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j:i <br />`C . , 1 �Y- :. <br />�fi. 7 ll <br /> D` ' ' I . �,:°.!. <br />� I . � . . . � . . . ... y` . . . <br />�• � �b- (1 � '� � w '� � <br /> � MORTGAGORS MpY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSFALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPhYAtENT SHALI BE • � <br /> s'vs �_ APPLIED TU INSTALLMENTS LAST TO 6ECOME pUE UNU�R THIS MORTGAGE. PROY�DED THE UN�ERSIGNED ARE NOT iN DEFAULT � . � <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNEftS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON�� REQUEST OF THE UNDEftSIGNED, OR CtTHER OF THEM, , � . � . . � <br /> PAYEEAGREES TO PURNISH TU THE UNDfRSIGNED 300% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS AOYANCEMENT IS PRO� <br /> � HIBITED UY 7HE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING �AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES TNEN IN EFfECT. AlL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS � . � <br /> SHALL BE SECUREn BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFEC7 AS IF NO 'rREi'AYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE <br /> THE n40RTGAGOR P'URTHF.R ('OVENANTS AND AGR�ES: <br /> � � .� 1`hat the 2�tuclgagnr ���ill P��Y t.he indebMdn��ss ns heroinVxfon• pmvidrd. �� . � � . � . ) <br /> � <br /> � � 'I'hat !he Mort •n •or is the o�ener u( s:�id �ru �crtp in fr-c simplc nnd ha. � +II and . - � . . . � � . . � I <br /> F 6 1 I t:���l ri�:hl and law�ful imthuril}• to u . <br /> . � � cnn.•ey ihe some und tLut the .ame is fmi• nnd d��ur of imy lirn or encumbrnnce: :md tl+nr \inrl�;a�;or ���ill �r:irrant �ud d�•6�nd fhe � � . . . � . . . <br /> . . litle to u�id . Pnrrnises ay�ninsl the � clnime . o[ nli persons whnmsoe�•er. . . . � - � . � . . . , <br /> � . . . . � �,I�o� pny imnudiately ti�hrn due aind pnynbin. nit genrr�t tases, sPrr�i;il t:urs. sp��ci�il a..urs,mimla. �r�iter. rharges, �ewrr sarc • � � � . � � . � � <br /> ice charg�K, . iind� other L�xes nnd chary�es t�gainst anid pruperty, and hll taxe�s Ieeird un the de6t socumd hereby, :md to turnish lhe. . . � � . . .. � <br /> . � htortgnt;eF: . u4wn mque,t. with !he original ur duplicnte reccipts Ihen•fur. '1'he t�Iortga�;ur ;��rec. quat thenr aLall 6� added tu . � � � . � <br /> � each monthlp paycnrnl � required herrundcr or undor th�+ evidi�.tir�� o( dobt. �vcured h��rebr nn amnunt e:iimatrd liy ihe AtariFng�m � � � � , <br /> . lu be sutlicient to ennble �ihv �lnrly�ngee in pny. ns ihi�y 6ecnine due. rdl taaes. :c,srssment;. �ind similar cliur�;r.s upon Ihr Pre�m � � � . . <br /> � isns subjecl iheretn; nny dcficiency h��ams�� of du� insullicicnc�' nt� such nddiiionid p:�ymenls sh:df l�e furth�cith dupi�ited bv th� : . . . . . <br /> \1ort�agor �cith the :�1orlga�:��c ii�wn demand b�- the \fnrtgngc�. Am' d��f;iult undnr this pnrngraph shail he d��rmed s default . in . . � . <br /> paymenl of 1:aes. nvsrssmrnts, nr <imilur rhnr;r. required {�rrrundrr. � � . . . � . <br /> 'fhe. n(orfA:�R��r ;�grrns ihal Ihi�re sluill �iku br nddrd Lo o:�ch mnnlhlp parinrnt nt prineipal and inlrresl rrquin•d here- . � � � - . <br /> � undvr ��i amnunt e,tim;ded by thr ;11urt�:��Keor lo L+�� sWlicii•ni tn rn:�ble the \lart6�igoi� In p�ic. :�, II b�•coinrs due. Nir insuruncYe � . . . . . <br /> � premium on rmy insur.uice policy d.�li�•rrrd in �hr �lorlg:��ee. :1np drficienc� brr:iuse ef Oi�• w=�diicirncy nf such :iddilionnl pay- � � � . . . <br /> mimts sl�ull br furthwilh drpasited by Ihi� \forlgu�or with thc 91mt �;a4ee iq>nn �I��mand Lc thc Aturiga�r��. Anv �irfnult undt•r thie � � � � <br /> � . � pxragraph shult lx� dremcd :i J�•fnult in th�� poymrnt ��f insurarco prrtniiun,. If tho pnlicy or p.ilicir: d��p�r.itc�d nrr .uch .�; hnrnc- �. � � . . . . . <br /> � o�cners or :dl fisk poli��tre, �uid thc drpasits nre insufliciont. tu p:�y thr ontin• prrminm, thr 1lnrten�:r�� m;n' nppip tl�e de�x�sit �n . -. � . . <br /> _ � p:ay pmmiums �m risks rrqninvl to Ix� insared h�• thi: murl�::u:��. . . � � . . - <br /> - Pnpmen4w tnndi� 6y- fhr \furh;agnr under ihr nbuvr par:�grapiis mnv. nt the opiiun nf thr \lorti:n�ce, Ln c�ld b�� it aud � � . . � . . <br /> �. comminFlyd �cith nthnr such [und> or iL. uwn (imd� for t6�� p;q'mrnt of ,uch iti�ru:, and until s�.� applicd. ,u��li pnym��nt� nro Lcrcby � . � � . <br /> .:. � pledged es s��rurity for the unTr.ud 6alana� u( fhr marlgn��r indohtedno.s. . � � � <br /> Y <br />. �;, � � ; "Pii procurn, doli��i•r io. .md maint��in tur thc L�tnvlil of ii�r \IurtFaqec durin�; thr lit�• of thi. morq;;�P�� ��iFin:d puliri�+i nnd � . � _ <br /> � renewals theriv�(. dcli��ered al lon�t ten d:ns Ixfore ihe cspirntion ui :uiy such pnlicicti. insuring n�:uin,t. tir�� �md uiher insurahfe � . . � . . <br /> ' hurards. ca.+wtltiea, :md contin�;encirs ns thc �fongagee may rrquir��, in :m xmount c�quai to ihu , indehtrdness serured bp lhix � � . . <br /> � . \1o[Iga�e. :�nd in aunptmi��s :icccpla6lo �n Ihc \1<��rl�;a„��r. wilh los�.: psyabl�� olm�.o in Ltc��r uf and in [urm aca�plahir fn lhr �lorl�n' �. � . . . . <br /> � - qiY. lu the rvent anp pnlic�� i: nut rrnr���rd un ur bo(ure trn dap; of ih rapiralion. ( hr �lnngag���� �na�� procun• imunince on the � � � � � � - - <br /> } <br /> imprn��cments. pay the prcrnium thnrrior. ;u��i such ,um shail bocrrnr immrdi:u��l�� dur :�nd pny:�61c �cith intvrrst at lhc ra�c .rt � � . . . � . . . <br /> `•'�` � furtli in said not�� uutii pr�id nnd simil Ix vrcur��d by lhic nmrt�;a;;c. P:r,lurc on thc p:irt of fhr A1nrlRa�;ur lu (urnish �uch r�uewule . � � . . <br /> ," � . . as are hrreiu n��uirrd or G�ilure �o pny m��� eums uJ��.mrrd {i<�nvnder <hall. :a� tho option ui thc �fonga���r. cunalihili� n drihult � � � � � <br /> undrr the trnns uf this morig;igr. "I'lic d��lirery� of snch pnlieirs