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a: <br /> a i i i^ <br /> : � •'. <br /> , � �ti�y� <br /> �` � . . . . . . ' �.�a � . <br /> ri'. ' . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . <br /> 1 � � <br />�� � ��. 007 � .� � <br /> MORTGAGORS MAV MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSiALLMENT DUE �A7E. SUCH PREPhYMENT SHAIL BE <br /> . � APPUEO Tp INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGACE. PROYIDED THE UNDERSIf,NED ARE NOT IN UEFAULT � � � � <br /> �. AND ARE �THEN TNE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, I1PDN REQUEST OF THE UNDERS(GNEf1, OR EITHER OF THEh9, � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% �F SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT !S PRO- <br /> HIBITED BY7HE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES. THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHAII BE SECURED OY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER pND EFFECT AS iF NO PBEPAYMENTS IaAD BEEN MADE _ <br /> THE MORTGAGOR FURTIiER COVE.NANTS AI@D AGREF.6 : <br /> - r <br /> � 'Phat . the \fnrikagor wiit pny the � indebtc�cine�a a� Lereinhe(ore pnrvidrd. � � � � � � . . . � <br /> .. t . . . . . . . <br /> . . Thitt U�e A1urlgugor is Ihe o�ener of +uid prn{xrt>' in fea vimplc �md tvts �:u�xi right anJ I;���•(ul nufhorih• to tcll � :md � - � � � � � <br /> � . � . conve}' llie sumi• nnd thnt the sanu ia (n�e nnd rlear nf ony lien or encuml�rancr: �md ihut Ainrit:ngur �cill �anrrant and defend Ihe � . ��. � � <br /> title. to s:�id . prr.misrs �gninst 'the claims of :dl perso�s ���humsorvec � � . . � � i <br /> � <br /> �� � . '1'u pay immedintcly �eLen due and pny�6le. aA grneral laicc, spvcinl I:ucs. spi�cial avse.smrids� �enter rharfies, se�eor •rrv- . : � <br /> � ice charges; nnd o�her lazas i�nd churges agaL�st soid pcoperh•, nnd :ill I:ixec leviod un ihe deht scrurcd here!>v. nnd toiurnish llie . . � . <br /> �lorlgagen, upon rcyaest. �dilh the ori;;in:d or duPlicul�� rc�tiipls there(or. 1'ha• Jinrlgn�or agrre, lh:it there . sla�ll be added lo � � . . ' . <br /> . . each mouUily r�vauirai hereunder <rr uuder . l6e e4idenco of debt s��cured hnrehy :m n�uount e;limuted I�p ihe hlurt�:iiFre . � � � � �. � . <br /> to . ba nutficient to anahle thc �lorlgugei• �o pap. .v; ihey innome due, all �:ixes, �„�•s,tnents, rwd .imilar chargev upnn the pn^tn• , . . <br /> ' i`es subj�rt �therclo: any dclicieacy becnuse o( .the iu:wliicienct• n[ such nddilionzi p:�}'mrnL9 sh�ill 6e ford�with depu�iird by thr . . . . <br /> ' ; � �lorlgagor �cith Ihe Atortgagi•e upon dwtinnd by fhi� �lorlRngee. Aoc det�iult under Uiis p.irnhr:�ph slmil bc deen�ed a defmili in � . . .. . � . .