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i- <br />�; <br /> Yj <br /> li� rc� � <br />��k <br />� <br />�' <br /> .G <br />� <br />�� + <br /> •�. � � .� � . . . <br /> � <br /> I <br /> S <br /> i. : '.._......�...r....��.._._� . _ _. . _.—..._.,., :..,._.«:.�.. - . <br /> :r..._w ....::�.._. .,,.:::<. <br /> " ..:::;....,. _,....... . .,..._...... '_.n..o....�._,.....,.._....,....., <br /> a <br /> }�. . � -...+••...,.�.�+..3... _ ..,.� . . <br /> 1.� <br /> �. � . � ' . . � . <br /> s 76- UU7� � t! <br /> � together with �ll tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances belanyng there�o <br /> �' <br /> `'` 1'0 HAVL AND TO HOLD the above described premises with all the privileges and appurtenunces thereunto belonging including <br /> all renls, issues and profits thereof unto �fortgagee, forever. And Mortgagor hereby covenants [hat Mortp,agor is well and Uuly seiud of <br /> i a guud tiNe tu the premises above conveyed in the law, in fee simple, snd has good riglll and Iawful authority [o convey the same, and <br /> 'F that tl�e title so conveyed is clear, free and unincumhered excent as ntherwise noted and that Mortgagor will forever warrant and de- <br /> ' fend Ute same ro Alortgagee against all claims wha�soevar. <br /> ,. <br /> � This Dtortgage is �iven by hiorigagors io secure the pedormance of each �greement contained herein , and to secure the payment <br /> •` of a loan in ttie amount oP N�e Total of Payments shown abo��c, which luan being eeidenccd by a promissory note bearing even date <br /> herewidi and which is further described aoove. <br /> f PROVIDED ALWAYS, and diese presents are upon �he espressed condition , that if the Mortgagors shall pay in full tu the Mort- <br /> gagee a promissory note bearing even dale herewith in the amuunt set furlh above, payable in instaliments according ro the terms qiere- <br /> uC together with intercst as set forHi therein, :md shall pay all tares and �ssessments levied upon said real estate before ihe sarne be• , <br /> ; cumes cielinquent, and keep thc buildin�s on s�id premises insured !br a swu equ:il tu the indebtedness sccured hereby, loss, iPany, pay- <br /> �` , able to the s:�id �]urtgagec, tlicn these presents ro be null and void, otherwise tu be and remain i� full force. <br /> ' THIS �fURTGAGG (S ALSO TO BE , AND CONTINUE TO 13G, FRO�f TI11G 70 TIAfE, SECURITY FOR THE PAY1lENT <br /> fi <br /> OF SUCH SUAf OR SU11S OF 110NEY AS THG D10RTGAGEE 6fAY FROA17751G 7'O TIDiL IN THL• FUTURE AUVANCE TO THE <br /> '• DIORTGAGOR, ANU EVIllGNCLD BY A SUPYLEb1ENTAL NOTL OR NOTES, BUT NOT TO EXCGED TNE TOTAL OF <br /> r 5 . . . 25, D�D. DD. . . . . . . . . L• XCGF'T POR ANY ADV,WCGS THAi' 11AY llE M1tAllE TO PROTECT TtiE SECURITY tN AG <br /> ; CORDANCE N'ITH THG TGRAIS OP THIS 1fORTGAGG <br /> � Additional "Cenns and Cundi� iuns on � hc reverse uf ihis agrcement arc made a part hereof .md incor�rorated herein. <br /> ; <br /> '`; !h WITNBSS 4571ER80F, the said Atortgagors have executed these r ts Ihe day and year first above written. <br /> � <br /> �r � . � G C � �' � � .� <br /> ; Mortgagor <br /> �' l,L�-'—"t"`-""' (,l, ^�� <br /> J <br /> Mortgagor <br /> 5- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> � ) SS <br /> � COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> ° On thi�4th �ay of November , I ) 76 , beforc me, the undersigncd a Notary I'ubtic, duly <br /> � commissioned and qualitied for and in siid state and county, personally camc Richard K Gberl and Delores A <br /> ; Eberl <br /> + to me known to hc the identicaf person or persons whusc name is or n:imcs �rc affiseJ to thc foregoing instrument and atknowledged <br /> ' llie execution Uiereo( to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br /> � JIMMY L �,�EyE <br /> Wi nes6Ei�l�gqp¢,�y��l�tan Seal thc day and year last aboce written. ^. I <br /> S E A � � <br /> . STATE OF fdEBRASKA � n ' � N :;:�• �-/ <br /> Commi;sion [ary. ires NOTA Y UBLIC � �' ..:���' <br /> : � Ocloher 4, 1 �80 . <br /> My commission expires the day of � J , 19�V � <br /> r :' . <br />� , tiQT10E : SC• li OTIIfiR SIDE fOR AllDI 'fIOUAl. 1'GILVS AtiD CO:�'llIT10\'S � <br />� NEB. R.E. � <br /> TcT . <br /> s.�. ORfG1�•IAL <br />;W- . <br />_� ��,.G..- J <br /> � <br /> '�f, <br />_.- � <br /> ; �. <br />