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1� <br /> � y:yti� <br />� . . . . . . . . . . . (� • ......�.+wx1i1► . <br />� �`� � <br />� DSOATGAGE-Saring� and�I.oan Form--(D(c�ct Cndlt Plenl 255•1 (Spedall . <br /> . �:�:�... ..............,.........,,... ..».,................,...................».......,....�........ � � . � . <br /> �' U�074'72' MORTGAGE <br /> �� !b� � �No � � <br /> '�-� THTS INDENTURE, mude thl� "' �! �day of J 1f�r(nl�'�-•_..�� .l�6y and beiwean � � . . . . .. <br /> THIRD CIIY CHRISTIAN CHURCIi <br /> ':: ; <br /> � �� � oL�._� �i`��� Counry.Nebrmka,ae mortqagor—.aad Home Fodemi Saving�md I.oan Aeaoclation ol Grand teland - . � � � <br /> a corpom�ion organhnd und eYlntinq undec Ihe law�of Nebm�ka��vfth Ue pdndpal olllea ond ptara ol bueluee�o�Grand leland.Nebw�ka, : . - . � - - �� <br /> � m mortqagoe:� . . - � � , � <br /> �� WITNESSETH: That eaid mongaqor_,tcr cnd In cone{deratton o(thu eum ol__._ � . <br /> : � THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 ------------------------------------ no��o�. cs 30,000.00 ,, <br /> jF Ihe�cecoipt.ol which ie hereby acknowledged, do_.S:_S by thoee preeenta modqnge and warmnt unto eofd morlqagea, ile �ucceeaon and .. . . , <br /> - $ aeaigne. iorever,all the lollowing doarfbod real eetale, eituated in thu rnunly ol- �{`��� � � - � <br /> $� and 61ate�ot•wIL• <br /> c <br /> ,LOT TWELVE (IZ) AND THF EASTERLY ONL HUNURED F�RiY-fIGNT PE[T (14H') OF lOT ELEVEN <br /> (II) IN BLOCK ONE (I) IN DICKEY'S SUE301VISION AN ADDITION �i0 TNE CITY OF GI:AND <br /> � ISLAND, NL�R1iSKA <br /> ti � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> _ � � '� <br /> �$� � <br /> i; S� <br /> ,` =s Taqelhcr wi�h all hoolin�, lighUng, and ptam6lnq oqufpment and llxtutoe,indudinq doken and bumcrn.encene,nwninge.elorm windowa � . , <br /> � 5 and.doore.and window eLaden or blindn,ueed on er In cannecllan wilh eald praparty,whothet lho eamu aro now Iocoted on eaid pmperty j <br /> ��.. 7S on c�realter piaced thoreou. t . .� � . . ; <br /> . �; TO IiAVE AND SO HOLD TkiE SAMG, logethcr with all ond einquloc Iho tenemonle,horeditnmenu and appurlanaacc�Ihareunto bcloag- � � <br /> $itT inq,or in anywiec appetlaining,loceve[,and watmnt Ihc ti0e to Ihe xnme. Said mottqaqor_licreby covenuN 5 with eaid mottgaqeo . <br /> . �> �hal___he___ al Ihe doliva�y hereol,Ihe lawlul ownc�___ot Iho premieee above conveyed and deecrlbed,and �> � <br /> ? � S+S� ecixod al a good and inJclea�iblo eelate ol inheritance lhetoin. freo mid clear ol all encurn6rancen,and Ihat_—he—will wmrmt and <br /> �� �i{ deland Ihc lit�e Ilierelo lorever aqainel Iha claima and demande ol all peuune whomYoever. � <br /> 3 PHO\'IDCD nr.wnvs. ana Ihle inaltumenl fs naccWed und deliecred to axura Ihc paymont ol Ihe aum ol <br /> r s THIRTY THUUSAND AND NO/100 ---------------------------------- 30,0OO.OD ; <br /> . �� -------- --'--------�ollare Is �• ,. <br /> wiih Inteiee� the�von.toqo�her w1�h euch chargca and advanrnn us mny Ue duo and payabl� io aald mmlqagca undor the terma and <br /> . mndiliona ol Iho promianory nole ol even dafa herow•ith and ercured hereby,nxncuted by naid moctqayor_lo eaid moriqaqee,payable <br /> � { ae espreued In naid nole,and lo eccure the pedormance ol all Ihe lanna and condlllonu contuined ihotein. Thn te�ma ol enid nolo aro , <br /> hereby Inm�porated hercin by Ihl�relecence. <br /> A . f It in Ihe Inlenlion and ag�oemenl