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:,5�:. . �� -.t:. <br /> c��� . . � • t . � �3i: . <br /> 1 �.' <br /> � �.,;�:ti.�i'�i <br />� � ��n .. . . . � . . �� . . . � . <br /> � MOA7GAGE�aving� and Loan Form-(Dtrect Credlt�.Pl�l 2562 (Gpedd) � � � <br /> � � MORTGAGE <br /> 76- (3 0.'7�8� �No <br /> ; ��� �. rtns ttmEtJ1'UttE,mnae thl, � Bth a„�.�o� �. Oecember ��s 76 byanab.tween � � � <br /> HAROED L. BAkGE AND ELSIE T. BAR6E, husband and w(fe, each in his and her own <br /> 3 right`and as spouse of the other <br /> �'� a� H��� � County.Nebraaka,aa mortgaqor_5,aad Home Federal Savinge and Loan As�ociatlon o!Grand Ietwd, . . � <br /> " a mrporation�org�ized'and�exlaLLng under�he lawa�01 Nabraska xlth lU prindpal ofltee a¢d place ol buafneea at Graad lsl�d,Ne6�lco, . � � � � <br /> r` <br /> � � m morlgagea: . . � .. � . � . . � .. <br /> W1TttESSE7H: 7hat�aald morigagor ° tor aad in canetderaHon ol the eum of � . � - <br /> � THIRTY-ONE THOUSAN� TWO HUNDRED AtdD NO/100 ----=------------ 31 200.00 <br /> Ilare (S � �, � . � . <br /> Ihe�receipt o! which In�hereby acknowledged, do_by lheee pre�enU mortgaqa and wmrunt unto eaid mortgogee, ile succeunn and� � � � � . . <br /> �asa[gne,lorever,oU ihe lollowing deecr[bed real eriate, eiluated in the county o1 N:�I I - � . . � _ <br /> �� . � aad Slate of Nebrmica,to-wlC � � � � � � . . � . . . � � � . � � � � � <br /> , �� LOT EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK THREE (3) IN PARKHILL SUBDI.iISION AN ADDITION TO THE : <br /> �. .' <br /> ' } CITY OF GRAND ISLAWD, IJEBRASKA <br /> � . � <br /> a, a <br /> S� <br /> i ` { 1 <br /> S� <br /> ' : �S � <br /> � ' _ <br /> s ' # 3 <br /> #�; . . . �� <br /> r , ��i Together with all healing, lightiag, and pinmbing equfpmeat and l�xturen,mcludiaq eloken and buraera,xreens,awniaqs,nlona windew� S( � <br /> ,�� . �$ and�doora.¢ad w[ndow ahadea or blinde.used on or tn conneclioa wilb eaid properly,whether lhu s¢ma are now lotuted an eaid pioperty 3 " � � � <br /> a�: . r� or hoxealter placed thereon. 1+ � � - . ... - . �. <br /> a j$ t� <br /> TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD THE SAME.together with all ond Wnqulat Ihe lenemanle,he[edltameale and oppurtenaaces�hereunto beloag• $ � � <br /> ., �$ ing,or in nnywise appe�taining,torever.and worrant tho Iiile to tho same. Said mortgaqor 5 hereby mvenoa�with aaid mortgague { . . . <br /> ,� SS that—Jie� are at the de6very hereol,t6e Iowfu!owuers ot the premisee abovo wnveyad and dancribed,and are S� � � � <br /> * +$ aei:ed of a qood and indeleasible eatate ol inheri�ance themia.Iree and clear ol all encumbmncee,and that�he�_wilt wartaat�d � � � �- <br /> �; delend lhe title theteto forever ogaim!the claime and demands ot all persons whomsxvec � � � <br /> .� 3' PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this inetrument :e ezeculed and deliveted fo aocuta the payment of tha eum of � � .. <br /> j; �� THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND T'��Q HUNDRED AND �0/IOU ---------------- ti�e �s 31,200.00 � # <br /> z �S wilh Inlereel the[tron,toqether wilh euch chargee and advancea ae may be duo �d payablo to s¢id mortqageo undnr the terme md � � � <br /> i <br /> �:�. �.. $. condifione o! ihe promi¢sory aole of evoa data heiewith and secured hereby,ezeculed by said mortqagor S to said mo:lq¢gee,pQyable � <br /> as ezpressed in aaid no�o,and to eecure lhe performvnce ot all the lorms and madilioaa contained Ihoaeia. ?ha lemu of said aole ¢to <br /> i �, i heieby incoiporeted herein by thie teferenca � . � <br /> . ;.