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. . � .. . . . {, �f_`�,�: <br /> i. . . . . . . .... ... . . . .. . . . � • �.w� . � . <br />�. � � <br /> �'..' �'" . . " <br /> 'yf'� f`� `��'� RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br /> Li considerntion of fiill pa}•inent and mmpliance n•id�ihe conditions of a nmrtgage <br /> rmade Uy Arthur R. Goodwin and Zrene Ai. Goodwin, each in his and her own right <br /> and as spouse of each other, <br /> to THE EQUITAI3LE IiUILDl\G A\ll L01N ASSOCIATIO\ OP CRA'�D ISLA\D, �EURAS}:,1, on the <br /> follo�s�ng described propert}•, to-wit: <br /> ?.ot Fifteen (15), �lock Three (3}, p�ll <br /> Md Ruston's Addition To The City Qf <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, ivebraska, <br /> .> <br /> �; which said mortgage Uears date 2fith day o1' Jul,y 19 76, and <br /> Document P;o. ']6-�4164 <br /> � is rernrded in SX�L; af mortgaFes on YaFe __ <br /> � of the records ot Ilall Count}•,Nebraska,said Association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases d�e <br /> same. <br /> In �citness �chereof the said THE EQUIT9I�LE I3UILDI�C .�i�D LUA\ ASSOCLaTtO\ OF <br /> GR��D ISL.a�D, \EBR:�S}:r1, l�as caused this i�utrument to be signed hy its Presideut and attested bt• its <br /> t Secretary this lst aay of Decer�ber :�.D., 19 76. <br /> �! : <br /> � , <br /> The Equitable Building and Loan Aszociation of Grend Isiarsd, Nebraska <br /> �_._ �:,� <br /> ` _ . �. �tL¢� <br /> S'��' ' / � <br /> / 13y / <br /> j ', ' � Prestdent <br /> I �. !� t! <br /> . . .._ — > <br /> ' , �� � � <br /> � , , . .. � Attest =:�I���2 e_ ._ __ _ <br /> . Secretary / <br /> �` ` <br /> +. ST:1TE OF \LBR45}L� <br /> F <br /> 55. <br /> , <br /> cov::zz• or fiar.L <br /> On this 1St d�y of Decetr�ber A.11., ]9 76, bcforc mc, a Sutan� Yublic <br /> '; duly commissioned aud qualified for and residing in said cuunh�, personallr r.une Irvinp D. �iuwstine <br /> ' and '•',aurice �V, Saop, <br /> to me lmoa�n to be the identical persons �chose names are aiEi.ecd to d�e abocc release:!s President:iud Secretarv <br /> of said Association :md ac}:no�rledged the said instrument to be tl�cir��oluntary nct and deed �nd the �oluntan' <br /> �ct and deed of tfie said TfiG EQUIT:IULE I3UILDLti(: A1D LO.�:'� ASSOCIITIO\ OF G11A\U 15L:1\D, <br /> NEBR�iSli9. <br /> � \1'itness my hand and not;uia]seal the da}� and }•ear last abo�•e u�itten. �4� <br /> :�t f <br /> I ��� � r�c(F! G' L��Z� ���,�c-f't`.�-.--- � <br /> 1 �`v:��t:E ti��,�Y�, :�otary Public �. <br /> r:nrrr<r �° ; � <br /> �� •CO' �SS�GN l . <br /> �'�,f,�' .•.,�,_� ."'(� \fy c»mmission ea ires %G-L <��/ ���� � <br />'� \� '. .;,i^ ;a :'aT�: P � f <br />. ,� ,T�'•. ', ,' ' <br />;,�,�}1 ;��,,�f��•f....•�'-��= -. <br />:? ^-������_�� <br /> �. � <br />,J� <br />: E <br />_.� <br /> , <br /> � <br />