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<br />� ��-�07] ��
<br /> htORTCAGE
<br /> �fORTCAGL LOAN N0. � '
<br /> KNOWALLMENDYTHL•SEPRL•SEN7S:That Charles R. Frith and Bessie E. Frith 2dCh tfl h15 0�d
<br /> � � �
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whether ona or moro,in consideration of the:um o!
<br /> ` Twenty-seven Thousand and No/100-------------------------------------------------- coL�nxs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Lquita6le 13uitding and Luan Aswciation of Crand Island,Nebraska,hturtN,agee,upon 2�� shares o(stoc}:of
<br /> +; said ASSOCIAT(ON,CertiGcate Nu.L 22,453 ,do I�eraby grant,cumey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described ieu!estate,situa[ed in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> i: ;
<br /> �:
<br /> tugether with all the tenements,hemditaments and appurten�nces d�ereunto belonging,including attact�eJ iloor cuverings,all window scceens, . � .
<br /> '���� window slmdes,blinds,smrm windows,awnings,tieating,air conditioning,and plwnbing anS watzr eyuipment and accessuries thereto,pumps,s[oves, � � �
<br /> �.; refrigerators,and other fixtures�nd eyuipment nu•.v or hereafler attached to or used in cunnecliun with said rral esta[e. � - .
<br /> And whereas the iaid mortgagur has agreed and does hereby agrec that the mortgaSor shall and will pay ull laxes and assessmants leried or . � . � � �
<br /> `�'��� asussed upon said premises and upun this mortgage and tlie bond secµ� }{K�{U efure the same shall hecome delinyuent;to furnish approved . �
<br /> insurance upun the huildings on said prcmiscs situated in�he smn uf S L��""`�•�� payab�a io said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to s�id � � � � . �
<br /> '��� ASSOCI.ITION the policies fur said insurance;and not tu commit or permit any waste on or about sa;d premises; � � � . � .
<br /> In case of de(uult in the perfounance of any nf ihe terms and cunJitions of this murtgage or the bond secured hereby,[he mortgagee shall,
<br /> '�'� � on demand,be entiUcd tu immediate possession of thc mcr�gaged premises and the mongagor tmreby assigns, tranePers and sets uver to the - : .
<br /> - � murtgagee all the rents,revenues and inrome to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as[he mortgage indebtedness shall remain . . .
<br /> - unpaid;and the mort�gec shalt liave thc power to appoinl any�Fent or agents it mxy desire for tha purpose oi repxicing said premises and renting
<br /> the same and collecting d�e rents,rerenues:�nd income,and it may pay out uf said incume all exptnses o(repairing sa�d premises and neass�ry - � -
<br /> cmnmissions mtd expenus incurred in renling and managing the same an1 of collecting renials thereirum;the balanm remaining,if any,to be .
<br /> ��� - applird mH�ard the discharge of said mortgage inde6tedness:these rights u(�he murtgagee nuq be exorcised at any time during the existence oC such .. �
<br /> � default,irrespcctive of any tcmporary waivcr of the s�me.
<br /> ? These Pcesents,ho��c��er,�rc upon the Condition,That if the said Aturtgagor shall repay said loan on ur before the maturiry o(s�id shares by
<br /> t� puyment;p�y monlhly tu said ASSOCIATION uf ihe sum specifind in the Bond secured herc6y as intecest and principal un said loan,on or befora . .
<br /> • Ihe Twentieth d•ay o(each anJ evcq�month,until said loan is Cully p�id;pay all la�es xnd assessments levied against said premises and on this�fortgage �
<br /> �� and U�e f3und secured lhereby,befurz delinyuency;furnish approved inm�ance upan�he buildings thereun in the sum of S 2��Q��.�� payable � �� .
