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E ' <br /> E i (or the°..................�IiS�11�.atj.OA..._...-------•---•-------_...........of a ...:car.pat--at�.---�sax�eries........................_.....---- • ' <br /> + --•---...............-..._..------•---�---........--�---�--...--•-----............................----............-�--------._......----_.._......--._....-------............_._..... <br /> . j on the folfatuing lot,pircc or par�el o/�;'...._All of_Lot_One(�3�n__Valley_View_Secotx3, � <br /> ................. <br /> i _ <br /> ,' i � .----••--------•-�bdivtsion��tn�-th�-..cTty,"Gr�1Yt�'I"slarid;..FTaTI'-Coiiri�"9;I�ebraska'; Er.cep�ii�a.......... ...._ i <br /> ,� i .................._...-----------�---.....---------................................_......--------........-�--•-�-�--....--•--•-----...--�---........------...............---•----•-•- -- ' <br /> � ! <br /> s , , ..._._..------•-the�'Q�T..4.�l..tha.__Jestarly..l(z..�..�oat_��---......._.........._.....-------........---- I ;: <br /> �� ' ! � That at the tinse said contract:ebs�nade m�d labor and >nateriols�urnishrd and drlivered tliereunder_........._._......._.. j , <br /> � .-.L1ra1.T2�ne._azrl..._Jn�ea..LS.-_Tagua.............--......----...............---........... .....-.--•----..:t�as the ou�rscr oj raid hsemi.res' I i� <br /> f <br /> � i ..r_..__._.............---------'------'._...._...-------'---'--......---....----•_........ ................ .. ........ . ..................-'-----' . .. <br /> , <br /> .................. _ , <br /> � I <br /> . , ....._......._.............•'-'-------'--'-'-----'-....-------'•--_.....-'---._. . <br /> y, ..........................'----'-"-----'-'�--�•---..................--......---.................._....._......----. i <br /> . � i "'__""""""""'"""......'_""'"""'_""'....._..._""'"'"_"".........""".._'__"_............................. ... � <br /> "'........ .... ....."'""""""_'......""_"'_ '" � ' <br /> I - � , <br /> ' That the date o ihe rst item urnuhed nnd dclivrred u�as.....1111gtiS.�.....2?}�._ . ............... 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' <br /> �LL i That !he pricts rharged therefor are fair and teasonable,and there is now due on sard account the surn of � '. <br /> ;;: I .F.ige_.thQusazxi_Six_Fiuuired_E.i£k�.s3x--arri...1A/100----j-$�`a�.���J.4.Z--.--.----.-_—...Do!lars, tHat said� � <br /> ' i ._............._........_.------...-----•----�---�---------.......------•........_..............-----�-----....___....-------...._.._........__......_-----.........._.. <br /> ; Payne Larson Furnitnre, • • � . , <br /> � ............._.._.....--•---•---....--------.............Inc.--.--...--..--............._r(aans a 6en or. N�e sasd¢renuses for the f+d1 amount of , <br /> s � suid acconnt, fo-u�t: The sum of g......5i6��..1Q...........-_•....................together unth interest t/rereon at the legat �ate, ; . <br /> �� � (rorx she.._.24th_... day of......../)1?�4lSt...-•---..._...__.._-------... . ............•---• tq-�fj......, and fusther ap�ant sayt aot. ; ' <br /> --�---- <br /> ; ..._...__.......-------------P.�Xu9..L Szri. .11T ' . , In��._---....._...___.... .._ i : <br /> ! RUDOLFF.PIJITE �'_!.��u�t .. .. ............-........_...................... 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