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� ' ' .. <br /> k;. <br /> �� �. . _ � ' ,�'.. <br />� . � . . " .w dc.7� . <br />� �.`� . . . . . . . .. . , . �� . . c.s � .. � '. <br /> UU71-�.I <br /> AtORTGAG@ <br /> h10RTGAGB LOAN N0. � 22,45� <br /> KNOWALL1�iL•NBYTIiESEPRESENTS:That John A. Widhalm and Judith C. Widhalm each in his and <br /> r <br /> her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> ; Alortgugor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum ot <br /> • Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred dfld NO�IOO--------------u----------------__________ DOLLARS <br /> '' ; loaned to said mortgagor by Tlu Lquitable Building and Luan Aswciation of Grand lsland,Nebraeka,Afortgagee,upun 128 shares of stock of <br /> said�ASSOC►A'f(ON,Certificate I�o.L 22,450 ,do hereby grant,wnvey and mortgage un[o the said ASSOCIATION the following. � . ��.." .. <br /> - descnbed real estate,situated in Hatl Countq,�Nebraska: � � . �� . . <br /> LOT SEUEN (7) IN BLOCK TWENTY-FIVE (25) <br /> OF RUSSEL WHEELER'S ADDITTON TO THE <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, AS <br /> SURVEYED, PLATTED AND RECORDED. <br /> ,{�-_ � <br /> � �'� tugether �vith all the «nements,heredi[aments and�ppurtenances thereunto belon�ine,including nttached Ooot wverings,all window screens, . . � � <br /> window shaJcs,blinds,storm windows,awnin�s,heating,air wnditioning,and plumbing and w�aterequipment and acrossories theroto,pumps,stoves, - � � � � <br /> rehigeramrs,and o�her fixtures and equipment now or hereeCter attached to or useJ in connectiuii with said real estare.� � � .� � -� <br /> i�`j And wherzas the said mortgagot has aereed and ducs here6y aeree that the mort�eor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments leti�ed or � � � . � . �� � � <br /> assessed�upon said premises and upon this mortgage and�hc bond secured thereby before ihe same shall become delinquent:to fumish approved . . <br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 1 Z,8��.�� payable to s;tid ASSOCIATION and to Jeliver to said <br /> ?'� '� ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises: � . � . � <br /> In case uf de(ault in the perfurmance of any uf the terms anJ conditions oC this mortgxge or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagae shall, . � � � � � � <br /> on demand,be entitled to immedixte possession of d�e mortgaged premises anJ thz mongagor hereby assigns, transters and uts over to the �� � � � � � <br /> mongxgee all the rents,revenuos and income to be Jerived from die mortg�ged premises during such time as the mortgage indehtedness shall remain . � � . <br /> unpaid:and tlie mortgagee shall hare the power to appoint any agen[ur agents it may desire(or the purpose of repairing said prtmises and ren[ing. � . � _ � <br /> � the same and collacling ihe mnts,revenues and income,and it may pay out o(s�id income all eapenses o(repairing said premises and necessary � - <br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same anJ oC collrcting reneals thereGom;the balance remaining,iF any,to be � . � � . � <br /> �pplied toward the Jischarce af said mortgage indebtedneu;these rights of the mortgagee miy be exercised at any time during the existence oi such � . � � . � <br /> def�ult,irrespectivr oiany temporary waiver uf the same. � � � <br /> These I'cesrnts,however,are upon the Condition.That if lhe said�tortgagor<hall repay said loan on or befoce the mawrity of said shares by � �� ��. <br /> payment:pay munthly m said ASSOCIATION o(the sum specif3ed in�he[fund secured hereby as intemst snd principal on said loan,on or before � � � � <br /> the TH'entieqiday of each and zven�month,until said loan is fully paid:pay all taxes and assessments le��ed again:t said p�emises and on this Atortgage . � � <br /> aud the Bond secured thereby,beforc delinyuency;fumish appmved insurance upon the buildines thereon in the sum of S 12�8��,QQ PaYable � � � <br /> to said ASSOCIATIO\:repay to said ASSOCIA'f10�upun demand all money by it puid for such taxes,auessments and insurance wrt6 mterest at � � � � <br /> the m:+ximum legul ram thcreon from date of payment all of�rhich 9fuctgagur hereby agrees to pay:permit no waste on said pmmiscs;keep and comply . -- � <br /> with alt the�greements and conditions of the Bond for 5 1 Z�HOO OOds day given by the said Uort¢agor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply <br /> �+�ith all lt�e requirements of the Cunstimtion end ByLaH•s of sa�d ASSOCIATION;then these presents shall btcomt null and�•oid,othenvise thcy � � � <br /> shall rcm3in in ful!furce and may be furecloxJ at 4ie option of the said ASSOCIATfON �fter failure for three munths to make any of said � . � <br /> �::_; payments or be three months in arte�rs in making s�id monthly payments,or to keep and comply u�ith the agteements and conditions o(said Bund: � � <br /> and A1urt�gor agrees to have a receiver eppointed forthwith in such Coreclosure pruceed'u�gs. � <br /> If there is any chuiga in uwnership of die real estatc mortgaged herein,by salc or othenvise,then the en[ire remaining indebtedntss hereby � . <br /> secumd shall,at the option u(The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebrxika.becomt immediately due and payable without <br /> � furthe�notice,anJ the amo!mt remsinine due under said bond,anJ any olher bond(or any additional advances made diertunder,shall,Gum the <br /> date o(exacise of said option,bear uiterrst at the manimum legal rate,and this mortgage may then be(oreclosed to satis(y the amount due on said <br /> bond,and any other bond tor additional ad�anres,[ogether K•i[h all sums paid by s�id The Equitablc Huileling and Loan Association ot Grand I�land, <br /> Nebraskn for insurance,ta�ces and asussments,and abstracting extcnsion charges,with interest thereon,from date oC payment at the m�cimum � <br /> Icgat�ate. <br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while dus mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereaCter advance additional sums to the � � <br /> makeis of said Bond,their assigns or successurs in interest,which sums sh�ll be within the security o(tliis mongage the same as the tunds originally <br /> secured thereby,the total amount ot principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage. <br /> D`�a�t�: 8th a,��r December n.�.,i�76 <br /> .� l,<�..� f'..Lr��-__�G..— <br /> ��n i.3ria7m,� <br /> .�.;Y`�l�<�. ///,.�.'/��`�m i <br /> �udith C. 4tidhalm <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,�ss. On this da uf <br /> 8th v December i976 ,betoreme, � � .,- <br /> COUNTY OF HALL �:�: <br /> tht undersigned,a Notary Pu6lic in and for uid Counry,personally pme ���y <br /> _ John A. Vlidhalm and Judith C. Widhalm each i�n his and her own right and as spouse�f each � <br /> other ��h� are P�rson yknownto • � <br /> � mt to be the identical person S� K�hose name 5 a re afTixed to!hc above insVumcnt as mortgagor S :�nd they severally � <br /> their �' � <br /> ac}:nowledged lhe said instrument to bs voluntary act and deed. � ' <br />�� � �t7TIdESS my hand and hotarial Seal the date aforeuid. � �'��- <br />.;,,,,.`- \ . .._. <br /> Afy C�mmiuion expims ��' <br />� ���� <br />�` 4 OTARY <br />�,: GENERa N ttnt�oi ypy�, �I sI. �7 /� /: .. \otary blic <br />�i y.� p� JafdES . ,i:rt (v'"V G. 7�j' ��- <br /> ���ur�.�,-:,-.:.�,: s�. t; �n�; � / <br /> --------'._..� <br />` � <br />:'� <br />.�.� <br />