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� �T— v k: <br />:�"), . . . . 1 -. �.�i'R . ' <br /><'. <br />�'3.�. �rty� �� . <br /> x'n <br /> s��aT� or Nrnitnr3x�, countr of ........................................................: <br />`" l�iled for �roeor�9 nnd entored iu Nwnericnl Lides NFLRAtiKA I:�OCU�"[:NTARY <br />� ...... nt o'eloek \t., 5TAh1P TAX <br /> 011 �..�...............................�.......�.......... ,.�............. ..............., � . . . � <br /> ;, and recorded in Deed l�eeard ............................... Ya�ze .............................. <br />� UEC 14. 197G <br /> ..:..................................:........... ........ <br /> . t3Y ,:.........:........................................ ,, <br /> Cuuuty Clerk or lleputy tbuniy Clerk or ��„ .s�r �Y�LY�/�'' <br /> � Register ot Deeda lleputy Reqieter of Deed» �"`" ` <br /> 7�- UO'7 t �;Yi WARRANTY DEED �r��h�erar �t-��+��;�t : <br /> �. TIi04lA5 J. WOITASZ�WSRI and 1201iSN R. WOITASZ�WSKI, huaband and wife, <br /> oach in his and her own right and ae epvuee nf eacli other <br /> , Ucrein called the granfor whether one or!rvre, <br /> in consideratimr of, TWI:NTY—S�VF,N TIIOilSANA k'TVL� 3iiJNU1i�D ANU NO/lU0 ($27,500.110� <br /> recelred (rom grnntee, iiues �rant, bargai�i, sell, couvey nnd eoufirm uiitu <br /> i. ' DA—LY ItEALTY & INSURANCI:, SNC. <br /> herein ralled tiie grantce �i�hether one m• more, tLc 1'0llo���in�deecriUed resl property in <br /> ` ......................Ila l l <br /> r ...................................... Count}, NeUraakn: <br /> { <br /> " Lot Ninoteen ( 1y�, in Vi..11a �tar J)oe � <br /> " Subdivisiun, liall Cuunty, Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> s <br /> i <br /> �;, 'lb hnee und tu holl tlie aboce dr,seriUed premiees lugetlier.�citl� nll teueu�eute, Lereditaweute <br /> 2 aud ¢ppurteuancr,s therr,tu Lelou{;it�K »ntu tlie granter, �nd to grautee'e lieira nud 2IP.91�I18 fure��er. <br /> _ . Aud tlic er�utur duce hereby covenaut «•ith tlie grnutee nud ���ith greutee'x LeirR end aesigue <br /> 5' ihht Kr,intor is im�•i'ully eeise�l of eF�id p��emise�; tl�at iJiev nir. {ree frutu cueumbranee excopt i'or <br /> eaeemanta and restrictiona uf recurd <br /> tliat grntrtor has guod ri�:lil nnd lu�vfui a�dlwrity to cunccy tl�c �+nmc; nnd tlint grnutor «�arrnnts aud n�ill <br /> � defend thc tille to wiid prrmines ngainst tlic la«�ful claiuis uf till pernons��•hotueue��er. <br /> 'v llated Deocrmber tOth 19 7� <br /> ,. <br /> ,; l� ,' �,)� ' f , <br /> .. l <br /> „ .................................................................................... �chomae �!(.:`r.i��2G,l�i.�a! e.:er„1?r�+f./. <br /> /�I��2tk,sLr.� ! <br /> ' taeze�ki <br /> i , ;.' -� i tii � <br /> , , <br /> � <br /> . � � � . <br /> . • <br /> . ,�(�...,.� t!; ,.���� � �`e,; .�.�` <br /> .................................................................................. :.. - ...............................,,..,,......................... <br /> Robin It. tJoitaezewski <br /> 's ti'CA77�,UP nIi,IS1ir1B1�11,Conuty oP...................�{;all ...........: <br /> ................ <br /> t� <br /> 13e(ore me, u notnr�• publi�� ��IIIIIICIC�I CnC SIII�I r.��unl��. pervuunll}• enme <br /> TliOMAS J. WOS'PASZLW5ICI and IiOtlIN li. WOITAS'LI'sW5I{I, huaband and wii'e, <br /> each in hie and N�r own ri�ht and na Kpvuse of eaeh othor <br /> k. <br /> k�wn�n tu mc lo be tlie identicn( pe��un ur peraous tv6n si�;ued lhe <br /> furegoiu� inetruuicnt aud nclrno�vlydged lhc execution tliereot to be liis, .,. � <br /> . <br /> her or tLeir voluntnc�• ncl nud deed. <br /> �/ y� <br />• \Vitnes9 m�� li�ud and t�otEu•i;il senl uu �l.�. F +rcf.° l..�...; ..:.�..4�C... tk <br /> L:_ . of «3 <br />� � ................:.._.° �. �..� .� , . .�:..:.:... . y . <br /> ' �CtNFR11ttIOfM►.ihpolhM, ..... .... Nutnr PuLlie � <br /> roE e,5En�K ' �..-;.-, � , <br /> Ilvf,nnm.FrD.Mnr 7t.iqtl0 ��\' 1`�)17�IIIlfiS1(�Il 1�[��ll P /.� ��.�. � / �.1 <br /> i <br />�, '" . . <br /> :.:... . ....� � ............. � ............ � - <br />�- " <br />��' Forui 2.2 Appraved by Nebreska Blntc 13nr A�cocinuem Fdi.,n a wou�k+..tanc��,aet�r. <br /> v, <br />:=.� p� '_ � <br />� <br />