ehall, in Ihe ����rnl oi d��L•udl�. runstitutr ;iu ❑s.i�;ument nf thr u�r . � . . . <br /> j:+� �� carnivl promiinn. �: . . . . <br /> ,5 <br /> '- Any sums rra•iced I,y tiu� AlurtRa�:re br n;nmi uf lusc nr d�unacr imurcd nt:ainsl mnc Ur rrininrd br dir �lortti�a4ee � � <br /> - '� aud n�,pli��d tu�c:�rd thc pm�mcnt uf thr di�61. hemby �rrun�J. nr. at qu� uptiun n( thr ilinrt�;a�:ei�, auch �wn, r•ither whotir nr in . . . . . . <br /> ' pnrl may be paid u�'rr lo Ihe :�1or��ny�or fo lx� u�ed tu rrp:iir siich huildin;;� or tu huilrl nvu� huildint;.c in tLrir pl:�re or fnr anp � � <br /> { nihcr mr rosc ur uLjrrt .c�tis(actury to iho Atnrt„��rr �ri � haut atre<•tin � hr livn cu t6r mnrt,�,a;; � - � <br /> 1 { t, t � [nr th�• full amuun� <f�currd hrrr- . <br /> �.. � . ��� Ly Ixd�ve .uch p:iym�•nl rcrr t«ik plarr. : � <br /> F� : . 'Pa pnnnp� h• rcpoir. �'i•.lnn• ar r,�hai1J nny bnildinFs nr iinprucrmi•ut. nu�r ur hon•:dter uu th�� � �chirli mu�• bi'- . <br /> cnm�� dam:q;t•d ur dr.Ituc�•d : tu kccp s:�i� l ��rrmi.o; in i;a�d r�mrii � ion nnd rrp;�ir :md frr�� lrmm �ny mcrh;inic's li��n or othrr licn ur � �. . <br /> cinim of li��n uot exprec.h� sulx�r�iinulyd in thr lirn hon•u(: nui la ,ulTrr ur prrmit am� unl:n��lul usr nf ur nne nui=:mre lo rzist o❑ . . . <br /> ' ti:�id P�api•rty nor In prrmit �easlr un .aid �irrmisec. nnr to dn :m�� nthei :ict o-hrrobc fL�� ��ruprrlc hrn•hy am�:rvrd shnll hi•rome . . . . <br /> ,.� . lass �:1luttble. nur t�� <iinuni=h nr impnir its ��aluv 6�' nm� ;�i( ��r ami�si�m Ir� n�C to �� nnplc ��itli :dl roqwrrm�•nis n( Lne �ci� h n�spret . � � � <br /> �� � tn (h� mnrl �;uged premi<os and th�� u.c �LcrcoL � <br /> ;: <br /> :l � ; "1'h:it .�Lauld ih�� prrmisr: ar :m>• P:vl lhi•rr,�f ix� takou ��r d:miaccJ 1��� rra..un uf :+n>• puhlic impro��rmr�u ur rnndcmna[ion � <br /> - �.. proc��[K1inF, ur uuder th�� right a( eminent domain, ur in nny oA�er manner. lhi� \1oHgs,rr sh:�il h�� rntillevl lo :dl rumpensslions, <br /> ;' � meards, and uny uthrr p�y�ment ur rciii�f tLrn�tnr. and .hnll 6�� cnhN��d. nt. it� u�dinu, i�� rommrncr. :ipprnr iu nnd pnr�rutc in it.c <br /> - � ow�n namn any action or Pnrn•dint;. or in malce au�� r� �mprumise ur srid�vnent in cwmrction »�iAi such �nkin;: ur damati�•. :\II such � <br /> r' . cum�x�nsation. :�wanis, dama;;e>. ri;:hl uf action :md pruc�a. i. cvc hcrrhy u„itmrd iu ih�� \inrh;ngov. ���hn m:�}•. :dtr�r drducting <br /> � <br /> iherr(nmi :JI if., exp��no-c:. ri•lrase :uiy moncy, so n•ceireJ hc it �� r apph• tho s:ime un nnp ind��blydnrs. .��rurrd h�•n�Lr. '1'he \tort� � . <br /> ;: . g:r;or n�:mes to eaecute .ueh CurUirr n�siEnrm•nic uf .u��� curtq,on >;uion. a�v� rd,.. d.inviao>. mid riFht.� ul aotian and pn,rr�yls a, the <br /> �; Atorly;aFrr mny r.