� . <br /> p:tqment oI hiac.. � .is.vssnu�nts. ��r ximil:v �•harErs requircd hrreundee . � � � . <br /> 'Ph� Aiortgugur iagroes �hat �he[r. sl�iill :ilso br ,a�Ided tu nnch mmniil�� ��:q�n�ent nf princip;ii :ind in�rrrs� nv�uirrd here- . � � � . . . <br /> - under an immunt ��stimuteJ Lp � he :�lorl;;agee in br sutiiciont �o en:ihle ihe \fort �:;+�,;ee iu p�ic. a, i� brcumt•• due. tha insur�mre . � - . . <br /> � premiwn un any insurnna� policp drli��t�rrd tu � hr \tur�g:u,re. :�m• defici��ncy hrcausc ot the insuliicicnc>• u( sucli ndditionnl �u�y- . . . . . <br /> "` .� � . mentx sh:i.11 be (�>rthwitii deP�*�ited 6y Ih�� 91nr1 �:��ur ���ilh tLe \tnrl �;a�;.•c upun domund bc th�� \1url�;a�iv. elny deGtult uudrr this �� . . <br /> } . � purngruph nhall br, dri�med a di�LuJt in the p:�ymenl of insurancr prentium�. I( thr pulicc ��r pulicies doprz<il�•d are :uch n; hnma' . . . . <br /> } <br /> nk�nere or nll risk � pnlicies. nnd lhe drpo.ils are insullicirnl lo i�;�c the rntire pmmium. ! br Atuu�ncee mu�• apply thr deposi� to . . <br /> pay pri�miumx on riska rrquimd tu Lc insured b}• Ihis mnrl�n4c: � � <br /> � � � Pi���menls mi�de hc tLr \dorigakor wider � hr ahocr pnr�Rraphs ma>�, at ihe optiun of !he 1lortga�;rr. I��• ]�cld by it and � .. . . � . . <br /> ti � - � . comminKled �eil6 uthrr sucli fuuds nr ils uwn [uuds fur the papmrnt ��( ,urh il��rn.. and until ..n appli��d. sueh p:rymrnls nrr h��reby ... . � . . . � . . . <br /> � pL�lg��i as s��cority (ur ihi� unpaid b:ilana• uf Ihr mnrt;;n;;e inda�blydnr,s. . . . . � . . <br /> . .Pu prucure. deli�•er to, �md muini:iin lur thr Lrneli( uf thr \inrlgage�� duriu„ � hr li(e u[ lhis mort�;:�;;e nri�:i�ial Pulicies nnd '.. . . ' � � . � <br /> . . rene�enls thenxi(. deliverrd at lr�+st �en da��s I�fore fhe espir�ti�in uf uny �uch policics, insuring a�;ain,t fim �md. uther ia:urabin � . . � � . . <br /> � hazunls. casunlli��s, and cuniint:�'��cirs as thr A1<�rl�;ogiv� m:�y mquim, in ;m amuuut rqiial to Ihi� , indrhtodnoss ti��cured hy this . � � � � � <br /> � � !�tort�uge. :md in cnmpnnies acceptublc to N�c Aturlcati��r. ���ith Ins= payi�hli� elnuso � n f:icur uf and in fonn ;u•rept:�hlo to �hi• Dt��rl;;i�- . . . <br /> . gee. ln thr evrnt anc pnlicy is not rrnrw��ti un ur h�•fure trn daSs n( iL: i�x��irnti�n :. .hr• \iorl�;atiro mm• Procure incur+mce un thc . . . . <br /> ' � impruvrments. pny Lh�• premium thcr�dor. :m<i such .um shall bir:�mi• inum•diatalp du�+ iuul p:ry:�Mle ���ilh intem.l. at ihi� r:rfr set � � � � . <br /> furtf� in sai<I note until paid nnd shall hr .r.cored I�y � his mung:i„��. F:�ilure un ihe part n[ Ihe �inrl;::i«��r to (�uni�h sud� tcnc�wds ��. � . . . . . � <br /> $'� n� nre hr•rcin xquin•d nr L�ilure to uay uny �um. adv�mced hrrrwidrr �hull, st Ihe uption nC th�• Dlurtting�•o. cun.titute n drfe�ult - . � � . <br /> imder lhe trnns of fhis murh;ake. '7'he deliven• of sui�h policirs shall. in Ihr i�vrnt uf deiuult, eunslitoto m� nssi�;nmrnt n[ t1i�• un� � � � . . . <br /> � iearnal pn�mium. . �. � � � � . . . <br /> , <br /> Any aum= ron�iv��d hy lho� \1atlP.a��v. Ly rn�wnn �d Ins: or d:nnapr in.urod :�R:�inct mav h�, rot:�in�•d ho t6r \turl�aKce . . . . <br /> " nnd applied Iu�rnrJ tho pnymenl nf Ihe d�•bt hemLy ;��cured, oe at the uption n( Ihr Ator�„ngeo. such smm ci' hcr whully ur in . � <br /> a . pnrt m�y Ix• p:iiJ u�a•r to Ihr !1lnriga„or to Ix• u<rd tn repuir such buildinits ur to huild m��c huilding� in thrir plucc or (or any . . � . . . . <br /> �i ufher purpu.c ur objirt =:rtis(�iclnrp tn lhr \lnrtau;;e�� �cithnul a�Trehn;: thi• lirn on Iho in�,n ;;n�r L�r th�• full nmuw�� �rrun•d hor�+- � . . � � � . � � . . <br /> b�� bviuro such 1�ayment ��rrr l�x�k pLic��. � . . . � . <br /> "1'o promPlly repuir. r��sturr ur r<.build sny Lui!dins� ur imprnv�•int�nt. nu��� or iu�ro�dlcr on lhc� �irrmi>i�, �chich mn�' be- _ � � . � . . <br /> - e��mr dam:�ged ur de,trv,���•d : ta k��ep �aid Pr��mi:.� s in ��n�d cunditinn ,md rrp;iir :ind In•r fram nny m�.chnnic', lii•n ur ulher li�•n nr - . . . <br /> :� <br /> � clnim of I�en nul exPn•v ly wirrrdimded to � 6c lirn hrn•�d: nut lu >ufTrr ur prrmil any uidawtiul «<r nf nr �iny nuisunce tu rsi.t nn � . <br /> ''� � said prnperfy nnr to pernut wasU• un a�id pn•mi<rs, nur t„ do :nn' � �thrr nrt �chrr��h�� the pru����rly liembp eum�e>•rd �ludl 6��rnme . : � . <br /> lew� valuahle. unr ��� diminish ��r inpuur ils calu�� h�' :�nr aC ur n�niasiun in nrL tu rnmlrly ���illi ;dl rr�quirrm��nLv � d I:nv ai� h rr.poct . � � <br /> � to the murtRagrd premi�rs nnd t6r use Ih�•rroL . . . . <br /> :. Th�t shuuld tLr Nn•rnises ur nny Pnrt lhrrr�,( ta• luken nr J;uun�;i�d by rra<,�n of nn>� public• imPruvcmrnt ur c�mdeninafion . <br /> �- � � prcecislin�;, ur undcr t4i• ri�;ht o[ rrninent dornuiu. ur in uny uthcr rnnn�u�r. thi� �lnrt4:ncer �6a11 L�� ��ntill�vi tu all rompen.atiuns, � � <br /> y;. ' n�rurds. nnd :my uthi•r p:i�'mrnt ur [rlici Ihrrcinr. :ind ,hnll Lc entitlo�l. nt iL. uplion, tu oummcna�. ;�pprar in nud pnn�cutc in ils � � <br /> - a�rn nnme nny :�ction ur ��nkY�cdinu. ��r tu m:il<e :my roml?rumisc ur srtdi•mcnl in ounm�ction w�ilh ..uch I :il:ing ur dama�;r. :111 sach � . <br /> � rnmpens:�tion. :�w�anix. d:imag��., ri�;hl uf arli��n anrl pruceivl< :�r!• heri�iry n�.igm�il tu ihr \lury:n�;c��. ���hu m:n•, aher �i��ductint; . <br /> �� Ihere(mm till iLs expenne+, r�d�•ase ;my tuonry�c r.0 rre�•ivrri b�� il ur spply lhr .::rtno on nn>• ind��blednrs. .rcun•d hrn•Lp. l'br �1urt � <br /> 1� .. gnFur e�gmes� to execvtr �iich lurther n;si�;nments u( :�m� c��mp�•n.atiun, u�� :�rd:. J,un:i;;c.. :md rir.hl< uf nrti�m oud pr�n�v��d. :i; ihr <br /> ' n�O7f4al:l'P IIIDV f�Y�WfC. - <br /> h <br /> Thnl in caac o( Initurc tu pcdurm nny ��f t6c c�,vcnums hrmfn, t !n• Vurl�;a�ro m:q' du � �n th�• Alnrlg;�Gur's h��hnli rcerythinF <br /> so covennnled: that die �1urtKaKee nv�>• aku du :any ac; it mn�� dr�.m urc:•.a�ry �o prutrc� iii�• lien tlwmo(: that the \-0nrtgn�;ur �oill - <br /> rcpny upon domnnil any monr��s paid nr dishun��d � 6y thr �fnrl;;s�eo f�.