ol Ihc pa�lfcn hcrclo Ihal Ihle mo��gaqe ehall abo aecute any lulwo odwncee mado lo eald �i <br /> i t <br /> : � morlqagor___ by oafd mo[tgagce,and any and all indebtednees In oddllion lo Iho amount above nlolod whfch eoid mo[Igoqou,or anp . <br /> ; S ol lhem, may owo b suid motlqagen howevo� ovidentucL whothcr by no1c,book ottount or olhc�wiae. Thla motlqaqc ehall�omaln In tull . <br /> `C ; lorco and ellecl betwoon Ihe patHea homlo and Ihetr heire, penonal repmeanlaNvea, euccreao�e ond aseiqne, until all amounta ereured <br /> �: �$ hereuader,includinq luture advuncee,aca pafd tn lull wiil�inioreeL �, <br /> �fj I <br /> �'� }i Tho morlgagor—hmeby a�eiq�i_!o eaid movtgaqco aU rcale and Inrnme arintnq al any anJ all Ilmve Irom eQid pwpattY md <br /> . - t; h�eeby aotho�ixo eaid mo�tgagee oc it� agent, at lin op�lon,upon dolaull,tu m{cu cha�qe ol eaid propeny and coilect all�enl�and Inmme ; <br /> ?S Ihcrelrom and opply!he eamo lo lhe paymeni of inlorod,principaL Sneutonce ptemlume, laao�.aaeesemanle, repaite ur Improvomenle neco�� f <br /> J- }� sury In kr.ep eaid pmpony In �enallobla conditfon,o[ to olhcr diatqo�ot pvymenl�ptovided lor horeln or In�he nole he�eUy eecvred, 7hL SS <br /> �� ��. wnt aaeVqnmenl ahall coMinue ln force unlll �hn unpaid balanto ol nald nole ia lully paid. Tho toklny ol poeneedon hewundec ehnll In no � <br /> manne� prevont or retard�ald morlqagce in Ihe calloaUoa al eaid eume by foreclo�ure or otherwiev. <br /> �� . � 7ho Iailure ol Iho mortqayce lo aue�t any ol It� righ�s heceundar et any Ilmo ehall not bc mn��cucd m a walver ol 0�dqht lo mxq ' <br /> Iho wme al any laler time,aad lo Itul�l upon and enlorco�Iric!mmpllance w�ilh all �ho Iotmn and provi�lan� ol eaid nole and ol Ihl� � i <br /> {: �j moilqaqe. �. <br /> j i <br /> f II mid mar�qaqor_ehali cauw to be pafd lo �aid mortQaqse �ho on�fro umvunl duc 1�heteundcr,and under tho Inrmi and pravidoo� <br /> m <br /> �� ol eald note horoby�ocured Indudlnq lulu�a adranoee,and anp eitenelon�or tanowal� Ihereol In acco�dancro wlih lhe leew and prortdoni <br /> f <br /> Ihareo6 and il eald morlqaqor��hall mmply wilh all lha pm�luon�of sald note and ol�hl�monqage,thon Ihe�e promnb�hall be vold; <br /> - otherwi�e w remala ia lull lorce and ellocb md sald mortaeqw�Mall be entitled lo Iho poneuloo ol nll ol wid prope�lp,and ntay,at lu �� <br /> � f:. oplion,declare tho wholo ol�afd nolo and oll Indebtodneu reprc�enled Ihereby to be ImmsdialelY dua and payable,and may lorecioes tlil� }� <br /> t moolqage or lake any othar loqal atlion lo prolect llt dqhl, and ltom 1he da4�of euch delaull cl! I�em�ol Indohledneu�ocumd 6ereby <br /> ss� �hall dmw Inlerotl at H76Ipl�annum. Appmt�omenl rvalved - ��N <br /> - � !i� Thln morlpaqs�hall be btndinp upon and�hall�nu�s to ihs b�neflt ol the hdn,executor�,admtnlNmlan,�uccnwu nud aadqn�ol � � } �,, <br /> Zf Iho re�poctiv�.parilee 6erelo. �X . <br /> S <br /> IN-WITNFS9..WI�REOF. wtd Mortqaqor �a.�_ he�eunto �el haa�_Iho day onJ ycar Il�et a6o�� � <br />�y; � writlen. � � <br />�' l�J <br />,N, ___THIRD CITY CNR/ISTIAN CHURCH __ ATT[ST: ___ <br /> /t /, � 1 <br /> �' � d rnL� ���..�.., ��i" ..._ ��.��tir:-� ' - <br /> —�Y: � i ��� atr,� <br /> To g 'o er, � � irman o ic oar� r��.ory <br />- �,,.cr".....r� ...,.........-^�,.-...^^^^-.:^^•..�^;��•..».»::r:::...�......,....»......» � <br />�� � J <br />' 3- <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> a <br />