�uirc. � <br /> _ Thul in c.i�c uf !'ailurr tu �x•rform ;ui�� ot Ihr e�rven:mis 6cn•in. thv \Inrt6:�7:cr ma�� � lo i,n Ihr \lorlFotinr'.. bahidf rcrn�thing <br /> . •n cnvemtnted: thal the \lurt ;;n�i•e nv�y :deo do n�i�� act it mn)' drrm nrrr,s:ity tu prulrrl ihi� livn � hrrroC lh:�i t6r, \inrll:a�*or will <br /> �' mpay upon drmand nny muu��cs paid or iiisbur.scd 6v tho \tr�rt �:�5�•e (nr any o! Iho abovr purpo.r.. :md cu��h nwnrp. oq;cf.hcr with <br /> . inlrrest therrun i�t the rn�e prov�drd in snid nu�e shall hrcnmr .0 much addiliunul indoldrdnrs; lirr��be ,:rr�trrd nnd m;�v br iu- <br /> x " cludcsl in nn}� decme fonrlosing this mnrq;�ge �md be p<iid uirt nl � hr reu�s ur prur����d� u( ;ah• ��1 snid premia•� if nul olh��rn�i<o <br /> ' paid : U�at it shall nnl I�v ubli�:don• unnn Uir \Inrtgac��r fu inqt� irr into th�• �:�li�iih� of :up� lirn. rncuml�,r;mc��,. ��r i�l:�ini iu a;L <br /> vaucin�; monry. a�s :ibov�• nuthucizcd. 6ut nothinF lu�rcin cunminrd e6a11 tx• con��trurd :is n;�iurinF Ih�; Vorlca�;co In advHnc�• :mv <br /> ; muncys for nny such pur�wse nnr tn do nny art I�rr�•undor: nn�i lhnf Alur��;nl:rr slmll n�rl. incur uu}� ��ri.nn:� l liabili�y Lrcnu�i� nf am•. <br /> thin� it mny dn ur umii ln du }„•n•iuidcr. <br /> � In lhc i�vr�nt o( thi� dr(ault Lp Alc�rtga�;or in tlu� paymont a( :�n>' msl,illmrni . a�. n•quirrd by tLc �u� r cr��nn��I hrn•!>)'. nr <br /> r � in the perr(orma�uc of lhr nbli�:atiott in fhis murlgage ut in �hi� nule u�cured �hemhy. thr D1url�agee .hall h�• �,�tliNrd in d�=rlarr lh�• <br /> ��. <l�•bt serumd. h��m6y . dUr und payable �rithoul notice, nnd the �tort�;utioi� sholl b�• untillod :rt its option. �oith�n�t nuticr. oithrr I,v itw�if <br /> ' nr bY n ica•i�'cr to bc �lpp�+in4k1 hy th„ courl thrn.iC :md �cithout m�ard to thc adiv�u.ecy� oi ,mr .iruritr fnr ih�. indrl�i�kinnvs ..�. �_ 4 <br /> � t�unYl herrby, t�i Cntef upnn nnd laki• poa>es.iun uI Ihe mnrtgu�;cij pmmiviy, ��po lu cullocl. mid rrceter Ihe mnls. is.un. and !>ro(ita ' t .:"� ,. . <br /> �herr.roi. mid applv lhe uunq loc, c�,sls uf �.pern� ion und �Y�llection, upan ILi� indebledn��� ��rurrd by thi. mnrlgvgr: s;iid ri�nls, . . � N �:,�c'" . <br /> � i:��uc. and pmfilN Ixing hcn by ns.igned to t6c hlortgap��e av fivthe•r �r�•nril>� for Nic P;��'�»�'��t o( n(I indi h6 dn �z. .,�•� unvl h��� �•hv. . � • <br /> L '!'he hiortgagee �hall Fim•c �he �iower ie> uppoint nm: ncrnt ur n�;enL. it m•ip d� .irr (or lh�� purpu-r �,I rrpninnk ,:iiel prem- a� � <br /> . . is��:: renting the 3,:ime�: o�llectin� th�. p. �tt�, rcvanvas nnd incnme, :ind �I tn�y p.i� aut r�( .:ud incunu• :ill e•� P�•n.�'c iin•i�rrid im m�l- r . ��.� �. � <br />'Sa in� . ond m.u�ugin�; lhc <;uuc flnd of i.uU� ctin� thr mn�ais lhcrcfrom. '1'h�� 6nl.incr. rrio;iinln:;. i( :� nc . .hall b�• :�pplird tnu�:ird Ih�, � . � . <br /> . di.chn[�;e nf fLe mo[lgage ind�6��vin[•4s I'his av:ignm�•nl i. to frnnin.tln :md Ik•rumr null ;�nJ � nid iq,on ndr�i.r „f Ihis tm�rlV:ncr. ' . <br />�� . <br /> e; <br />,`. <br />� �• . .__ � � , . � <br />`-:� <br /> , � <br /> � <br />