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a: � } +: <br /> c: �;g <br />��, . . t �Y� . <br />}, �� }. ` <br />{ ���. . . .. . .. . . . . ... . � ... . . . �.. . <br />�..� .. . . .. . . . � . . � � . . . <br /> sf. <br /> � � MORTGAGE—Saving�and Loan�Fomt--(Duec! C:edlt Pl�).255•1 (Spedd) - � . � . � .� <br /> . .. �. ^^^"^^^^'"^^^""'.." . . S� .. . � , . <br /> 3 <br /> ��- o o�� o e nnoRr���E <br /> � ' � � � . � � - Loan No �� � . � . <br /> ; f rttts trmExrttttErmaae�A�• 9th December � <br /> ��p a� 19 76 by�and betwaen � <br /> ROBERT W. FAHNESTOCK AND AMY L, FAHNESTOCK, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br /> ;- right and as spouse of the other <br /> �.oi -�Hdl l� � r:ouary,Nebraaka,�mortgagor�and Home Federal Savtnqe-and�Loan�Aesociatlo¢oi Graad Island,.. ' � . <br /> � ' a co�orattoa organi:ed�and exiating uader the lawi ol Neb�aeka��wlth Ite prladpal offlco and plaee o!buat¢eee at Graad lel�d Neb[vaka, � � � � <br /> �as modgagee:� . . . . . . ' .. . �. <br /> FORTY THOUSAND AND NO/L00 - <br /> � -� �WITNESSETH: That aaid morigagor 5 tor aad in eoneidexallon ol tha sum ol ' � , � . . <br /> " , { ---------------------------------'--------- nollars (S 40�000.00 � <br /> ����$ tha�reeelpEo( whtch ln hatehy�aclmowledged,-do—by theee preeente mortqage md warrant uatn naid mortqagee, iV euccoeeon aad � � . � <br /> $ aeaigm,forever,all lhe lollowiag dnacri6ed real.eatate,aitualed in the county�of Hall if <br /> ... and Stale�ot�Nebraaka,to-wlh : . . �. .. . � � � <br /> THE EASTERLY FIFTY-TldO (E 52') FEET OF LOT FOUR (4) AND THE WESTERLY 1WENTY-EIGHT �� <br /> (W28') FEET OF LOT THREE (3), BLOCK EIGHT (8), MORRIS FIFTH ADDITION TO THE CITY <br /> OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. # <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> 6 :. <br /> " T ether with all heatin , lt htta, and lumbin e meat and }izturee,indudinq atoken and bumen,ecream,awninqe,atorm windows � '. . � . <br /> � fj o9 4 9 9 P 9 �P . . <br /> �� and doo:a,aad window shadee or bl[nda.uaed on or in waaecttoa wieh naid propo�ty,whathar tLo eame a�o now.loeated na snid prope�ty i � . � ; <br /> . or horealter plated tLereoa. �� <br /> � . TO HAVE IiND 70 HOLD THE SAME, loqether with all md elnqutar tho tenomeata,heroditamenle and uppurteaances tbe�eunlo beloaq• � . . . <br /> � ing,oi in anywise appertaining,toraver,and warrm�t the title to the eame. Said mortqagor S hereby mveaan�with eald modgagee � <br /> are <br /> � that t�ey at fhe deIIvery heceof,the lawful owaers o!the p=eminee above cronveyad and deeeribed.and are S <br /> �' r£ ceked oi a qood and indoteanible eatate ol inheritcmce lhorein.lree and dea�ot atl encumbrancee,and that�o�will waR�t�d f , � - <br /> � detaad tLo title the�eto lorevar agma+t the dalme and demands o!all poteom whomeoever. 3 <br /> ,, � $ PAOVIDID ALWAYS, and thie lastrument 1s e:ecuted aad deLLve:ed to eocuxo the paymont of lhe eum o� S � � - <br /> � FORTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 - 40,000.00 � <br /> y �� notlara ts <br /> �,: wilh intereH We�eon,togo�her with euch cha:gm and advances aa may he due �d payablo to said mo�tgageo under tha tormn and <br /> ' co¢didona ot the promieaory note ol evea date hacewith and eeeured heceby,uzecuted by emd mortqaqor_to eaid mor�gaqee,paynhle <br /> �;��� ' 3 na ezpreaeed In aaid aote,and to eecuie