<br /> �;. , tu said ASSOCIA7'10\;rcpay to said ASSOCIATION upun demand all moncy by it paid fur such taxes,assessments and insu�ancc with interest at � � �
<br /> &.-��� tl�e maximum legal rate thereun fmm d�te ul'payment all uC�vhicli 1lortgago�hereby agrees to pay:pe�mit no waste on said pcemises:kcep and comply . �
<br /> ���i�h all the ag�eements and cunditione of ihe�ond for S 2��0��.��this day given by the s3id�furt¢sgur tu said ASSOCIATI04,and cumply . � . �.
<br /> a- � with all lhe requircments of the Cunstitutiun and 6y-Lxws of e�id ASSO(:IATION:ihen these prrstnts shall become nuU and void,otherwisa they
<br /> shall remain in(ull furce and m�y be torecluud at the opiiun of the said ASS(xL1TIUN after tailure (ur three months to make any ol said
<br />� x�� � e menls or be thme mon�hs in arrcars in making said nwnddy payments,or tu keep�nd cumply wi�h the ag�eements and conJitions of said Bond;
<br /> r>�
<br /> ��,_ and�lortgago�agrees tu have a rccciver appoinled furthw•ith in tucli foreclosuce procecdings. . .
<br /> ��-��� � If Ihere is any change in uwnership of Ihe�cal estate morlgagcd herein,hy salc or uthcnvise,then lhe entirc remaining indebtedness he�eoy
<br /> $ � securcd shall,at the option of The Gyuitable 6uilding and Lo�n Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,become immediately Sue and paya6le without
<br /> furlher nutice,and the amuunt remaining duc under s�id bond,and any uther bund for any addition�l adranczs made thereunder,shall,from d�e
<br /> . Jate of exercise o(said option,bear imerest at the maximum Iegal nte,and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy tha amuunt due on said
<br /> - � bond,and any uther bond(or additional advances,togcther x�ith all sums paid by s�id The Equitable Building and Losn Association of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska(ur insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstr�cting extensiun ch�rges,with interest thenon,from date o(p�yment at the ma�cimum
<br /> . legal ratc.
<br /> - Ts pwvided in the BonJ secured hereby,w•I�ile this murtgagc�emains in elfect the mortgagee niay hereaCter vdvance additional sums to the
<br /> 3�`_ � makers of said I3onJ,tFeir assigns ur successors in intereit,w•hich sums shall be within the ucurity of this mortgage the same as the(unds originslly
<br /> ucured Ihereby,qu total amount uf principal debt not to exexed at any time the originai amount of tliis mortgage.
<br /> , Dat d this lOth d�r�� ecember ��•� ��7�' • � �• f
<br /> �.
<br /> a. I , /'.<;.�G' r'i _-//'iG,��
<br /> � !! ��•��/i' � � �
<br /> Charles R. fr�th Bessie E. Frith
<br /> a,
<br /> STATI OF NEBRASKA,i ss. On tLis l�th dav of December 19 76 ,be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY GF HALL� :;,{
<br /> � Ihe undersigneJ,a Notary Public in and for s�id County,pe[sonally rame � ,� ; �
<br /> Charles R. Frith and Bessie E. frith each in his and her own rightW��d arespo�ee�°�fyknoNc,��o N ^
<br /> I other � �
<br /> ��L me lo be the identipl person5 whosc namd a re aflixcd to the above i�atrument es mortgagor S and they severally ,�
<br /> � � acknowledged the said instrumenl to 6e thei r voluntary act und deed. � �
<br />�� � N'ITNHSS my hand and Nolarial Scal the date a(oresaid. . . � � ��
<br />;�,._ �ty Commission expires / ,�'� C� �1 ��� �
<br /> �:i%J�C=.��- L1S�:i!if.-.'yl�
<br /> LL,r'� p� CHARL'eS E.Deltii2tvl � Notary P bli(� C
<br />�� 6�73M ill C^cr;al�.iela.ry�5t„tc oE�_tr.
<br /> r�:°:� IAy Comrvssion C+pires
<br /> r; kpril 17,1978
<br />��- � `- �
<br /> _�
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<br />