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� , <br /> , ; ;:. <br />� r � �� <br />� �w _ _ _.. <br /> ,:-_: _::<. ,:, : ,., __ _ . . <br /> . . .::... ... ... ::., _ - � > <br />� ' � 53%a—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Tax Cleuee . 'r� ll ft an c r 1 4apnb a uae,Lincotu,�:etr: - � � � <br /> � <br /> ___:_ _�,�,._____._._,__._._.__. ._. ___...�..---- -------_...--- ._. _, . .___... _._. _._ ._.. _ __ ______.. _ __.�._::__.--- <br /> � 76- �f 0'��s� KNOW ALL MEN BY THF�SE PRESENfS � <br /> � , <br /> i THAT; iLiciiard :�. :a:�ple ?rd T_rda :.. „�;:�ple, huabar�d .:,d •,<iie , ' <br /> i <br /> i (blortgagor ) <br /> �,. <br /> 3 ot Greeley� ;reeley Co�u�ty,and Sfate of !+cb^asica , in co>�sideiation oj U��of <br /> � ; , ' { i er.Thousaz�d eziu Iio/1Cr1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> i ,��r�o��d patd, do /iereGy SELL and CONI�EY unto Pee�le� `;'tute rsr.-:, i��:,:er., :t,, _s':a_ � ` <br /> + (,l7ort,qagec ) � <br /> ' of l;o1L'-:et:, Greeley Co�mty,nnd Stote af ?deUras:�ca tke fo!lowing descriE�ed prendses � ' <br /> sit�wted ir� H'sll Coiudy,and State o( I:ebr2ska to-utit: { <br /> ! <br /> � ( <br /> :: tract of land ccm�risir.g al.l r c f+c , �i .j� <br /> t}ircu�n '�'.�EncJ gizL ;2°i, �....1�.:._; , >.. �l :...�- � <br /> ui:•is=en ef �o,: _,x�e �.j„ l� :i_ce, 2na �:11 _ <br /> .,_ r'cur ' .. <br /> �� ��L,.! r;rian�� �1.ce �xce�� the -:�,5+�,.�Y � <br /> ��X.- 1:L'7 e '� � . :h , . . -�. rg �l �i.5i � . � . . <br /> � r�c't :1 TG �..��.Z�..CP1� �I.�..�.it �..7 ".., ���i: C� � � . <br /> -« ; feet ef .,�icilin.� Sb�.;r �-':i: ., 11 C,our.t;�, .'ebr_._..<. I <br /> � a � <br /> !` <br /> ; ! <br /> � � <br /> i ;' <br /> y � - <br /> I , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i 1 ! <br /> � <br /> s . � _ <br /> # (r The iatentioa being to co»c�ey heseby an absohde title ira fre sin:ple ir7cL�dirig afl the rights of l�anestrad and dotrer. ' <br /> TO HAVE .AVD TO HOLD the pic�nires above, describrd, ccitle all tlte apf�s�rfenantes tkereunto be(onging I ' <br /> i; � trn�o the s¢id oiiort a ee and to��� `�`ce:.�^r._ r <br /> � g g '�' ��j.;�as.ngns, jorcver, {rro✓ided alu�a,}•s, and thesc prese�itr are :�pon � , <br /> .. the exprers condition tliat ij!he ajoresaid n orfgagors e�^ l�eirs, c.rect�tors, adtnirsistrafors or assigns xhall <br /> < pa�or cause to be yaid to tl�e said v�orlgagee _�s/ c `#���,eirE�Was£q,�»ti��r� or assignt, Jhe suu� of I <br /> 4 :c ��. �ra ,u � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do!lars. pcyablc as f oflo:ur, to-utit: � '. <br /> � :en 1*:_s,:_n� :r.: o _�� - - - - Dollars o;� the ���: day of :'ece*�oer , 197i j <br /> Dollars mi tlrc day of , r9 I <br /> !; Dollars on fhc day o( , 19 � <br /> ;' Dollars on thc da3'of , 19 1 <br /> � Dollars on die day of , 19 I <br /> � utith infesest thereon at -,- per crnt pes anntrni,payable �e^tl- annt�allv alt according to the tenor and eUect 1 <br /> �+ of a certain psomissosy note of said •�=��u"� �. .,-:'�:�e :..,u L��.:i2 ... .�_.-nla, ;:usaar::i ::�ic •„_:e, i <br /> i ; � i <br /> ' bearittg ez�cn date with tliese presents,und shall pay a!!tases and arresrments lrxncd upon said real estatc,and al!other � <br />, t i tascr,lezties and assessntents levicd upon this nrortgage o�thc note u�hrclt tl�is onortgage is oiz•ea to sen�rc,bcfoie 03e i <br /> i same btcomes dclinquent, ar�d keep thc 6ieildir�gs or� said premises ir�surcd for tke ssnn oj$ i <br /> loss, i(any, /�ava6lr !o the soid orwrtgagee, tl�ca these pre:cnts fo Le �oid, ofheru�ise to be ar:d renrair�in/u!t forcr. i <br /> IT IS FURTHEft AGREED (1J TGat i/ tkc said �nortgagor sltall fai! to pcy surh tnxes or rronrre s�uh I <br /> ! instnance,!he said mortgager v�ay pa1�sudi faxes and prot:�re such insurance;mid U�r. stoii so ad.�anced,;cnfh interest <br /> at ;;se ¢cr cent shall be j�aid by soid vtortgagar,artd tltis tuortpage slmll stand as scnaity jor the smne. (zJ Tha1 i <br /> a failtve to pay ant'of said »toney, citAe�principal or irderest a�hnti the same Lecomes dr�c,or a jailstre ta conrfily,ctith � <br /> i any o( fhe forc�oi»_q agrec��rents, shall taa+se the xchole siu�: of vuoncy hrrcin srrxred to 6rrmne due and roHectible � <br /> + a! onte at!hc aptior� of t1:e anastgagcc. I <br /> this 7�h day o( � .,.,;:per ,tyjfi ! I <br /> i � '� <br /> : i - � <br /> �., . i � . . I � <br /> { � •„ i � <br /> � � hs presence o( --�-�','-' `-` f' - --- <br /> , "� �r�"-'`�/ '��._.._ ........ .....�--„ I <br /> i � � � � <br />�, , : � l.�.t_ .. ._� .---^�- ' � ....... ..... . .. ..... � . <br /> �'' � C? r*�.�.77�� � . <br /> , � <br /> � ' ��C�'' "7=� � <br />�- ., � <br />< - � ' � <br /> . j ............__..........:.:-,-......_---•--�--._......._... ...----------•�-�--.... ...............----.......___............_... � _...._.............. , <br /> - ................ � <br />� ;� <br />� _........-------��--�..................................::............................ ...................... ._. . .. ........ .... .. <br /> ..... ._.. i <br /> it <br /> :....... . .... . :....: ... .... . .._.... . ._.. . . .. . . : <br /> � . � <br />�:''� <br />:_'f <br /> � <br />`'.S <br />–S <br /> � <br /> i <br />