tbe pertorm�ce ol all the terme aad rnaditlam coatainnd lhecein. The terma o! eaid note aio � . <br /> r�� he[ebp Incoipoiated hereia by 1hls reteteace. � <br /> It le tha iatention and aqreomoat ol We parlion he:eto thal thia mo[tgage ehall alao aecuze any future advancee mado to eaid . � <br /> � moclgagor 5 by emd mortqagee,aad any and all lndebtedaem in additloa to lhe amount abova etated which eaid mortqaqota,or aay � � <br /> � of them,may owe to eaid mortqagea,howevec avldeaced whether by note,book acxount or o�herwine. ThL+mnrtqago ehall iemma i¢lull � � <br /> � � foTco�aad apect betweea the parties�heieW and tho3r hein,.pecsonal�repreeentativev, eucceseoi� and es+iqas, until all amovnta eacured <br /> r� . � hereuader.Iadudiaq luhuo adv�cee,are paid in tull wiW iatarea4 � � � <br /> � The martqagor S hezeLp aaatq�to.eaid moclgagee all reats�d lacame azidaq at any aad all limes tram aald properip�d <br /> � � � herebp authorize said moAqaqae oc lu ageat,a!ila optlon,upoa delault,to take ch�ge o!enid prope:tp and mltect all rente aad latome . <br /> therahom and apply the eamo lo the paymeat ot Ialerae4 prtnapal.fanuaace premtume.t�es,aeeeasmoatn,repatrs or improvementn necea- t <br /> e¢ry lo keep said p+oporty fn tenanfuble condlilon,m lo ofher cL�gee ox paymeale provided lor harein or in tho note heceby aecured. Thla F <br /> {: � renl aeelgnme¢t aLall continue fn force uatil lhe uapald bal�oe of eaid aote Ia tully pmd. Tho laking ot poaaeaeioa heceunde[ehall!a no Stt � <br /> manner.pravent or retmd said mo+tgagee!a the mllectioa o! eaid suma by loreclonure or otherwino. � ' <br /> � ' Eae idlute of the-mortqaqee to aeaeri�y o!i�rtqhb hneunder al aap tlme ahall not be covwed aa a waiver of fU riqht to aexri '� <br /> � iddd the�eame at anp late:.LLme,and.:to lmiel upon and enfatco�triet eompllance wflh all thn to�ms and proviniona o( said aole and of lhle � � <br /> . t mongaqa . .. I � <br /> �. f I(aaid mottqager S ahall cause ta be pald to eald mortgaqee the entlro�wnt due!t hmeundea�d under l6a to�me�d provtdoaa � <br /> f{ al eald note bexeby�ecuzed�cludi¢g.tuluia ad�mwe.and aay exfeminns or ro¢ewal��ILereo!!n aerncdanae �vith !he lerms.�d proviNoaa <br /> . � ;�. thateol,�d�it eaid.moriqaqor�S, shall eomply w!W all the prov�loa�o!safd note�d o!t}ila moriqaqe,thea tbese prosont�ahall be�oid; . <br /> . �S otherwi�e�to zemoin.lulullio[ce�d�ellect,aad�eaid.moriqaqes eholl be entltled W thn poaeeuioa ol all.a!said pioporty,aad map,at Its � <br /> � - �S .opGoa;deelme�t6e whale ot�d aote and all Indebledmu.tep[e�snled thetabq to be immedtately due aad payable.and mvy loredoee this <br /> mottqaqe�or tako my other legd actlon to protectite ilght,and imm the dala d euch delwlt ail l�ems ol lndobtedness socu=ed heraby -�v� t?��� <br /> ehall dtaw fntareat al 9%per�aum.. Apprmsemoat wdved '�� <br /> # Skls��moctqaqe ahall-ba.bindt¢q upoa aad thall.eauts to ih� b�ne9t.d the heicti execvtot�.admtniatraton.�tuccnuoro�aad am3qas d Na <br /> � �. �i � 1Le imepaclive��p�tlss�Leieta�. . � . • {X <br /> ��� - IN� p� sald ctq S �R Ve.hereunte �et their - eaads me ay and ycar tint above � . �� 'L7' <br /> .� wrltlen.�� . . C/ �/ � � (�„' c <br /> - S � ��� �/J� �-aC:��%�oT�=-� � � . . <br />,t,_- R . F k ' �' Amy L. a nestock � .. <br />�._ � � � �i �y��}i <br /> � � <br />`4" <br />_ �� � � <br />,_ti� <br />;,� <br />_ � <br />