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� E-. <br /> R. :� 1 <br />� • � :.�.� I <br />� �;.__. - � <br /> 4.1—WARRANTY OEED Pdwn b Wolf Companr�lincoln�N�br. � � � <br /> f 7(�.��Q`7 i �.�< WARRANTY DEED <br /> ETHEL !•1I1E GREEtJW00D, a singte person <br /> { <br /> _ , herein ca2led the grnntor whether one or more, <br /> � I <br /> _ in conaideration of- -THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($34,�OO.QO)- - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> GIFT : <br /> reaeived from grantee,dces grant, b4P�R1II� eell, convey and confirm unto <br /> � JACK D: GREE�I4lOOD and PHYLLIS A. GREEPINlOOD, Husband and 4!i fe. <br /> 4 ' Son and daughter-in-law of the Grantor <br /> herein culled the grnntee wLether one or more, the follozsing described real proparty in <br /> � Hdll .............................. County� Iv�ebraska: <br /> All my undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to: <br /> i That part of the Northeast Quarter and the t�orthwest Quarter <br /> (P�E;a and the N144) lying 5outh of the South boundary line of the <br /> Union Pacific Railroad, in Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10), <br /> North, P,ange Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.hi., Nall County, Nebraska, <br /> being Thirty-four (34) acres, more or less. <br /> NEBRASKII DOCi1i���i'dT;i'r�Y � <br /> STAtti-iP TAX <br /> DEC 10 1916 <br /> k � <br /> ^'TATCARFI,T 177�ruc.. . <br /> $,.t��,�BY '�_ <br /> � <br /> , <br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with nll tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appnrtennnces thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grnntee's l�eirs and assigne <br /> that grantor ie lawfnlly seise3 of said premises; that they are free from encwnbrance <br /> : <br /> e" <br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and thnt grantor warrants end will <br /> defend the title to said premises againat the lawful claims of all pereona whomsoever. <br /> � Dated December 10, lg 76 <br /> .................................................................................... �..r.�...�:-/�.'�.:�...�//.....:.1..:� 5��...�....1.�:..���.fi:�� . . . <br /> Y <br /> .�. : .................................................................................... .................................................................................... � <br /> � <br /> Y.- � �. � ..............................................�..................................... .................................................................................... <br /> F� .................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> '., STATE OF NEBRA8S6.,County of.....................t�rl�.�............................: <br /> Before me, a notary public quelified for said county, personally came <br /> Ethel Ftae Greenaiood , a single person <br /> k <br /> kno�sn to me to be the identical person or pereone who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged "�•N <br />' the ezecution thereof to be his,her or their voluntnry ect nnd deed. , � . . <br /> � Witnesa m d notarial eeal on............... DeCertber 1D, 76 , <br /> ....................................................� 19............ �t :_' <br /> � . <br />� . , .,_rq..�T . . � h <br /> w ��, � .,'1?AP.Y .—� „ , ' .. ',. <br /> ,� .:i f:��ar.i:.�..:�...�:r.L.r:.���..�ti i ic..�'�.�.... Notary Public. � <br /> n - : ✓„1 � n ._ . . . <br /> � � <br />;, r"> hfy commission ezpires � t.s:::r..r.,:.t........................... 19...'r:.,2... <br />�: � " �� _ t,s��n - �j <br />��. � � <br />