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<br /> hfORTGACE
<br /> � �fORTGAGE LOAN N0. L 22�454
<br /> KNOWALLAtENBYTHESEPRGSGNTS:Thal fred M. Janisch and Donna M. Janisch, each in his and
<br /> . r
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> �tongegor,whether one or more,in cunsideration ot the sum af
<br /> Ei�ht� Thousapd and Na/100-- Dot�nes
<br /> toane�i to said mortgagor by The Equitable puilding and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,htortgagee,upon $QQ shares of srock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�454 ,do hereby grant,convey and morigage unro tt�e said ASSOC1AT10N tlie following
<br /> described real estate,situated in}lalt Counry,Nebraska:
<br /> .r i
<br /> $ .'
<br /> r: ;
<br /> ;�: .
<br /> together with all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto 6elonging,ineluding attached t7oor coverings,all window ureens, �� . � �. ���
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm windu«�s,au•nings,haating,air conditiuning,anJ ptumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves, �� . � .
<br /> A���„�. � refrigerators,anJ oAier Gxwres xnd eyuipment now or herealter attached to or used in cunnecliun wilh said real estate. � � � � �
<br /> �' And whereas the said mort�agor has ag�eed and does hcrcby agrec ihat lhe mortg�gor shall and wiU pay all taxes and assessments levied or . . . �
<br /> assessed upon said premists and upun this mortgage anJ the bond secured thercby before the same shall become delinquent;to turnish appruved
<br /> � insurance upun the buildings on said prtmises situated in the sum of S$O�OOO.00 p�Y�ble to said ASSOCIATION and lo deliver to saed � � . �
<br /> ASSOCIATIO\the policies for said insucance;and not to commit or perm�t any waste on or about said premiser, � � . - � � �
<br /> ,;��.:�. In cxse of de(ault in the performance of any oi the terms and conditions of this mortgvge or dte bond secured hereby,the mor[gagea shall, - �
<br /> un demand,bc entiUed to immediale possassion of the mortgagad premiscs and the tnurtgagur hereby assigns, Vansfers and uts over to the� ' � .. � � �
<br /> �;��� mortgagee all the rents,revenues xnd incume ro be Jerived fmm the murt�ged pcemises during such time as the mortgege inde6tedness shall remain _ � � �
<br /> •-��-' unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the Ex�wer to appoint�ny a@ent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and[enting . � � - --������-�
<br /> , the same and collecting Ihe rents,re��enues and income,and it may pay mri o(said income all expenses of repairing said premises end necessary � . - .
<br /> ' commissions and expenses incurred in�enting�nd managing the same anJ uf colfecting rentals them(rom;the balance remaining,i(any,to be .
<br /> s'� applied tuu•ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtednees;theu rights of the mo�tgagee may be exercised at any lime during the existence oC such � � . -
<br /> default,iucspective of any temporary w•aivec oC the same.
<br /> - Theu Presents,huw�ever,a�e upon the Condition,That if the said Alortgagor sh:�ll cepay said loan on ur before the maturity of said shares by � .
<br /> � payment;pay munthly to said ASSOCIATION u(thr sum specified in the Uund secured hereby as intecest and p[incipal on said loan,on or before - � �
<br /> � the Twenticth day of each anJ erery munth,until said Ioan is fully paid:pay all taxes and asxssments leried against said premises and on this Ator[gage
<br /> and the Bond securcd thereby,befure drlinquency;(umish approved inmrance upon the buildings thrreon in U�e sum o(S$O����.�� P�Y�b�z �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATIOti;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it p�id Ibr such laxes,assessments and insurance u•ith interest at � . .
<br /> the maximum Iegal rale thereon from date of paymcnt all of which�fortgagor he¢by agrees to pay:permit no waste on saiJ pmmises;keep and comply � �
<br /> _ with all tlie agreements anJ cunditions of the Bond for� $(� (�Qn (�(�diis day gi�tn bq the said�1ortgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply �
<br /> with all the requuements of qie Constitution and ByLaws uCs�a ASSOCIATION:then these presents shall become null and void,othenvise they . . .
<br /> shali remain in(ull Corce�nd may be foreclused at tl�e option of ihe said ASSOCIATION a(ter fuiluce for three months to make any of said �
<br /> �,- payments or be three mon�hs in arrears in m�king said monthly p�yments,or to keep and comply with the agrcemenls and conditions of said Bond;
<br /> 3:
<br /> and I�1or�gagor agrees to hare a receiver appuinled forthH•ith in such fureclusure pmaedings.
<br /> 7_.�. 1(there is any change in uwnership of thc real estatc murteageS heroin,by snle or othcrwise,then the entirt remaining indebtedness hereby . �
<br /> . secured sl»II,at the optiun of The Equitable Ouilding and Loan Aswcia�ion o(Grand Island,NebrasAa,becume immediately due and payable without
<br /> _ furt6er nutice,anJ thc amount remaining duc under said bund,and any other bond for any additional advances made Ihereunder,shall,from the �
<br /> date o(exercise of said optiun,bear interest at il�e maximum Icgal r�te,and this mortgage m�y then be focecloud to satis(y tho amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bond(or aJditionai ad��ances,togcther with all sums paid by said?he Equitable Huilding and Loan Association of Grand Isl�nd,
<br /> Nebrzeka for insurance,taxes and assessmenis,and abstracting extension charges,with imecest thereon,from date of payment at[he maximum
<br /> legalrate. .
<br /> � As pruvideJ in the Bond secure�i.hrl�by,w�hile this murtgage remains in effect the mongagee may hereafter ad�ance additional sums to the
<br /> I irukers of said Bond,t�eir assignsprsuccessti�s in interest,H�hich sums:hall be within the security of qds mortgage the same as the(unds originally
<br /> ,��,�_ � secured thereby,lt}e'�fot�l arnoynt o(principdt debt not to exceed at any time the ori�inal amount of this mungage.
<br /> � ���ea.�n� 9th% a,y.or December -�.a.p.,19 76
<br /> _,-�-- � ,.-' > y� ) %� - �
<br /> c���' � ��r��`'� � -r,�>r� i//. i /�i%li��'�/
<br /> Fred M. Janisch , 'Donna t4. 3anis�—�
<br /> �
<br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA.�ss. On this 9th Say o( December 19 �6 ,before me, �i
<br /> COUN'CY OF HALL •
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Yublic in and for said Counry,personally came :�,N „i�:,
<br /> Fred M. Janisch and Donna M. Janisch, each in his and her own righ�oand as sp�ou�e��yoknoW��o . � ,;':,
<br /> � eac r, are
<br />' . `�i I�.11{��dC I person S whose name s are ��fixod to the above instmmcnt as mortgagor S and they uverally � �
<br /> `�. r,
<br />,� �EICpa�A7�gi��lh� 9�strument to be thei r coluntary act and deed. � �' �
<br /> a;G "�<�S5'[ 5 my hand and Notarial Seal the date aCoresaid. �
<br /> NOiA?Y ti Co missionex ire ,� � 1 � � /' J�
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