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� ' i' <br />' . �. . . " . t .. r�S4� . <br />�. .. . .. . . . . . . <br /> k.. <br />� � F � <br />` ST11TE OF NF.;I3RASK�, i;ounty- of ....................................................: <br />-° Filed for record ou ................................. o'cloek ........................ 1L <br />~ and recorded in the Deed $ecord ................................. P�ge ............................. <br />. , ...... ........ :................................................. By ............. ................................................................... <br /> Itegister of lleeds lleputy Register of llee� <br /> � SURVI�IORSHII' WAI�ANTY' I�E�B � <br /> 76- :0fl7Q'�,5 <br /> LaVerne D. Fisher and Virginia M. Fisher, husband and wife, <br /> ,herein called the grantor tis•hether one or more, <br /> in consideration of Thirty-Six Thousand and 00/I00 Ibllars : <br /> received from grantces, does grant, Uargain, sell con��ey and confirm unto <br /> Jack D. Schultz and Mary H. Schultz, husband and wife, <br /> us joint tenanta �rith right of eurvieorship, and not as tenants in common, t6e following described reul <br /> Na1I ............. �onnt}•,1eUraskn: <br /> propertcin ................................................... <br /> Lot Six (6) in B1ock Eight (8), in hforris <br /> Fifth Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> � (VEEP.ASKN DOCUh^EhTARY � <br /> Ha1Z County, F1eBraska. STRi�,iP TAX <br /> UEC 7 1976 <br /> 7'�ATE!„E:tT hTTACti£� ;?j �'"'� j <br /> � BY� <br /> v <br /> To Ln�•e and to hold the abore descrited premises i�getl�er «�ith all tenements, herediiaments � <br /> and appurtennnces Lhereto belanging unto the gran"tees aud to tLeir assigns, or to the heirx aud assigns <br /> of the surricor of them fore�•er. <br /> And grantor does hereby ca�•enant ticith the Erantees and with their assigns and n-ith the heire <br /> and nssigns of the sun•icor of tLem that grantor is la�rfiill�•�eieed of sai3 premises;tl�at thev are free from <br /> ,.'' <br /> encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record. <br /> that grantor has goud rigLt and la�rful autiiority to cmi��e�• tlie �:nie; avd that grantor n�arrants aud n•ill � <br /> defend the ti'tle to said premises a:*ainst thc lu�vful cluims of all persons icliomsoe�er. j <br /> lt is the intention of all parties hcreto that in the e��ent of the deuth of either of ttie grantces, <br /> tiie entire f'ee title to tLit r��al prop��rt}- �h.ill cest in the sur��icing{�rantee. � <br /> Dated ;Jovember 29 19 76 � '� ; i / <br /> . <br /> ; �: Ci q , <br /> _ t/. <br /> i <br /> � .:�. �� v�t,_.� ,;�`.. /..t�fiL <br /> .; .................................................................................... . ...................................................._,�....... <br /> �� � j%� i �% ./ ....... <br /> L ; <br /> ,.. � i -r � - <br /> . . , . <br /> ...:......,..;..:.;f',r�.-,:...�....�..... .........�:1..,.. _.;_.,, <br />. rr .................................................................................... _ � <br /> � tJebraska Na2S .,,,,,; <br /> �; STATE OF ................._.......................................... Count�� of ..................................................._. <br /> + Before me,a notary publie qualified for said couuc�, personull�� came LaVerne D. Fisher <br /> and Virginia ?f. Fisher, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as <br /> f" spouse of the other <br /> � <br /> I <br /> knon�n io me to be the identicul person or persons whu siened the forcgoing inrtrnment and axL-nonledged . <br /> the execuYion thcreof to be tiis,Ler or their�•oluntan• aet and deed.„ �'�`` ; <br /> �, <br /> �, ,�� � i :,.�. <br /> • �tii.;'s-.I:�- � � / . N <br /> � Nitness my hnnd nnd notanul seal on�................... ..........:....�!... ........, 19.....�........ � <br /> � - f ', <br />!s� OEtiNiS Y.WDJAHN ,^ � /� j c` s �t \otarv Ynblie � :'. I <br />*:, . L�MERAL NOTARY—St¢te ef tJqt� ...�.,...:-�:U,:....c...........:...... ✓� �.t .................. _ . <br />�ti ,i ip <br />�. My COrtttrtisslon Exptres '' . . . . �,� '� 4C) <br />� AwN 9.1979 JIS- commiss�on eapires...../`'..0:.,.1:........................... 19....:......... , <br /> i ' . , <br />-�. F���„��cou a..uo�n.x���. <br /> x"- Form d.' 'Po Le appruecd b}• XeLra>ka�tatc 13ar.1<snciation <br />�': <br />�� � � � <br />`;� <br />-� <br /> 4 <br />_ g <br /> , <br />