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`'� . . . . , :, jF - —_' <br />�� ' � � � � � • ti� , . � � <br />�a� . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />� . �` � <br />,�L`; ` . . .. <br /> � 76- rt070J1 <br /> THE !vfORTGAGOR FURTHER COV�NANTS AND AGRGES: <br /> f � . � � � '1'hut Ihe tvfortgegur wil! p�Y the indebtednes� as hrminbefore pruvided. .. � . � � <br /> �,� � 'I9iat lhu � R�tortgngoc is thc owner nf said properly . in fre simpie snd has guod right and lawful �uthurity to � sell mid � � : � � . <br /> � . conve}• the .same tu�d thul the �time is (ree e�nd clenr of uny lien or i�nemnbrance: and lh;�t M1IurIRaFt��r will �r.�rrant and dr(�md the . . <br /> . � title � lo �aid premitie�v aK�inst � lhe rlaims uf nll prrsuivs whomsorver. . . . �. <br /> To pay immediately ��•Len due nnd p�ynble all general inxes. special lax��s. spec�al v,sc+saments. �vater churges, se�vi•r serv- � � � <br /> ' � � ice chnrK�• and� other taxes nnd cliarges aK�inFt naid prnperty, m�d all taxe� levied on the d��bt > rcurt•d herchp, and [o lurnish the � � <br /> � � A9ortgegee, upat reyuest. wit}� flu� ori,;inal or duplicate {eceipfs theae(or. 'I'he \1ortK:+F��r ngmrs th�t tliere shall be added to . . . . . .. <br /> each monlhl5' V�Y�nent r��uired hrreundcr ur under the e•cidence u[ deht secured h�•reby- �n nmaunt i•.:timatrd by the \iortgagee � . : . <br /> � to he sufficient. to emible lhe Alurlqage.e to pat•. as they Letrome due. ali �axes, �e>r.�smrnls. ond .imilar chnrgrs upnn ihe prem- . . �. , . <br /> ises su6jett thnreto; any drficiency !H•c�u<e ��f fhe insu([iciencv ot such �idditional paym�•nt.; �hall br forthwi� h drp�nited by ihr � . <br /> � Mortgagor with the �DtortKagee upun �Irmand by lhc \lnrlga�:i•e AnY de(s�ull �mder ihi� p�va.rvph �liail hr dremnd a drfault in . . . <br /> � papment uf lases, . assi��sment,, or �imifar charges rcquired her�•�mdcr. . � <br /> � :� � � 'Che Vlortgagor akrees that there ;hall also be added lo oach monthl}• p��ymrnt uf principal and interost rrquired here- . . � � � <br /> under itn amoun[ estimalcd by the ?�tortgn�ee tn 6e sufCcicrnf tu enabl�� the plortgogrr to pav. n ; it b��comrs duo, the in=ur:ince � � � � : . <br /> premium un anY insurance policy drlivered to ihe A1nrt�agee. An >� dcficirncy becuusc uf the in,utliciency nt suel� +�dditinnu( pay- � . . . - <br /> � � menls - shall bc forthwith <lepoaited by Uie '�lortgagor wiih the 11urt�:agee uPon demand Iry' the \lurtgagec•. Any detault under this . � . <br /> � paragrnph shull I�e deemrd a de(ault in th<> P��'����'��t u( insurance prrmiums. It the pulicy or pulicir:s d� posited are such us home• �. � . . . . <br /> � uwners or ull risk policies. :md ihe depnsi4� tve insufficicnt tu p;q' lhe rntire premium. the �lurtgn:;ee may appl} lhe deposit tn . . . . . <br /> pay� pn•miums nn risks requir��d ln be insured by this mnri;;a�r. . � . . <br /> t . � Ya�'menls mada by tha 1lurigagor under lhe above parni;raphs may. at dm ��ption o( thc Ainrfgx�;ce, he h��ld hy it and . . . . � . <br /> y � cnmminglec! wiLh other such funds or its mrn funds (or the papmnnt u( sueh ii<�mc, nnr! until su applicd, such pr�y�mrnis are• hrrebv . � . . <br /> p1eclKed a, str.uritq fur the unpaid }�alancc of the moriga�;e indetdedn�•ss. : . � <br /> � To procure, delirer to, un<i m�inlain for U�e brnelit uf lhe \Inrt�;a�;���• during thr li(e oF ihis rnortgagr urigin:d pulicies tmd . � � . � . . .