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��. ,_,Q <br /> : �.h <br />;`. . . � . -.Iw..� . . <br />�a . . . . . . . .. . . � . _ . . . .�' . <br />�+': ,�a.... <br />� <br />�. '. . ' . . ' ' . � . . . � . . . - � . <br /> - MOASGAGE—Savings and I.oan.Form—(Dtrect�Credlt P1�) 255•Z (Spedal) ' � � <br /> �.... ,.`..��2243�„..�...,,.."^V^^"^�. . . . . <br /> � � `ib-007:19� MORTGAGE � <br /> ��xo <br /> c <br /> ;� r nns trmEt�tu�:maao�n�. llth �,�,oF December 1e76 by�a�iwe.n . � <br /> JEAN-PIERRE-FREUDENREICH AND BEVERLY ANN FREllDENREICH hus6and and wife each in his <br /> 3 and her_orm right and as spouse of the other <br /> �_ ' o� . HHll�� � rounty,Nebrailw,aa morigagor 5�d Fiome Federal 8aviage and Loan Auodatlon of Grand klaad,. . . � . � � � <br /> . � a corpor¢Uoa organked aad eztat[ng undnr the lawt�of Neb[a�ka with its pHndpul ot(Ice aad place ot bueimaa at G[an3 lal�d,Nubra�ka, - � - . � . -� <br /> � an morigagee;. . � � . � . � . � � <br /> � W3INESSETH:.�That edd morigagor S tor��d ia coneide:ation�ot the aum of . � � � <br /> FORTY EIGHT THOIJSAND AND No/L00-----------------------------------nollare l5 48�000.00 i, <br /> . �� tha recoipt of whieh ie.horehy�acknowledged,do—6y tLe�e preeente morigage aad wa:rant un(o nald moriqagee, lle euccesaore aad � � � � � <br /> � �asetgm,lorever,all tha lollowing dnncrlbed real eatate,.dtuated ln tLa wunty ol Ha 11 r � � . <br /> �a¢d State ot Nebraakv.�towft � � S . � . - . <br /> . �j ' LOT FIVE (5), IN:SLOCK TI�TTO (2), IN CONTINENTAL GARDENS, AN � <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. � <br /> � � <br /> �. ,'; $ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> F � <br /> a'. . � �� . . . <br /> s �� �� #� � � I <br /> is Toqether with.all heating, lighfing, aad plumhing eqWpment �d f3:lures,indudinq etoken mid 6urnen,acceens,awninqe,atorm tvindowe � � . <br /> i <br /> 5 aad doara,�d window ehadea or blinde,used on or In aonnection wlth eaid prapoqy,whethec tha eamn are now located on eaid propehy� �� ���I <br /> ( F� or horealter�pla[ed ihe�eoa � � . � <br /> ts tffS <br /> };� j� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and einqular the tenomoate,horeditaments�d appurieaaacea tharcunto beloag• y _ . ,. <br /> {f #j � <br /> �j inq,or Sn auywiae appertaininq,toreveq aad w�raat We tlLLe to Wa eame. Said moriqagors hereby mveaant_with naid morigaqoe #� <br /> �, j that�e1'— ar� at ihe dellvery 6e:oo(,the lawful owners ot tho pcemieca abovo coaveyed�d dencribed,and �re # � <br /> � t <br /> y £ seised of a good and indoleaaible estate ot inherit�w therein,trea and dear of all encumbr�ces,wd thot t he�will warxant�d S . � <br /> delaad tLe title thereto forever agaimt the daimn and demand�of all pecaona w6o.aecever. � : <br /> � . PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thls inntrument fs otecuted and delivered to soctico the paymeat of the eum o� � . . . � <br /> ` FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100-----------------------------------�ollara (5 48,000.00 t, j <br /> wilh iatereet thereon.toguther wilh auch cLaxgea and adwnwa as may 6e due and paynble lo said movtgageu vnde� tiie torma and . � <br /> � conditiom ot tLe promisaory no:e of even date herewi�h aad eeaued heteby,e=eculed by amd mortqaqar 5 lo na[d morigaqee,payable ij �� <br /> � 3 as ezp�emed in enid aote,and to eecure tha