n7:!�h , .1 :+.� i� �n ::nd prccrrvi. n, Ihr <br /> ;` . \Inrt �;sgi•e. m:t>' n�uirr. <br /> xi <br /> . l'hat in c:e.c u( L�iluro in ;.<�riurn a:og „I il�r ;oconsn� x hririn. thr \1ort �::i�;rr mn�� :i„ ��n � in� \inru:ocar'. i «�h:�lf r��rn�� hing <br /> � sn corenan�ed: �hat the \fort;;:�y�i�o r,nty nlso do am� nct �t m:�c dorm n�t�r.cun� In �,ml��:l tho iirn � hrn�n(: Ih:�! Ihe \i�+rt;;:q;nr �� ill <br /> .. rr�nt� uPun drmtmd any munr>'c �,:�id ur di>butsrv�t b�� Ihe� \1ort�:aKr� Ir�r :�nv r.l Ihr :�hnrr uurp�.,;o�, :url .url� mnnr��s tn�rthe�e �vith � . <br /> � intem:� tUrn•cvt :it IF.�• rato pn�cidrd in .:�id nutr <Iudl Ir•nimo sn rourh ad�iiiion:+l indrid��dnc" h�•r��l�c .� �rurrd :uul itrn• bi� in- <br /> � cluded in :mv iircmc fomeinxin: lhi� mnrt�;�u:c anri Ir p:iid uut nl thr rcnts nr ��rai�rr;i� of .il�� „f ,nid prcinnc, i( nol ��Uu•n�1M� <br /> . p�tid; ib�t ii sh:dl nn� hr nhii;:atoty ap;ci tht• \1ortt:ag+r fo ir9uirr im.� Ih��� r:ihdih� � �t :m�� li��n. rm'itmlrr:mcrs. or il:�im in ari- <br /> r. � � cancinc mnnecs .0 :ibuv.� nulhori �.c�i. hin :��dhin4 hrrr� n r�intamrd .:�:�il 11• r„n<uvo�i a. i„quinu;: tho \ I � rt�tr,ac.•�• nr :idr�na� :mv <br /> c. . mc�ne.ys [nr xn�� such pur{rt±si� nnr to �io :mr' :icl Sien•�unler: ;md � h:it \7�,rt�;aGrr .h:vll nn( ir,i�rv snc {�rro, mxi liahfldp hrrejn.�• n( :vi>� . <br /> � � thinc if mnv �30 or umit tn do herrun�irt. <br /> In liiv o��rat uf iLv dc(+mlt bv \1nrtFugor in � hr �mcnu•n � o( cnn� m.�inllmcut . :�, n•qiun•�i !�y th�, Aoir ,rrur��,i hrr.�b�t or <br /> � in thc �Krfnrru:mm cf !ho uhiii:atiou in Ihis mezign;:r ur in fhv nnt�� �.:un�i tL��rcbp. � hr \turttatic�� .hall hr r:ni � lyd t" d�+lar�� � hr . <br /> del�t �ecuml hercii>' duv and pay:�blr ���ilhnut i101�lY'. :Ifl(I A1P 1IU[tGll{LPP $�I:III I4` �'OI �UPII nt itd uption. milhoul notirr. ritl�rr hr ifvII � � <br /> '' � or by u n�ceivcr. to Ix appnini�Yi by thc �ti�:rt Uu•m�L nnd �cilhnul n�F;u.i io thc ndrquarr ri :�, m• =�+•urin� !nr thr � ndrbhY{m��,. u�� . .'• �. . . <br /> . civ�vl heJeby. to rnter tipna :�nd in6e potiro.•ian n! lh�• mor� �;��c��d Fromio-o.. :vid ta cnilrrt. ar.d rrcri�r ihe ronf.. nyurs :�r.d Prvii�s N � . <br /> thrraoi, nnd appiy �ho viRll . �C>v cos�s uf �•�ti,ilion anii rollcclion. u��un lh�• n.doi,todn� .s <�.rurvd l.+• ibi. mnr17,�Fr; *ud n,nl�, , � � � - � <br /> - � i<cu�s :and pnNils fw�ing lx n.l,p as:�gncd to ihc 91orl �:agrr c�� (urthrr <o�unh• fnr thr pa> mr nt af �dl ind� la��{ �„�., .- �, ur,..i h� n•ln�. � � � <br /> `9 � � 1'ho Atorf�aRrc .hall ht�vc ihc porcor ln appo�ql :�n> aFent �,r .��:vuh if may nr.irr lor lhr pn � �r,no of r���,.�i� im: c:wi �,n�m- � �,,' � . <br />� ' � � iu•s: mnim�; the .:unc: cnllrctin� ihc rrnly. nrv�muc+ nnd inc�vnr•. m<i n m:n� � �q out nf . �ii i in�. � ,n .dl r � �v � .. . . inntr.'m in n•nt � 1� <br /> in� fmd in;u�n�;in� thr �nmr �md v( co�le�•tut� thr r��rtl:ils th��nimm. �1�6r hnLuic� rr�naiuiu.. il :�,ip . �Ivill I�� :q�� �Lvi f�,��ar�i Ili�• . <br />� �� . � diw:h:trFc uf ihe mort.ra��• ind�•htrdnr>.. Thes �ic i�;nmcnt i. n� termmsh• :ir,d Ira7m�r nnll and � �dd c� > �u r,.L•:�<.• � .i this m�•rl�tncr. • . <br />{` <br />� <br />� <br />_\ ��� -. ,., '— � � <br />'�_ .� <br /> . - � <br />` ' � <br /> � <br />