� <br /> �� renewiJs 1}�ere.�f, drlicr. nrl at leust ten dny's txrfore ihe expiration u[ :uiy sud� pulicie�, in;urin�; .��ainst tire and nther insurable �. � � . . <br /> hazards, caSualUes-. and contingencie�: t�s lhe 11or�F�Fee ma�?' rrqwre. m :m auiounl equnl to the s�•cured by this . � . � <br /> .� �'i \lurtgago. itnd in cumpanies acceptable to the \furt�a�ee. �� ith loss payable efauaa in (.+cor u( and in form ncreptaMe to th�• \lnrtgu- : . . . <br /> ��� ? gce. Li the event any policy is not. rene����vl nn ur bidorc ten days uf its ixpiratiun. thc pturfk,�gei• may procurr insurance on Ihr. . <br /> - improvements, puy lhe premium lhere(or. and such sum shul! bec:�me immediaiel�� duc and payable with inlerest at the. rate tiet . � � . <br /> � - forth � in said notr until pnid 'nnd shall be :,ecured bp thi� murtgage Failure un the part n( the !�fort��gnr to (urnisti such renex•als . . � <br /> i � <br /> as are herein rcyuired or tailure lo pav ��ny �ums advxnced hereunder ;hall. ai. ihe uption u( the 11url�;a�:re. c.mstihue a defuult <br /> � �i under fhe temu ot �his mnrtgnge. 'I'he dclicery of such puiici�•s .h.ill. in thr i•cont uf drfault, constitute an a�+ienment o( the un• . � � . . <br /> f,.� earned pre�mium. . . . � � . . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Any sumc reccived by the Alurtgagre by r�•��sun uf I��+s or d:image m.ured agninst may fx• re�ained 6y� the plurlga�;ee , . <br /> t and applied toaard lhe paymeni o[ ihe deht. hereby cecured. ue nt the option of the \tort�agre. such sum: CI�IIPC l4'FIOIIV ur in , � � <br /> part� may be pnid ovrr to the lforigay;ur t�� iu� uu�d to repair such huildincs or �u build ne�v huildinqs in their place ur for any . . . . <br /> o� her Purpu5e tu ubject siitisfactorp tu t}�_ hlurt�;z��vi� �vithuut a�i��ctin;: Ihr lien un Ihe mortea�r for thr• (ull amount =ocurrd here- . . . . <br /> , by brfore such payment r.vrr tiv�k Pl�ice. . � � . <br /> � 'Co prom�tly repair. rrston• ur re6uild ony buildin�s er irnPruvt�mi�nt= nu��� ur horu:dicr an the pcemise� •.chir.h may hP- . � . . <br /> � comc dam+ii;�'�i or deslroyeKi ; to koep seid pr�•mints in ��. �d cundition :�nd repuir �ind Ire�� irom anp m�•chanm's li�•n nr u� her lirn nr � . . - � . <br /> claim of lirn nnt exPrr=sly .�uM�rdin�ted to the lien hrrr�uf: uol to sulTer or p�•rmit ❑ny' unla�c(ul usc ��f ��r am� r.uisance to a•�ist on �. . � . . . <br /> � . �., said pmperty nor tu p�•rm�t n:�,le un said prrmi,es. nur t �� du any „lher acl t��h��rrb� thr� pn�pertc hen•by cunv��� ed tihall b�rome � : . <br /> .. lesi vRlutiblc. nar fn diminish ur imp:�ir ils �;�Iw• by am' art ar ��mu=ion Iu acC tu rnmpl�� v:ith :dl rrqwremrntr of latv �� ilh n•sprct. . . <br /> to the mnrt�a�ed prrmises und fhe ust there�oL � � � � . � � <br /> Y� � Thai sf�uuld lhe prrmises ur am� part th�•n•of be taken ur d�ma�;ed by rr:�son of an>� ;�ui�lic improvem��nt ur condemnation �� . <br /> �� p��rKlin�. or under �hc right a( erninent domain. ur in :un' nther m:�nm�r. thc \li,rtgu�ce :Jmll 6�� vnlidiYl tu nll compensnliurvs. . � . <br /> awiads. nnd any uther paymrn[ ur rrlie( thendor. anJ sh:ill be• entided. nt. its ��p� iun. tn cnmmi•nce. appear in :md pn�ecule In its � . . <br /> � , nwn name anv action or prceecdin;;. or tu make ant� compromi,e ur �rttlemeut in ennnection �4�ith such lakin�; ur damagr. :�II such . . . <br /> eompensatio�i. a•.