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� � <.,.� <br /> �' _ � � <br /> . _.___. _ __ <br />� <br /> �� MORTGAGE—Savings aad l.oan-Form—(Diiect Credtt Plac)�255�•2 (Spednll � <br /> p ��...., .. . . <br /> : �� 7 . f?�7t"f 3 MORTG��E <br /> b <br /> . . �. � .. . � � Lo�No .. . . . �. <br /> ', . . : . . . . . � . � . <br /> � THIS INDENSUAE.�mada�h�• . 6'Yh �,�„„at � December 19 76 by and between � � � . . <br /> CHUCK D. HAASE, a single person, AND MICHAEL E. SMITH, a single person <br /> , :, 3 <br /> � of— �Ha��� �ounty,Nebraaka,an moriqagoi 5 and Home Federal CxiWaye and Loan�Aasociatioa ol Gtand Inlaad, # : � , � . . . � <br /> - a corpora�on organi:od aad eziatiag under the lawe ol Ne6�aalca with iln prindpal office aad place of buai¢ese ot G�aad�Iel�d Nebraeka. � � <br /> �m martgagee: � � $ . . ., _ . . <br /> ' YJITNFSSETft: That ea[d mortgagor S lor and ia aoaelderation ai the eum ol ; � � . � � . <br /> ' TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 �„ 29,300.00 � $ <br /> ----------------- uera cs . . . . <br /> � F <br /> the recelpt ot wttich3n hereby aclmowledged,do_by these presen�e mortgaqe and wmrant unto eaid morigagae, 1ta eucaeaaon�md � � . - �. .� .. . . <br /> amigm,forever,al!the tollowing deec�ibed reat estate,aftuated In tho couaty ot Ha I I SS � <br /> � �and Slate o!Nebia�• . . . .. . . . � - . � . � . � . -. <br /> �i } LOTS FOUR (4) AND fIVE (5), IN BLOCK T'�9ENTY-tdlFlE (29), IN CHARLES �tASMER'S <br /> �: �� <br /> �� ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAIJD, NEBRASKA <br /> i` � � � � �. � � <br /> S� f$ <br /> �-a f$ }�. . � � . <br /> �� <br /> ; �t � <br /> ri tF <br /> 3S$ S� <br /> i > <br /> .` }� . �� .. . . � . . . . <br /> ST Yogelher witn all heating, ]Ightiaq, and pinm6ing oquipment aad fi:tu�ee,including etoken and burnen,xTeens,awniag�,etorm windovn s � . <br /> nnd doors,and w(ndow ahader or blinda.used on or fn coanection wilh eaid proper1y,whether the nama are now lomted on s¢id propet�y �� � <br /> . �tytyi on c�reniter placed thereoa. . - � � � <br /> �j TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 7}fE SAME.together with nll and aioqular tho lenemanln,hereditamenln and appu�tenaates thereunb belonq• �€ <br /> � ing,or in anywiae appertnining,lotever,and warrant the title to t6e eame. Soid mortqaqor S hereby covenunt—with aaid mortgngee 3 <br /> �$ <br /> . 5S that�e� ��e at lhe delivery heraof.Ihe lawlul owner S ol lhe premlw�above conveyad aad daeczibed,and are $1� <br /> �� 3 <br /> f`��� $f seized of a good and indeleaaible eetate o(inhoritance therein.ltee and cicwr of all encumbrancea,and Ihat��e_�L will warrant and � . � <br /> j� delend fh� title lhe�eto lorever against 16o claims und demande o1 all pursom whomwevor. � . _ <br /> $� PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument in e:ecuted ¢nd delivered to aecuro the payment of tho auct o( � <br /> �� T4�ENTY-N I P�E THGUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND P�OI I OO ---_---------polla:n l5 Z9�300.00 � �# <br /> Sf with inlereat Ihe�eon,togethex with suth cCargce and advancos as may be duo and paya6lo to aaid mo�tqageu undor lhe term� ¢nd f# � <br /> ��' condifions o! tEo prominaory note o( evon dato hecewith and secured hereby,executed by emd mortgagor.