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� , � � y.4t . . <br /> ! {��� <br /> pP,: . � . � . . . . . . . <br />� �,._ .. . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . �.. . <br />�.. <br /> STA9'L OP N�I31Z�1SIi.1, l,ount�• uf ....................................................: ' <br />• 1�'iled for rocurd ou ................................. 19........ut......................,...,. o'i�lock ........................ bL <br />� .�nd recorded in thc D�ed Itecord ................................. Pago ............................. <br /> .............................. . ... ........ . . 13y ............. .....,. .... ..................... <br /> ........ .. ....... ...... ...... ......,. ................ ............... .... <br /> r12egistor uf Iliede Deputl' Registcr of lleed� <br /> 1 � � <br /> SURVIVORS�3IP WAP.RANTY DEEA <br /> John llhillon and Sus0.n Dhillnn, Auaband and Wifo <br /> ��- c�c�'�a�;1 <br /> , herein called thc grnntnr wl�ether one ormore, <br /> , ; <br /> in coiisidcration of v�56�700.00 <br /> t; <br /> i reccived fi•om grantees, docs grnnt, b:irgnin, scll con��ey �md confirm unto <br /> � Elmer R. Jenkina and Ritu D. denkin3 <br /> as joiul tenants «�ith right of survi�•orstiip, iuid not ns temu�ts iu commou, the foi(o��•ing desoribed real <br /> � i Property in ......,.....�m�.�......................................... Count}•,NeDri�skn: <br /> ' Lot Nino (9), Biehop lioights Second Subdivimon, Hall County, Nobraakcs. <br /> �5 <br /> � NE(3RASKA L)OCUM�ENTARY , <br /> STAh9P TAX <br /> DEC E31976 <br /> � ' •rrRrv�,+fNT w'iTnryast � � . <br /> yo <br /> $--�--BY-��_ <br /> �` <br /> To l�ave uud to l�oid thc aUo��c dcecriL•ed premises logotlicr ���itli ull teuemcula. LereditutueutA <br /> nnd �ippurlenunces iLcreto belongivg unto the hrnntces :mcl to thcir assignn, or ta i.he heirs aud assiqny <br /> h. of the aur�•ivor of them fore�•cr. <br /> = dnd gr,mtor docx hereLy co��etuiut ���itli thc �riu�tcc� nnd «•itli tlieir a�.signs iand ���ith the heii�s <br /> �iud usyigns of the siu•��ir•ur uf tlmm th:tt gr.mtor is l:i�vfull}•scised of saiid��remines;lhut thoy nre frec fro�u <br /> R enatmbrnnce <br /> oxcopt eneomonts and rostrictions oi rocord <br /> s'� � � � � <br /> � <br /> tLnl grantor h;is good ri�lit iwd In�vhil uuthorit�' to cou�•ci' thc �+uuc; und lliat grantur ��nrritnGy tmd �ciil <br /> x detend the tit]e to s:�id �immiseti a;;ainst thc lau•ful chtims uf;t11 p��rsonti �cltomaoevcr, <br /> It i� thc inlculimi of nll �u�rtics Lcreto thnt in thc evenl of tlic dc�ith of citlicr of thu qr;intece, <br /> :� Ihc cnlirc frr. litic to this ronl pru�n•rl�� �hnll �•��nl in 1hc sw•��icinu Rrunlce <br /> t,: <br /> Dated vovemUor 13 » ']6 <br /> ,: .... ............................................................................ ......................��="�``.: -.�4.1�::.............. ...... <br /> � <br /> . , . ... . . .. <br /> . ... <br /> �= , .__----- <br /> .................................................................................... ............:..,..�....... .� �..�:ti.�:.� �,........ <br /> ...... ..... . <br /> a; .__. <br /> " , , Nobrnalca Hall <br /> �TA'll� OY' ......................................................... . Couuty nf ............................................,......:........ � � <br /> l3eforo we,u noLury puLlie quulified fc�r snid ��omily, per�ou;illy emnu <br /> _ John Dhillon and Suean Dhillon, onoh 1n hia snd hor own right and <br /> as apouae of eaah other <br /> Icnutivn to tue to bc tI1C 1[�CUClC1lI �Il'[Hp71 OI'�)CCHOIIS\�'�lll �;igned thc forcgoinK in�triucmut nnd nckno��•ledged '"F( '-'' <br /> � ti," <br /> tlic cxr,cution lliereof to Lc hi4,Lcr or volmit+u•y nc6 +wd dced. tV s�:' <br /> . L, �1'itnese my Lnnd und notnriai xcul on ..............�I. .vambes....f.i�..............�......, 19:j.�........... � � <br /> , �l , � �/ � . . � .<< <br /> GEMERALNOTARI�•snumq� .........•'J..l.��:��.Z�.....7..1.......:•il../.1�;�.:�IL..... A`otary' Public <br />� � SHARON K.SM�TH (/' `� � <br /> ' M�Comm.E¢D.N4itcA 8,19B0 . ,��7',�: � _ . <br />`,�i;... �I)' COIf1t11IdH1011 OT.pITL'A ..................... ../..L�I�:.r.....42.., 1J.�2.�...... � . <br />>;:: <br />�. I�orm i.° 'Co br �ipproccd by' \rbr:i.lui�iLdo ISnr:\svr.�ci�iliou Fdlon&Walt(iW..Lhiruln.HeLr. <br />` '� � ..J <br />