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�� � � 1 �j..�i. <br />�� � � <br />� � � � � � ��� <br />"' ' �;��n�ri, c�r h�uiinsx��, t����,���� „r ....................................................: <br /> I'ikd for record on .................................,..:......................, u`�lock ...,...............:... ,1L <br /> - :�nd recordi�d,in the lleed ltecord .....................:........... 1'age ,.........,.....,.,....,..... <br /> ....................... ...... ................ 114' ..,.......... ....... . .. ...,.....,............,.. <br /> , ... .. ...,,. ................ ........ ....,.. ............,. <br /> t2egister of llceds ll���iut� R��;inter of Deadn <br /> �: 7���� �t t1'7�.�:;� �� � � � � � � <br /> SURVIVC}RSHII' WARR�.N'T'Y i��EI� <br /> ran�es T. Malnne aud Naomi J. Maloue, I�ueband and tNife, and Merlin C. l�luue <br /> and Loie E. K1uQe, I-Iusband aud 1Vife, each in His and I-ier c��vn ri�lit and as <br /> spouse of each other <br /> ,lierein called ilie grantor�rliether one ur mmr,, <br /> in conxideratim� o[ 'l'���el��e 7'housand and No/100 ($12,000.00) Pnlla-� <br /> reccived frmu gr�ntces, dors grant, b;�rgain, bell enn�•e�� �ud confirm imto <br /> t{�uneth 1.,. �'ai�•hanlcs and Deb�-a 1�. l�ai•hanlcs <br /> as joiut tr.nantn o•itli ri�lit of ettrci��ottship, and riui �s tenanta in en�itmo�t, the follo�civ� degeri6ed rr,al <br /> ' prupert3• in „I-'all ................................ �'ouvt�•,i�ebrxska: <br /> �'- ' <br /> Lot aeven (7), in 131ocic "U" in the �i�sC Adciiti��n tn the \illa�e o� \4��nd i'ive�• <br /> �. Iaall CounlY, I�Teb+•a�lca. <br /> I�[LRI1Si<A llp;;til11[:NTARI' � <br /> STJ1�a1P tAX � � � � <br /> .'�(�{�.I�ILiV� Y'\I11.v1\A!!� � � . . <br /> UEC 1�� 1976 <br /> x ;, ':3 .�;v oti- �i��1� ' <br /> To hncc nnd f.o huld Uie nbo��c Jci+criLed prr�nincr, tn�;etlier �citl� all tenementa, hcredttaturuln <br /> � �nd appurtennur,eg theretv bclon�tiu� uu[o 16e Rrauteeq sind to ilicir nesiRnN, ur to the heire nnd c��5i�tici <br /> ol'thc sw•�•iror ol'them fnrc���it <br /> c . �1ud Krantw• dnca hercl�c cu�•ru;iut oitli the tzr.rotcex .md �sith tlteir nnxiKua and ��•itli 4he licire <br /> �� and asdi�in of the surci�or of tLem thal�;rmtur iy ln�rfnllr�ci��•�l nf:+nid pri�miFes:Ihai tlie��nre frc,t f'ro!n <br /> � e�teumbr.mee except easemeulr: and �eeC�•iciiona qf reco�d <br /> �,mlor has�ood riklil nnd la�cful ;mlhorit}• 1n cmiic}• Ihe �naic; nnd Ih:�t �ranlar ��;n•raiilx aud eill <br /> � drfcnd ihe fitic to �riid ��rcmi,:os attaiu�,L ihr la�rful cl;iim� af all prr�+nm; �cliom:;occrr. <br /> �+ lt iti tl�e iutci�tioti oC all pnrlics herefo tliat iu the r,ve�il of ihe denili ul' riUter of ilie grcudecW, <br /> t Ilie cnlire 1'ee titl�• 1�� thiu rr,�l prn���,rl. �>h;ill c��cf in tlir r+nr�iciuk krnnte��. <br /> .�)��trrl Dlccembcr 9 1�1 7G <br /> e , "1 / <br /> . : `n1iL_.:F:R��'5.,,.� ...,�/�f � ���........................... l '/.�w>�1 kL•!Y.'...�:.:.�... �Gl/-�t�4— ci . . <br /> � �' T mey I, �falona hiail�t�C 1{luNe <br /> �'� <br /> 1 , t C. f 11 <br /> _ �, i..�.i,i...,f.�.�:�:.J.n.........1.....1�... �.k...��.....::dt_.�-, ...........,i.����..y.�r..:..:�.\...^•tC�( <br /> � ...Naomi J. T4aluclej d L:oid 1i., �{lu�e .... ............. . <br /> �; <br /> S'PA7.'I'. OP ..,,,...,��:;:�,��..t�.?..`.:a�,.:�..f'�,,.....�,.... , 1'ounf y ul' ...........l..!rtl..��...................................i <br /> �: 13efoec mc,n notnrY Public yn�ilifir,�.i far �nid cuiuily, 1�„rxunnlly enme <br /> Jamea I. r4alone aud Naoini J. n4nlonc, liuoband and IViCG and �Iei•lin C. Klu�;e <br /> and Lois L, l�luge, 1-ivaband and 1Vite, ea�li iii I1is aud ITer o�vii rit,lii and as <br /> apause of c;ash ot}ter <br /> lu�o�cn to u�e to be thc identic«1 perenn or porrouv n•ho fiiarned tlii� fore�niag in�itrmuent and nck�w�vledRed ,,.e;l <br /> thc uxccutiou thcrcof tu bc hi�,Lcr�ir Uirir euluut;u•y neL iau�_i dced. � <br />� � L 1Yitnr��s n�y hiuiil und nalnrinl ecnl un ..,,:�:1'r'��'f..,';;:l�r�.r.�,..:(':.............}....,.., 19.t:..�:,...,... I � : <br /> � � � <br />, GEItERAlN01APY s�ah,�n.n�„�n <br /> .�i.,.�� �t.l..if r:i.:.✓..�r.l ✓'� .f.�f,tr�.i(.!,i�l.`-�'afnr�• I'nblfi, r <br /> nAn�Mar�ICN1IOtW1 � �, � <br />� I MrCc„m t ,ie�,r. ��+s DT>• cnnumspiou etpirr.5..�:f'f�:.iu'�'�<:,�.G.�.............. 19�.. ,...,.. <br />- l�nrm •LL' 'fn br ❑�r��roer.d b�' \c�brm.lui Ntntr 14nr,\s�neintion F�II����k Wnll lb�.I.Inmin,NeUn <br />''��; � <br /> � � <br />,'� <br /> � <br /> 1 � <br />