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� , � •: <br /> �:LM � <br /> . � ` <br />�� ( �.�`� <br />;�� �:��._ r- ' � <br />� � <br /> � p�� <br />�: � <br /> MOA7GAG£—Saving�¢nd Inm Fmm—(iNr�cl Credtt Pl� 2552 (Spedall . � � � � � - <br /> � ,� MORTGAGE <br /> 7b� !)t�'7� �2 <br /> . . _ : .�. � . Ivrm No . .� . � . � . . . <br /> rrxts irmt�rruns,maar���. I Oth ,,m,o� December ie 76 t,y ana t,e�waea � <br /> WILLIf�M J. NAYENS AND TERESA L. HAVENS, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br /> � __right and as spcuse of the other <br /> ����. a�. N8 I I �rouaty.Nebrmka,aa moriqagor 5� �d Home Federa3 3aviaq�mid I.oaa Auoefauon ot Graad fal�d. � � � � - � � - <br /> - �a wrporation organised�aad eziati¢q uador the lawa oi Ne6raaka wiW itr prtndpal oftice�d place ot busiaens at Gcaad Alaad,Nebraska, � � .. <br /> ' m mortgaqee: � '. . . . . . <br /> _ $�� . WITNESSETH: T6at eaid moriqaqor S tor a¢d In connidaiation of the eum o} �� <br /> , �# ___7H I RTY-S I X THOUSAND THREE HU�dDRED F I FTY HND NO/I 00 ----------- nouars (S 36,350.00 �, � <br /> � t6e reeeipt ot wLich��hereby aclmowledged.�da—by theee presen�a monqaqe�and warrant unto anid mortgagea..ita euccesson aad� � � � � . - � <br /> � � aseigas,forever,all tha tollowing dexribed real estme,eituated in the countp ol Ha�� � � - � <br /> . �and State�ol � � . . � � � � � . �. . .� .. . <br /> yj� � � .� . � �. . <br /> 2= � <br /> �£ LOT SIXTEEN U 6), I�J KEIJTISH HILLS SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE SOU7H HA�F (SZ) OF <br /> � THE NORTHWEST QUARTEP. (NI�Ju> CF 7HE SOUTH41ES7 QUARTER (SW„) OF SECTION Tt9EPlTY-FIVE <br /> ;� (25), TOWNSHIP EIEVEN (�I), NGRTH, RAiJGE T[N (10), ;��EST DF TNE 6TH P.h1., HFLL <br /> j COUNTY, tJEBRASKA, ACCORDIPJG TO THE P.ECORGED PLAT THEREOF. <br /> 4 $� s <br /> �.'. � f$!(. � . � � _ . <br /> f/ � <br /> FS <br /> �� # <br /> ,� 2� <br /> �i is <br /> y - fl 7ogether with.�all heatiaq, lighting. and plumbiaq equipmenl aad Siriuzea.includinq:lokea�d bumere,acreaea,awninge,alormwindawa f� � <br /> r; . S� aad dcon,aad wiadaw ahadea or blinda.uaed on or in connectiaa�vith eaid ptopertp,whether tho eame are now Iocated on aaid property� �$ . � - � . <br /> - � ' j� or heseaNez plaad tberroa. j � � . � � <br /> fiYO HAVE AND 70 HOLD THE SADSE.loqether with all and einqular tha tenemeata,hereditameata aad appurtonaacen t6e:eunto betoag- $j � � <br /> � � $� <br /> ` + ing,or in anywiee appenaininq.lorever,¢nd wasmst fbn ti11e to the eacie. Said mvrtqagot�_herehp coveaan�with naid mortgeqee +� <br /> { � <br /> = � $� �hQ� th�_� are ¢1 thc delivery hereol,the low�ul owaer3 0l ihe premi:sea nbosa maveyed aad deaeribed and 3re t � � <br /> J }�- , #S seised ol a good and indaloasible estato a!inheritance thereia,lrea and deai o(all encvmbrmtte,and th¢t_ho v wifl wan�l�d � � � <br /> � S defend the title therato fo:ever aqaiari Ihe claiws and demands o!all persona wtwmaoever. �i . . <br /> lt PHOVIDED ALWAYS. ¢nd ihis instrumenl is e:eevted and d?live�ed lo :a the paymeat of lho aum of � �- . � <br /> � �ff TH I RTY-S I X THOUSA�dD THREE HUI�DRED F I FTY NND NO 100 -----------�Ii� ts 36,350.00 , S <br /> �e� f} wilh inleieet thereon,together wlth suth charqea aad advaaces aa may be due and paynhle la aaid meztgaqce under the terms and � � , . <br /> i � <br /> conditioas o! the promissory uote ot evea date herewith aad secured hereby,e:ecuted by emd aortgego[�to aaid aortgagee,pryable $ <br /> �. �{ as