� II le tho iMentioa aad agreement of the parliee hereto thal thie moriqage shall alao eecura any luture advancee mado to emd �, � � � <br /> �� � mortgcgor S by smd mo�tgagee,and any and all indebtedneae in addt�toa to No amount above etatod which satd mortgagora, oa any � <br /> � of� owa to eaid mortgngee,6oweve[ evideaced whelher by note,book acmun�or othervriee. Thtn mortgnge ehalt remain Ia full tS <br /> �{{ torce and ellea between the partlee horeto and t6eir heire.pc�wnal repre�enlativee, sutteeao[� aad msignn, until a!! amounta e¢�yred � <br /> hercunder,induding luture advaatee,are pmd In tull with inloreet. <br /> - $� The morigvgor S hereby aavgei_to said mortgegee all ceate and Income artelaq at aay aad nll timee lrom seid property md t <br /> { he�eby aut6orize eaid mortqogee or ite aqeat,at Sta option,upon dofault to take chmqe of said pmperty and mllect all renta aad.[ncome +S <br /> 3 thcrettom vnd opply the enma to the paymeal ol intoreat,pria6pnl,iaeurunce premiuma,ta:ea,aeaeumeaV, repaira or improvamenG aecee• ! <br /> ;� snty to leep aaid propvrty[n tmaatabla condltlo¢,or to other chmqee oc payments ptovlded foc hercin or in the note horehy eecvmd. Thle � . <br /> � $ rcot aaeSgament ahall eoatlaue in torce uatil �he unpaid balanea ot naid aote ia lullp pmd 7he taklag of poseeaeion heiaunder ehalt!n no <br /> ;� $� maaner prevenl or ietard said mortgagee ia the collectioa of naid eums by loreclosuce or otherwiee. <br /> E. � 7ho la[lufe ot Wa morigagee to aasari anp ot Ib righte horeuadar at my Ume ehall aot be coantlued aa a waiver ol IU riqhl to aasert � <br /> �i tha�ame at any late�dma and to taaiet upoa aad ea(orco strict complianca with all the terma aad provinione o! aaid note and o! lhv � <br /> - S� morigage. f <br /> jj 11 said marlgagor_5—�hall cauee to be paid to sa3d mortgagee the entlre amovat due It 6ereuader,and uader the lorme and proviaton� <br /> � ;� ot wid no�e herehy eeeuced[ncludinq luhue ad�aaoen,aad a¢p eztemton�or tanewaL t6ereol Sn accordance wfih the terms�d p�o'Won� <br /> � �$ <br /> �.� theieot,and it�aid mortqaqors ahall eomplq xilh all ths proridon�ol sald note aad oi thla mortqaqe,then theee prexnta ahall be�oid; <br /> �� �S othe:aiae la remma!a tull toree and oLoct,mid amd mo:tqaqee ihall ba entlUad to the poaeesetan ot all d aaid propwtp,and may,at 1ta � � <br /> option,drlrsre�he whole of�aid nole and aU iadebtedneu eepre�ented Ihe:eLy lo be Immedtately duo and payable.and may toreclose thia ...1.��, <br /> . �� moHgaqo or�take�any ahez�leqal.aclinn ta�proteat fb right,and froa lhe det�01 such detault all llemi o! iade6ledeeu�ecured hamby � <br /> ; SS ehall drav Intare�t at 8.9i Ip��anaum. Apprdsement wa3ved � .,'�{a �. <br /> 1 <br /> �{ � T6L�mortgoga�hall be bindiaq upen aad��hall�nura to tha�b�nellt ol Ihe heln,ezocuton,admlafstra:an,�uctetw�r��d aeaign�ol t> <br /> . ��� S �ho.te�pec�ire partln Lereta . � - , � � <br /> � � <br /> �� IN W2�AEOF. aald Mortqaqors ti�Ve heraunto ..s... the i r tiQy��ye daq aad yeac llret above n <br />�. � �S: writtao. '� . . [, ,/�,, � <br />� � K/�C-C��\:/ .�-C�/t..:rf�{ �_ <br />� # ' Harold L. Barge ,J Elsie T. Barge <br /> . <br />�. �_ C , i>_ <br /> ��� 4 s�•�L�: <br />"T - i-- <br /> a: <br /> Y�� � � � <br />==� <br />:-� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />