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�: <br />�- . � ��:s <br />� .. _ <br /> �. <br />� „ <br />�. "` � <br />� �' STATL OF NGBRASKA, County of ............. <br /> .......................................: , <br />� ` Filed for recurd on ................................. 19........ut............................o'clock ........................ 1L <br /> and recorded in the Dced Record ................................. Puge ............................. <br /> .......................... ... ................ By ............. ....... ...... ......................... <br /> .... ................. .................. ........ .............. ................. <br /> Register of I)eeds Deputy Register of Deeda <br /> r 76'`�����`� SURVNORSHIP WARRANTY DEED 1 <br /> �(formerly known as Verna Rae Krolikowski) <br /> .Tames G. Cla�pitt and Verna !tae Ciampitt,�Ilusband and F�ife, cacli in tiis aad lier <br /> own right and as spouse o[ each other, <br /> ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br /> in covsideration of Tliirtp T�ro Thousand Seven Ilundred ''ifty and no/100 Dollais <br /> received from grnntecs, does grent, bargaiv, sell convey and confirm unto <br /> Steven t;. Gardner and Carol I,. Gardner, 1?usband and G:ife <br /> t <br /> ;, . <br /> ns joint teuants with right of sur�z�•orship, and noi as tennn�s in common, tl�e following descri6ed real <br /> propertp in .................1ia11..................................... Count��,Nebraska: <br /> Southerly Forty—I'our Feet (S44') of I.ot Tc;o (2) and i;ortherZy 'Cv.enty—Three <br /> Feet (i,2S') of Lot Three (3) all in Rloc}: Twelve (12) Claussen Country Vieca <br /> Addition to ttie Cit}• of �rand Island, I!a11 County, I'ehraska. <br /> NEERASKA DOCUMENTARY <br /> STAMP TAX <br /> � <br /> � ' DEC 91976 <br /> �!TATFMFK! aTiRf,t+F� �o <br /> $ 3G BY� <br /> + To Lave and to hold tl�e ubove descrihed preruises together with all tenements, hereditumenta <br /> and appurtenances thereto belaiging unto the grantees and to tlieir nssigns, or to the lieira and nssigns <br /> of the snr��i�•or of tLem fore��er. <br /> �nd gruntor does hereby covennnt n•ith the grantees and with their nssigns und �vith the heirs <br /> and assigns of tLe snrvi�•or of them that grantor is la«�fully seised of said premises;that they nre free from <br /> t: encumbranee Tr.cept Easements and Restrictions of .".ecord <br /> S <br /> � thnt grantor l�as good right and lawful authority to concey tLe �awe; and tl�at grantor �carrnnts and t�•ill <br /> x` defend tLe title to said premises a�xiust tlte l;ix•ful cluims of al! persons ��•Lomsoeecr. <br /> E It is thc intention of ull parties hereto tl�at in the e��ent ot the death of cither of the grantees, <br /> tiic entire j'cc title to this rc[�l property �luill �'��st in the survicing grantec. <br /> Dated :;over.iUer =2 19 7f <br /> Y (� � �y <br /> .:;. �� . .....�`'�L,(.Y`�.�....�.�.i...........�.�./J..lYJ:1.��� //�7.7t . <br /> I .. .................................................................................... <br /> ���. . .....(y.�.�l.t�'}:C1f�uK.....1r�f�'�:I� . <br /> � S'PATE OF ........t:e6rasl:a................................. County of 11a11 <br /> Before me,n notary puUlic qualified for said count}•, personnllp cnme <br /> Janes G. Clar�pitt and l'erna ??ae <br /> known to we to Ue the ideuticnl person or persons�vho signed thc foregoing instrumeiit and acknowtedged _;;,.�,. <br />' , the esecution tllcr`n�•-�`o�� rFe'�3i�lier or tlieir��oluntary act an��decd; ' ��N "'�� <br /> LZ1'itness m}:tinad aiid`i�� �nl seal on....wr.S��.�l�::����':L.`."4,m., 19../ � C <br /> r r� � 'TARY<• ` ......�N/� ...(..f...l.:�..G.'II:G..�i.Z:?--t\01a[y Pllf]I1C � n <br /> ,� cc v;s,ori i � �� c � <br /> `�. cYFlh-5 7 i'. J Y� p�,/� <br />;� �� .,�cr _ �a°;� � 9iy cammission ecpites....... ..�ll....:�..y.............19...(�G.t•... _ <br /> =9. r <br /> ' v�' `{ .� �� ed�n e�w.ou a,..u�d�,xre�. <br /> l�nrru }.L '[o I'e'1t�rY�FefI��tf r rasku Stide l�ar:\scoeiII(1011 <br /> �c <br />� �o.r�� � � � <br />'I� <br />_-� <br /> � <br />