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� � �� <br />� � � <br />� � <br />. `. S7'r17'E OF NEBR9SKA, County o£ ........................................................: <br /> Filed for record und eutered in Numerical Indea <br />� on ............................................................ ai ................ o'clocic ................ :1f.. <br /> ' uud reem�dcd in De<d Iteeord ............................ Paga ............................ <br /> '` ............................................................}3y ............................................................ <br /> County Cierk or 1lr.puty Co�uitp Clerk or <br /> r Register oE�Deeds Deput}• Reeister of Dcede � � � <br /> ..T/ <br /> I. , � �1����;`f <br /> JOINT TEP�TAIVCY WARRANTY DEED <br /> Nelda W. Gosda, an unremarried widow <br /> , herein cnlled the gruntor rrhether one or more, <br /> in considcration of Six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty ($6,250.00) Dollars <br /> received from nrantees, does qrant, b�rguin, srll, com-e}� nt�d c•unfirm unto <br /> S :' <br /> Richard Z. Kosmicki and Alberta D. Kosmicki, husband and wife, <br /> ;is joint tenants �nd not n5 tenants i�i eommon, the follo�riiig descriUed real property in .............................. <br /> �' , ..............................�s�.�,.�..................... Count�•, NeUraskn: <br /> A tract of land comprising a part oi Lot Seven (7), Nonaood Sub- - <br /> division o£ Part of the West Hal£ of the Northwest Quarter (t�i�NWl4) <br /> oi Section Ten (10), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), <br /> West of the 6tii P.M., City of Grand Island, Nebraska, Hall County, <br /> and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point <br /> � . on the South line of said Lot Seven (7), said point being Three <br /> Hundred Forty-Five (345.0) feet East of the Southwest corner of <br /> said Lot 7; thence running East along the South line of said Lot <br /> 7 a distance of Sixty (60,0) feet; thence running North, parallel <br /> to the West line of said Lot Seven (7), a distance o£ One Hundred <br /> " Seventy (170.0) feet; thence running West, parallel to the South <br /> � line of said Lot Seven (7), a distance of Sixty (60.0� feet; thence <br /> running South, parallel to the West line of said Lot Seven (7), a <br /> distance of One Hundred Seventy (170.0) feet, to the point of <br /> beginning, <br /> � To have nnd tu liold the abo�•c described �,remi.c. tooetlier �cith all tencii�ents, l�ere3ituments <br /> :uid t�ppurtenances t6creto bc]on gin�; ❑uto rhe grantces as joint tei�ants. <br /> ( And grantor rlr���; herebr i�o�•ruant �ciili the �r.mtee.v tliat �rautor is la�rfully seised of said <br /> premises: thut ihL'C riPr irec irom encu�ubrunce: except easements of record <br /> _ iliat grnntor has good ri�hi and lati�•ful 8llt�lnfll}' 10 cocn•ey the s��me: fsud tl�ut gra�itor warrunts and �cill <br /> defend the title to said Erremises u�aiv<t t!ie lu«-fnl claims of all persons �c•homsoever. <br /> y Dated November �3 �g 76 � <br /> t � � �" . <br /> �: .......�:.!�L.��z.- I'�l x,1-GU��!�� . <br /> , ........................................................:......................... - <br /> . ........NeY c�a...W_...�o sc�a.............. <br /> t <br /> � <br /> '�' S1'ATF OF \EP,PASKz�. Cb!urty oi <br /> ; ......�a.l.i...................................................: <br /> �' 13ciorc me, u notur�� public yualificd for said countc, personally cemc <br /> Nelda W. Gosda, an unremarried widow, <br /> i'. <br /> NEBRASKA DOCUfti:E"JTFRY <br /> , STP.tv4PTkX I ;1r.rcr,+,:ti� 0.�SAC1yi-j„ <br /> �E�i 9 1976 lnio�cn to mc to Ue tlie ideuticul person or pections n�ho signed the <br /> � inregoing instrument aud acknoti�•led�e the r.;ecutio» tl�ereof to Ue his, ��,l <br /> � � �� pY �,'+��) her or iheir vnluntar}• act nnd deed. N <br /> . -Y"?�."�— � _ . <br /> \Vitnes�; m}• haiid und notarinl scnl mi ...����.:�'. ), <br /> .....�/�... / j� <br /> � , t.........Y............ � <br /> CEMEdA�NCiARY-Etrte o�Me6nsb �� � ` � <br /> / _ ` '�' <br />` �/���1'.i:tE:xa....��: �/f4t2 i„v,L� �.f�tc.....1. Notarp Public <br /> . �MELVIN D.CHAMBERLIN , � ��� �. <br />' , � � <br /> , �.��.�MyComm.Fip���TFg �.. •.. <br /> '1I�• commisyion espires ....� � ` ' <br /> � <br /> � . �::..::.....<.....:.i�.......................... 1�.�...i.::.. <br /> ti�; <br />"' I'orm 4a.1 <br /> ppro��ed b}•Nebrnsku Suite Rar:lssocieiinri t.imn 4 R•olf W..Lna1n.Nebr. <br />�:: <br />��� �a.._.._._..- � J <br />':<E <br />:.:.E: <br />:-'�j <br />: [# <br /> L <br /> � <br />