ezpressed in sQid note.aad W eecure tho performanae ot all tha torma and coadi8oas wataiued �hexeia. The terma ol emd note �o � <br /> hereby incorporated herein by thls celereace. �, <br /> � Sf <br /> . . >Sf It ie the intentioa and agteement of t6e parties herelo thot thie moNgage ah¢]I alao ee��e aay fuhun advaacee ctado to eald <br /> i� � �; martgagor 5 by emd mongaqee,and any and all indeDtedneee in additioa to the amount above etated which naid moriqaqon, or �y # <br /> �� js af tbem.may owo to eaid mortgaqoe,ho�veve: evidencod whether by note,book acmunt or othe:wise. Thin monqaqe shaLL cemaia in}ull � <br /> +? force ond effect beri+eea the p¢xtie�hereto and their hetre,pa:eonn!repreaealativen, nuccemmi and ¢sniqna. until all amounta eecumd � <br /> , £� hercuader.indudiaq tutme advancea,me paid In!Wl with intemst. <br /> i �����. . F Tha mcrtgagor S hexeby aaniqn_to eaid moriqagee al!tmL and iamme arieinq at aap and all timea lrom enid pcoperty�d <br /> heoebp authorize naid mongeqee or ite ageap at ite optlon,upoa datcult,to toke charga o!said property and rollect all iea�a aad income £ <br /> ` £� lherefcom and apply lhe eame to the pvpment ol inloreei,prindpal,.3n�utaace p=eminma,t¢zee,amensmeals, repmre or improvemeate ne[ea• $3 <br /> Q�� � � Sj� �*Y�o keep eaid p[openp In tennntvbla coadifloa,or to olher chargea or paymenta provided tor horein or in the nota hereby aecured TLis <br /> � +' reat assiqnmeat sh¢ll matinua in losce uatil the uap¢id balnnce of said note is fully pvid I'he takinq ol poexsaloa he[eunder ehalt ia ao f <br /> manner prevenl or retard smd�monqvqce in the coliectiaa ot eaid sume by lorecloaura or othrrniee. � <br /> . �� Tho fcUure ol tha mortgagee to aseert anp ot ib cighti he�eundar at aay ticie ahall not tx coaawed aa a wQi�v ol ih right to anseR f <br /> tic f <br /> jt the wme at cny later time,and lv iaa:st upcm aad ealorw elrict mapliaacc w•ith all the teran and pzo�vfons ol said aote and of �hfa j <br /> . $3 mort9e9e• $Y <br /> S4# ll said mortqagoi 5 ahall cauee to be pdd lo wid mortgaqea �he endre amoual due it hereunder,and under the lorme aad pro�lsiona {s{s <br /> � $; ot eald note hereby�ecv:ed,includiaq tuhue ad���a,aad anp ezteaeiom rn ieae.vab thered in aceordance with the terms aad provulooa j � <br /> fSf. �hereol,and i!aaid a.o�tqaqar�5. �hall complp with all thn piaviatoas of wid note and of thls mongaqe,thea the�a preseam ehall be void; $ <br /> � j� otherwiu�to rem�n ia.full torn�d ettoc4 aad imd mortqaqee sh¢ll be entiUcd to the poueaaion o!a11 ot wid propertp.�d m�,at!u $ <br /> . �� op�an,declme tho whols of�aid note and etl 1ndeDtedneu repre�eoted the:eby to bs imaedlately due�d payable.and mvy foreclone thii S ,. � <br /> 't mortqago�or.take�p ot6er legal actloa to protxt it�rlgh4 aad trom lhe dats ot auch default all llem�ol indebtedaen �ecured hereby � ;:� " <br /> 1 eha11 diax internt at 9%pe��aum. Appmtmment arN�ed. � <br /> j N <br /> $S 76L�mortqege bindiaq�upon and�hcll�aurs b Ihe b�neflt o!lhe hetn.ezecuton,adminLtcaton,iumawn�d auiqn�d i . �, <br /> $� the io�peai��partle�6e[eto. .. . . . . �i ' .K <br /> i ${ <br /> L f It7 'WI7S7FS5 YJf�iiEOF. �ald Moitqaqor S h� �Ql:aaanfo �et TFl@ I(' h....�s 1he day and year finl nbors j3 d' <br /> € wdttea j (� <br /> •{ �{� �L^ ''' S4 <br />� ' f� V.�1�aC.�-fi�.rrU �� �L'3�.cn�' =�5 /`���r,.1.� � u' ' <br />� €� Viilliam J. H ens Teresa L. Havens { <br />�=� s } <br />� �# <br />__ ���- � � <br />:,� <br />-� <br />