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,. : <br />-� , �. , <br />� . � �,� <br /> � <br />��` r- -I <br /> �,,..r. <br /> : STATE OF N�B2tASK9, County of ....................................................: ' <br />� ' <br /> Filed for recorcl on ................................. 19........rit............................ dclock ........................ �I. <br /> nnd reeorded in the Deed Iteeard ................................. Page ............................. <br /> ..... ......... .................................:................. B�� ........................... ....................................... <br /> ...................... . . <br /> Itegister of lleecls Deputy I�egister of Deeds <br /> . r <br /> 7b�;�'�p�,4 �UR�II`'ORSHIY WARRI�NT'Y �EE� <br /> Charles L. Whitney, a single person, in His own right , <br /> , herein enLed tbe grnntor�vhether one or more, <br /> in consideration of Forty-one Thousand, Five I�undred and No/100 ( $41,500, 00) Dollars <br /> � received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell eonvey and confirm unto <br /> Dick H. Zlomke and Mary Mar�aret A. 'Llomke <br /> ns joint tenants with right ot survi�•orship, and not f3s teaanta in common, tl�e foilowing described real <br /> ' property in Hall ............... Count��,NeUraskn: <br /> A tract of land located in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2NW1/4) of <br /> _ Section T�venty-two (22), Township Eleven (11) No��th, Range Ten (10), Plest of the <br /> Sixth P,M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the Northwest co-•ne�• of the Last F'alf of the Northwest Quarte�• (E1/2 <br /> NW1/4) of Section Twenty-two (22), thence running in an E:asterly direction along and <br /> upon the North Line of said Section a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, <br /> thence running in a Southe�•ly di*ection parallel to the �Nest line of said Section, a <br /> distance of three hund�•ed eighty-two (382) feet, thence running in a Westerly direction <br /> parallet to the North Line of said Section a distance of one hundred twenty-tive (125), <br /> ' thence running in a Northerly di��ection along and upon the West Line of the East N.alf <br /> ` of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2NW1/4) of said Section a distance of 382 feet to the point <br /> of begi�i��e and to Lold the above describeS premises together n•ith all tenemeuts, hereditameuta <br /> aud uppurtenances lhereto Uelonging unto tlie grantees and to their ussigns, or to the heirs and assigus <br /> of the surt•ivor of them fore�•er. <br /> dnd grantor docs hereby covenant n�ith the granteen and with their nssigns and n7th the heirs <br /> and �ssigns of the sur�•icor of tl�em that grantor is In�cfullp�eised of said premises;that they ure Sree tro�n <br /> " eneumbranee except easements and restrictions of record <br /> t! <br /> � that grantor has goocl rigi�t:md latrful authority to cuu�•ep the �.uue; iu�d tLat grantm• n•arruuts aud �cill <br /> defend the title to said premises against the lutivful l'�11N5 oC all persons �climusaecer. <br /> x It is the iutention of ull parties hereto tLat in the event of the death of either of the grantees, <br /> � thc� eartire fee title to tLis rral pro����rty �l�all �•�•.�t in the surcicing gruntee. <br /> N <br /> { <br /> ,i: Tiated '��, 3� 19 T G �/�� o <br /> ; J._ � <br /> + , <br /> „ .................................................................................... ............................................ ........ ................. ... <br /> � <br /> Charles L. 1Yhitney <br /> Q� Q� ��� x1ATEAIEN( !Sl'fACH4?i <br /> .: ST1lTE OF ....1:.`.:.1:...:....................................... Couuty of ..!•..P.s�.`f............................ � <br /> NEBRASKA UOCU�iEPlTARY <br /> Before me,a notnry pubGc qualified for suid countp, persoually came STAtv1P TAX <br /> DEC 71s7s <br /> � Charles L. �Nhitney, a single person, in His own right �S� (�� <br /> $�_BY.�t� ___ <br /> _uy <br /> knoticn to me to bc the identi^.al person or persons who signed ihe forcgoing instrnment nvd neknowledged '"'' '�:`'�` <br /> the execution thereof to be his,Ler or their�•olcntnry act nnd dced. N "_ <br /> � <br /> L \\'itness my hand and notnriul seal on......::�!�.'.`:�.:..........3............................, 12.7.�.... I . ''. <br /> <t <br /> . [ ��,� � (��' � p n . <br />� ......t�..�.X�..�..1�`�.:'�":`.:��.-,�.................................. Notury Public � <br />:� . � y� GCIlEPiL�iCTARY.Stateel .'. . <br />� 3i}• commission espires..........:..:...........J�.i.�.,�IRP.AGn 19................ <br />'�=- �•^�:�� "'y Cemm.La.Aprit I6,14� <br />��` Fnrm 9.'� '1'n be ;i��pro�•ed Uc XrLr�i<ka St,�te ltar.lssoeiation ttimRc�tiim a;..unw+�.r�'�e�. <br />-�< <br />` ��� . � <br />:�'� <br />���� <br /> r <br />:.i <br /> Q <br /> 4 <br /> � <br />