=to aQid morlgagee,payabk �� <br /> ''� S�' m ezptesaed in said noto,and lo eecuce tLe pertormaace ol all lhe torma and conditione cantained the[ein. Tho �e�rtu ot said nole are 2 <br /> t i 33t he�eby incorporatud herein by tLis reteience. # � <br /> � +I ss <br /> 11 is 1ho lnlenlion and nqteement ol the pariiea hc�eto that ihie morigage ahall also aecvre any tuture advances mado to eaid j, <br /> f; £' � <br /> �� _± mortg¢gorS—6y nmd mortqagee,and any and all Indebtednem in nddiNoa to tho amonnt above elaled which eaid mo�tgagoie, or eay # <br /> j� of t6em,may owe to enid morigogee,howeve� evidenced whether by note,boolc account or otherwise. Thie marigaqe ehall remafa la lull f <br /> forca and eltect betwaen the partiea hereto and their hefn,peisonal repcezentativee, aucccewra and msignn, unli! ail amouab xcurad S <br /> s';j f; heraundec,induding futu-e advaacea,are paid ia!ull with intereel. � � <br /> 3� i'ha mortgaqor5_horeby aaniqa_to eaid mortgageo all :eatn and income arininq at aay and all times kom aaid prope[ty and � <br /> hereby avfhorizo eaid mortgagee o[ tU aqent,at Sln option,upoa dofaul�,to�ake chasgo o!eaid p�operty and rnllecl all renle aad iaeome �; <br /> ; Ihc�el�om and apply thc eame to Ihe payment ol inlorest,p�indpnl,fae�uance pmmiuma.taze�,mae�ementn, repaize or improvemente ae�ua• $ <br /> �i{ mry to keep aaid property in 1<vuntnhle mndition,oc fo otLer ch¢rqee oi paymanle p[oWded!oz ha�eia or in tha aota ho[eby eecured Thls j . <br /> fy rent assignment eball continua ia torce unGl Wa unpaid balance o! eaid no�e b lully pald The laking ot poaseaaioa hereunder ahall ia ao +� <br /> $j maaaer prevonl or�Mard eaid�moriqagee ia tha mlleclloa af eaid euma by torecloeuxe or otherniee. {4 <br /> $; F <br /> - �S Tho lailu:e ot the mo�tqagea to aaserl.aap ol Ite righte hvreuader at any time e6aU not be conatrued a�a waiver of(t�dqht to aaeeH j� � <br /> t3 lba same at any late[time,md to imiat upoa�d enlo[co ntrict compliaaca with ali the lerms and provieiona ol soid noto and of Ihls i <br /> - )3 mortgnqe. �3 <br /> i <br /> ff� !! eaid mo:tqagor 5�hall tauee to be pafd ta eafd monqagea the antire amouat due(t hereunder,and uader the tarm�and proviNoni S{ <br /> �� ol satd note 6ereby eacuiad,ladudiaq lutuse adr�cea,and any eztemion� or roaswala �hereol !n accordaaca wiih the te�ma.�d providana }fSj <br /> the�eof,and it uaid moRqagor 5, shall wmply wft6 ail t6e provitivae ol eald nota and ot thie mortgage,lhen�6e�e presenb eball be rold; i$ <br /> �� olhecwi�e ta iemmn in�lull lom.aad afloc4�d�d moctqnqss ehall be entltled!o the poueulon ot all of aaid pmpe:ty.�d may,a�tte SS <br /> ' S±` optioa deciam�he whvle ol sald nota md all iadehledneu repre�enled thereby to be Immedlately due aad payable.aad may lorecloae thla Sf `.{ , <br /> ,� mor�gaga or take wp other legal actlon to piotect!te right aad 1rom the da�e ol�uch delaul�c1i ltems oE indeSledaeu secured hereby �$ <br /> ehal!draw ia�ere�t at�k'cl�e,j�aum. Appralsement walred t <br /> S{ M <br /> tI�{ Thie�mortqaqs ahall be�bindlag upoa and��hail enuro lo the b�¢ellt o!Ibe h�tr�,ezecuton.adminLt�atnrs,iucceuo:��d casiqns o! f} � <br /> � ii� tho re�pactire paclin hneto.� . . . . t • � <br /> � <br /> � s�t� � 1N RZTNESS.�Yf�OP. wSd Morigaqoz S ti„Je ba=eunto �N the i r haa�Ihe dvp aad year lint above �: � � <br /> : {3 ��I��t���"' , . l�1 <br /> S � <br />�; � Chuck D. Haase, a singie person �ti7i hael E. �mith, a single perso� <br />� <br />_ f� <br /> �f'°G�- l� J <br />. t# <br /> 1 <br />