perlormance o!all the to`me and coaditloan watained tharein. The tarm� ot eaid aote n:u $$$� � <br /> �; � heieby incoiporatad he�vin by thA�elere¢ce. �, ,' <br /> 8 le Wo intentio¢and aq:aement o!the parflee 6erolo that this mortgage ohall aL+o eocuru any luture advancee mede to eeid � <br /> Y tStS mortqagor S by emd moztgaqee,m�d aay aad al!indebtedaeea fa addltloa to the amount above e�ated which aaid mortgaqora,or anp � � i <br /> T��� � j o! ihem.may owe to aaid moctqagee,however evidenwd whethar by note,book accouat or otherwiae. Thie moAqaqe nhall remaia la full f • <br /> C�� � torce�and etteet behveea the pmfies hereto a¢d thefr hetn,pe�soml:epreaeatativee, aucceeeore and assiqm, untll all amouav securad � I <br /> 12 heceuader,indudiaq fuhue adv�aee,are paid in!ull with inte:ea6 ! <br /> ,�' �. 3 T6e mortgagoz S horebp asatqn_10 safd mortqageo all rente aud facome�ieinq at anp and all timee from eald property�d � <br /> �. S hereby aulho=ize sald moriguqea or 1U agent,at ita optloo,upon detaulL lo take ch�ge ot eaid property and collect all renta aad lawme + <br /> � therelrom and apply the eama to 1Le payment of intoroat,prindpaL Snauraaco premluma,tazee,ae�e�amcata. �epa'ue or improvemea4�aecea• � I <br /> earp ta kaep eaid propazty In teaantabla condiHan,or to olher ch�gee or paymeab piovided tvr heveln or la the aote heraby ceeured Thin <br /> " f� �ent aeniqnment ahall coatiaue in force until the unpaid balaace o1 eaid aote is fully paid he taitinq ol posaemtoa heteunder ehall fa ao � <br /> ; manaer preveat or cet�d said mortqagea In�he colleciion of eaid numa by lorecloaura or othenvtso. <br /> j� The failure of the moriqegee to auert.aay,o! IL+rightn hateunder at�y time ehall not be cronetrued aa a wWvoz of Ite right to aanert � <br /> � jt t6e wme at any latec time,mid to iae3a�upoa aad�enfo:co at:icl aompltance with all the �erme �d providom ot naid aote mid o! this � . <br /> x t� morigaga. [ <br /> e{ <br /> II eaid mortgaqor s ehall causa to be pafd to edd mortqaqoe Iko entire amount due it heieunder,�d under the tarms aad pzovielo¢a �j <br /> 1-� 2� o!e¢3d nnte hereby eacured iacludiaq luture ad�aaeee,a¢d�y arienalons or renewnla theteol !n aceordanca �Ith tha to`ms uad prorimons fff <br /> � } �heieot,m�d ll eatd mortqagor�s ahall comply�nith all tho pxovlalon�ol eafd nota�d o!thfe mortqaqe,Ihoa theeo preeenU abatl ba void; $ <br /> � �� otherwiu to remmn fn full loico�d.ellac4 and sald mortgaqos ahall be entltlad lo the.poundaa.ot all of wid piopeity,md Sb $ � <br /> � opqoa,dedme lhe whole ol eald no4 and all iadebtednee�raprosented�herebp to be immedlately due and payabla,and may lotedoas tLfa � � <br /> ! mortgaqe�or�tako.anp other leqal�actloa to protect fb rigbt.�d tzom ILe date o!euch delault alt 0ems ol Indeb�adneu iocured.hare6p $ <br /> � ,= ehaLL dimv tnterost at 9%pec�aum.�Appralaemoat wdved.� `�'i��r <br /> �f� Th7e mo:tgaqs�hall_be:hladt¢g�upoa and lhe b�neHl ol the batn,axxuton,admini�tzatoce,suctessms and anniqne o! � � <br /> f$ the respective paxtln Lerero.... <br /> StS __�(/'�^ <br /> � �F IH WI �+F, w1d Dfortqagor S w^Ve areunto n! their ti,..,d s e day and ycar fiut obo�e J <Y <br /> . Ssj wrl ten. . \ ` //� . t`* <br /> 1 \ / �� � . � <br /> y�.; } l..lJ-�rP �SM�h..�� � . <br />!sR Jean-Pierre Freudenre ch Beverly Freudenreich � . <br />� <br />��� � # <br /> �' � � <br />