+•xrJs. damar;cs. right of nction :uid proce<ris arv� herr6y :ic.;iy;ned tu thr \;urtFa�ee. ���hn inay. after deductinF <br /> there(mm all its ex�x�a5es, reletise any monvys so reci•ic�•d bp it or apply thc• .+nrne un any indebl�•dnesv ��•�������d �,�•T��i,>�. �rr,�� ����<<- . <br /> g�gor agrecs to ez<�cute wch further a.;�iguments of nny compensettinn. a�ti:�rd,. dama;;��s. nnd ri„.hts u[ .iclion and prrK•rrds as Ihe <br /> . ?��tnrigag<r may n�uirr. <br /> 'I'hat in case of failure lo per(orm any nf ihe cuvenants herein, the ':.tortgagce may du un the Dforlgagor's behalf even•- <br /> thing so em'ennnted: thnt the Atod[;agre may nlso do uny �-t it muy di�m necea9nry to protect the lie�i iherenf; that the \fort- � <br /> . � gagor will repay upon demand any moneyd paid ur dishurstsl by the �fortFagce Eor nny oC the nbove purperes, and such monr.ya � <br /> •% togMher with interest pwreon ¢t the rate providik3 in x�id nole nhnll b�rome so much ndditional indebteciness hereby s�x�umd nnd <br /> � � � � mav }w included in an•; decree foreclosing this morl�uge nnd be Pnid out of the rents or prcx.rc�cis o( �.zle oI snid premise.�s i[ not <br /> , otherwise paid: and lhnl t�i<�riga�;ee shall not incur am• Pcrsonnl lin6ilit�� becnuse o( anythin� it may do or omii in do hereunder. <br /> � In N�e evrnt of the do(ault by 11urtf:1l:Ur in the pnyment u! ;m�: fnstallmrnL ns requir�•d hc ihr tiote s���ured hrreby. ur <br /> � in tlie performunce o( th�� obligation in tl�i; mor��;a�:�• or in t}��• ��utt� 4K�ured lher�•by. ihe �1nrt�;a�cr xh�ill be enti�led to d��clare the <br /> � . debt si�:uced hereby due and papable ailhout nntica, and tlir \iert�;a�:ce �hall be c�ntitlrd al it uption. H�ithnut nutim. ei �hcr hy ifsel ( <br /> or bv a remieer lu lxr appoinlal hp the court lher�.�f. rmd withnul. rr�;urd to the adcvaue�c}' o[ an>• si•curitp fur thr indebtrdness 4•- <br /> . � cured hereby, to enter u1H>n and lakr pns�eesion u( tlie mort�aged premices, and to collect nnd recri��r lhe mnts, is=crs and Prr,fits <br /> � thereu(, nnd apply the S�une. less c<rts of nperalion and collrctian. u�H�n the. inde6tcYlness securud bp this murlxage: snid rrnts, � <br /> i;su�w and Pmfits being h��reby nssiy:ned (n thc �lnrt�;ni�ee as furthrr scrurily fnr ihr payment of afl indebtrdnr.s ���run�l h��rchy. <br /> . �:� � . -. �_ < . <br /> � The MortgoF�'�' shnli haec the pQa�er to zppoint uny agent or n�en�s it map desire for the� purpcne uf n•puirin� said prF•m� ' , �� "�1°� 7' � . ' <br /> iues; mnting the �ame; collecting thr rents. rorenues and incume. and it mav p�v oiet of stid �ncume nll i. zp :�nse. �ncurn�ei in rent - . . . N " , <br /> L ing nnd mnnat;ing !he same nnd nf collecting the rentuls thereRom. The halance rem;�ininc. if an7 hiil t?!' i �l�)IlP(I IbK:If(I (}iC . � <br /> � discharKe ot the mnrtgn�:e indrMi•dnecK. This asaignment is tn trrminate :+nd becomr null aud v��i�l up��n r� Ir;�«� .�f this murt�age . � ��-:. <br /> 'GS' <br />> r" .,, . <br /> The Afortgagee m;�y cullect u "lutr charFc' nul tn ezrnrd Fice ('rnts ( �c) fur rach dullar ( ` I .WI �d om•h lul:il munthly (jf � . . <br /> � pnpm�•nt me�rr• lhan IS Jay� in arrean G� cu��er !hr rztrn ��sp�•nsr invrdvrd in handlinc drlinquenl nccount=. ' � . �.- <br /> 4e`} <br />.a+ <br /> i . <br /> v� <br />�� �� ...... `_ ., I <br />>7`'� � <br />�,� <br /> . � <br />