�r any uf fh!• ++hurr purp� or;. anJ such nwnry. tn�:rlhcr wilh � <br /> inte�esf t}�en�m at ltir rat�• providrd in >nid nut�� =h:dl ber��me s,r mucL iiddiliun:�l indrL�rJnrti. horel,c >��cur��d ❑nd mny Lr im <br /> i <br /> �� cludid in any. tiecnn� (orPclo9ing tliim m�r�gage and br p:iid uul nf tlir rcu�s or prucrcd, uf <al�� of .aid pmmise� it nut n( iienvi>e <br /> � paid: tbnt it sliall not lKe ubli�;ntory uPon thv �turt�a�;ro to inquir,• inta thr vnlidif�• uf nnp li,�n. rneumLranco.. rrc rl:iim in �id- <br /> ' vancing inanc)', +is +iboce aull�urizrd. but nulhing hrrrin r�:nt:�in�•d x6a11 I�• cnuslrui�d as rrquirinFt tlu• Jlurl�;.q;rr In ada:mcr ;� ny . <br /> ` � ntone}'� (or riny �ucit purpose nnr tn dn iany uct hrround�•r, and lliat \1nrt�ug,•r .lu+ll not ineur am� prrv��n;+l lialrility bev:�n>�• ni any' <br /> �- � thin� it. m;�y du ur omil to du hrruund��r. <br /> � In the eve[d u( lhc dr(aull by \lurt{;a�;ur in Iho pnpmnn [ uf :u�v in.lallnieid . :f: requirr�i Ly ( hr Nute �renrrd h�•rriry, r�c� <br /> �.. �. in thc {mdunnaricr uf lhr oLligittiun in Uiis Inorl;;nge ur in fhi� nutr �ccumd lhrroL}•. lhr Atnrq::+�i•c ;hnll br rntitl��d tn diriarc th�� . <br /> ; � d�bt secumi; hun�bY clue nnd paynble �eithnut no( ire, nnd thr \lorlg��;re �h;�ll br enlitL�d nt il� upfion, w-ithnu[ nntico. rithrr Ly it�ell - � , - <br /> .'Y. _ <br /> ur by u ttYi�icer to he �ippointal 6y ihe cuurl thereoL �md a�ifhuut mg:ml ln th�� nd�v�uur�• n( :m}• �r�•uril�• iur Ih�� ind�•hlydn��cs se' . ."�=a� " � � . <br /> . curtYl bercby. tu enter upnn und �t6c posaession ut ihe innrl;;agrd pmm�se.�, :iuri tir rnllect :md rece�i��v tl�r ronts. i�.ue, un<t ��rofits . N � - : <br /> ' thereof. untl t��ply lli� N�me. l�ws co.lti o( o��eralron nnd a�llirlion, u�mn the indebleclnr.s .ecunvi h�� tln+ murtti ��:��: s;n�l renls, • � <br /> L iccues nnd profilH i�inti hrreby n+sir,ned to U�e Alurtg:igee :�s further n•rurily fnr lhe p:� vmont vt all indchl��dno,v ,w ur�Yi herrhy. <br /> '�' r . <br /> . . '1'he Atnrtgngce shalt haec lhe Pm�•rr !u tippuint :my :igi�nt nr iµa•nts it mny �lcsirr tur iho purpmi� ul mp��iring >:ud pn•m- h - <br />: � isiW: renGng Ihe wme:� adlcclim' thc renLs, mr��nucs snd incurnc, iand it nurc p:�y nui n( �nid inruiur :dl �•cP����•�•• inrurnYi ui rrnt - � . � `. . . <br /> b � . � ing nnd mmut�;int; � liu• xemc nnd o( collr.tin� ihr rrnl.ds lhcr.�( r�,m. 7'hr bnlaucc n��n:unin�. d nnq. =hal1 b�� :q�pli��d t.nvard Ihr <br /> � di!u•hurge uf ihc murt�;agt� indebtedncss. 7'hi.. :�s�ignmont is tn � �•rrnin:ite and fe���um�• null and enid up��u n•I��;i.r � �f thf, rnr�rlc:�c��. � . <br />�� <br />�' <br /> _Y �,� .... ... . � <br /> `, � <br /> : � <br /> :. � <br />