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�� � .�.�: <br />� � � <br /> �6-pp7o7� RELEASE OF MOR'�GAGE <br /> In rnnsidention of full papmenf and compliance�vith the ir�iditions o[a �unrtgnge <br /> rmnde6y Curtis N. Christensen and Linda 1�l. Christensen, each in his and her own <br /> right and as spouse of each other <br /> i <br /> ro THE EQUITA131.� I3UILllINC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OP C7HA�ll ISL.aNll, NLI3HASI�1, on the <br /> following described pioperty, io•w;t: �t Five (5) in B1ock Seventeen (17) in Ket'nohan <br /> and Decker's kddition to the City of Crand Island, 'riall County, hebraska. <br /> j ��•hich said mortgage bcars datc 15th of November 1971 , and <br /> is recorded in llook lsfi of rnortgnges on Page i7 <br /> of the remrds oE FTai Count}�,Aehrnska,said Association hereby ackno���led4es [ull sntisfaction of and releoses the <br /> �. , <br /> s,�une. <br /> ��' 1n ���tness «�hereof the said TIIE �QUITAI3L� 13UILlliNG :1\D LOAX aSSOGI�ITIO\ OP <br /> CAAND iSLAND, NGIIRASF:A, has cnused this instrument to be siGned by its President and attested by its <br /> Secretary this oth day of December :1.11., I�J 76 . <br /> . The Equitable Building and Loan_ sociation of Grand Isfand, Nebraska <br /> � ' � i.r , <br /> , . _. �. , <br /> . . . - �. . <br /> I �.� ]3y. ��� -- -- - - - - --- <br /> �'�� � : I'resident. <br /> .. �. <br /> �: ;' , __� <br /> � ,, ,� :. <br /> ,, �� <br /> .--� <br /> , : .._ �. .— <br /> � • :lttest :� L_C_� <br /> �. .. _. .,: <br /> , . . � —•�------ --- ----- — <br /> ... . ' � Seczetan• <br /> •, <br /> r ' <br /> ' STATE OF\'EBR.ASlit1) <br /> �; r <br /> � SS. <br /> cov:��n' OP HALL � <br /> , On this 6t� �❑�.of December � 76 <br /> :1.D., 1 J , UeFure ine, a \oL•uy Yublic <br /> ° Irving D. kugustine <br /> duly commissioncYi and qualifieci tur and residing in said cvunty, personally camc <br /> and i'.aurice ld. Sapp <br /> to me Imo��n to Ue the identical persons n�hose names are affi�ed to the aboce rele:ise as President aud Secretan- <br />, � of said:lssociation ;mcl acknou•ledged the said instrument to be their�ulunt:u}•act and deed and the suluntary <br /> ��ct and deed of the said TfiE EQUIT�ISLE FiliILDINC ANll LOd\ ASSOCLaT10\ Or GEt�\ll ISLAND, <br /> i: <br /> \EDRA$};A, <br /> \ti'itness m;hand and notarial seul the day and }�ear last above «Titten. ' ' <br /> � '�;,.,,�z <br /> ���1A K. Fi _'T.�����__�S..t'v_—�— � <br /> ��l QY'i r�N Ei7;y'•� �lotary Public � . <br /> ,'G <.,', `�:.�: <br /> t�OTAiiY � �,�� � . <br /> .. �� CO'A61�SSIDN � ./7.�-�,^ L �� f/�/ . � . <br /> Ei:F1RES \[y commission c ires <br /> o ; �P � r-/j�°• • , <br />,�... .�.qGC 12 9�'��Q � . <br />^;� ��qTf OF Y16Q��� <br />� � <br />��� _ J <br />