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,'7. ' _ <br />:�x: ;3 <br />? . � ' � �� ,��:': <br />�:' .+.:1��. <br />`w``. . . .. � . . <br /> . `- <br />�L �� ,�b E)0'�QEB:.. --:_ _,_ , . ,_, . _, ;-, - � <br />�i� �'� I 52A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) (Revlsed 7962) 'ILe HuIInw Gu�cret s pply ilouso Linwtn,Netr �� . _ � � . <br /> �cxow ai,t, htLrr nY�rticss i>�t�°GNTS: That Doniphan United Methodist Church, <br /> ; Daniphan, Nebraska � <br /> � . � i oc� Hall County,mid Stafe ot N ebraska ,in considemtion��f t7}e smn oF � <br /> One hundred sixty thousand and no/100 ($150,000.00) Dor.Lnxs , <br /> r ' � in hand paid,do hcreby SELL and CONVGY unlo �' <br /> �i ; Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebraska <br /> I, j ac Hall County,Stnte ot N ebraska the following described premises cihiated <br /> ;j � ;n Hall County,nna sw��oe Nebraska .a��<<: <br /> • i ;, <br /> ii ' <br /> , i . <br /> � ; Lot Five (5) and Lot Six (6) in "Bartelt Subdivision" of Part of Lots <br /> ' �: �, 15, 16 and 1'7 and 1$ of the County Subdivision of Part of the South � <br /> � ' Half of Sectiori 5� Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. in ! ' <br /> ii the Village of Doniphan, Nebraska. <br /> �' and + <br /> ': <br /> �_ ,; �Lot One (1) Methodi�t Subdivision in the Village of Doniphan, <br /> ;Hall County, Nebraska. '' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � i <br /> ; ; <br /> i.� . . .. .. . . . . <br /> i - . . ... .... <br /> t <br /> f' <br /> i I� The intention being to convey here6y An absolute litle in fee simple,including all lhc rights o[homesteud and dower. . � � . � � <br /> � TO HAVE AND'I'O I�OLll lhe Premises a6ove described, with nll tlie uppurtenances lhereuntu belonging,unto tha sa�d ! � � . � � � <br /> ; murtgugee(s) nnd lo his,her ur their heirs auid assiFns [orever, provided nlways, and lhese presents are upon the express � � . <br /> � i���� � cv�ndilion thut i[lhc ea�id mortgagur(s),his,hcr or thcin c�irs, executors, administrutore or assigns shn11 pay or causo to be , � � . � � <br /> � paid lo lhe said mortFaS�e(s),hi�,her or lhein c�irs,execulors, admini�trutors or ns+igns,the principal sum of$ I.E�O�OOO . �� � � : <br /> � �' ; paya�i��rouoWs,co W;�: $10,000 plus int erest March 1, 1977, and $10,000 plus i �, <br /> � interest September 1, 1977. (Payments plus interest due on the lst day ; <br /> I of March and September 1 of each year until paid in full. Final payment i , <br /> ; due September l, 19$l�. <br /> , 'i <br /> a <br /> i <br /> � , , <br /> � � with inlerest acrnrding lo the lenor nnd etiect ot the mortgagora written promissory note bearing even dute with lhese presenty � � � <br /> � � and shall pay nit taxcs and nssessmenls leviecl upon s:iid m.d eslate,and atl other tazes,levied mid ussessmenLv levic�l upnn this � � <br /> s � .�. mortgage or lhc note'which this morlFage is 6iven to secure, be(ore lhe uume bewmes delinquent,nnd keep lhe buildinga un �, . . � � ' � � . <br /> ' -, said premixs insurcd [or lhe sum oC S 16����0 , lose,i[any,paynble to the snid mortgagce,then these presents , - � � � <br /> -� �� to tx void,olhcrwise to lM�nd rrmain in[ull (orce. � � � � <br /> �';�� � � IT IS FURTHI:R ACREI:D (1) Thal i[thc suid mortgngor shall fail to pay such tases or prucure such insumnce,the ���. <br /> � �.. caid mortgagee muy pay such laxes and procure such insurance; nnd the sum so udvanced,with intercsi at$ 3�Lt per � � � � <br /> . ; mnl,shall be mpnid 6y w�id murtgagor,ond this murlgage ah;ill stand ns srcurily tor lhe snma (3) 'I'hat u Inilure to pny nny � <br /> � of said money,eithcr principel ur intcrest,when the same becomes duc, or u fnilure lo �romply with nny of the (oregoine .. <br /> � � ��. ugreemenls,shall cause the whole sum o(money herein secumd lo Uecome due and collecti6le at onee at the opGon ot the �� � <br /> i <br /> Y, '� �. modgngee. <br /> ; ; s�Fn��h�s 2nd �iav o[ December , �s 76�. � <br /> ' - � � In pmsencc o[ ������-/ �-(.�C.G. — \ G f`�� ��.. . <br /> Cfiairman�fpf ft1��B�;ard�........ ....._ <br /> � .. ..�P'�r....�... ��f�.f �-!t�^/� . . <br /> � ..................................................................................... .... ........ ............ <br /> t 5ecr�e'£a'ry QT .tj�� .T�,rus�ees <br /> .. , ' ......................................._....................................._............................. , ._.w:�.CI�L<.:L. �. ....C�?.lf..��--....G..'�tJ <br /> s Gha�Frman o�' the Trus�ees .................. ' <br /> : , STATE OF.........N.Gb.I'15�2............................... ca���v or........_H.a.�,�..................................: ': <br /> ' � � Betore me,a nolury public qualifiecl for said cuunty, personully cnme � �� <br /> � now t6���erson or persons µ�ho signed the foregoing inatrument and acknowledgid the execution � , <br /> � er to�l►p,t1MAtMl[6RIiN8��6tnry nct and deed. � <br /> My tom .Ec:Fxb 27.t J90 T . <br /> . I: ; � �una no��s�u�on............�.�Gem17_g?'.._2.,.........._...`��.....�...}......,�i���/��; ../.�.. ,-.! <br /> ,. 1 MY commission ezPims:.I'�..B.tlZ'13a..�Y.._2.Z............ 19.._$� .._.. �....� P � ....Nolar,v Publs. : • . r,'.' <br /> , ; {;earF�'-- x��� . : <br /> � � �: � . . , _ N <br /> ' STATE OF.................._.................._............................. Entered an numericni indez and Sled tor nrorf3 : � <br /> � i: � ss. ��: <br /> � CountY ........._...........--........................__........................} in the Regiater of Deeds OQicc of said Cowily t}�o ' � ',; <br /> � r,,. �• <br />� C �� . ....................._day oL..............................................., 19............. at................................oclock nnd................_............min�ates........._..........hf.. �: � � �.. <br />��'� ; SO <br />�� � ' nnd mcorded in Book..........................................ot..............._.......................ut page..................._........................ � <br />� <br /> r:.,.� . . � _..Rcr,. of Dredn <br />��... �� ..._...._................................_........_....................... <br />„r, I <br />�, <br />.. i3y..........................................................................................11et>uty <br /> ;. !� . _ ._ ... - . <br /> aw _ � <br />'�,� <br />--� <br /> s <br />