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- - <br /> : � ,��: <br />�� ..,._�. <br />_� <br />� �� � � <br />�� . <br />�""�� 1dOATGAGE—Savlaq� and I.oaa Form—(Dtratt Cradit Pla� 255•4 (Spedall � � � <br />,u` . ..+.» .,�..........�,..,.... . , . . <br /> �..N AAORTGAGE <br /> ��;(�;�70�3 �No <br /> ;( rxts irmstar[i1t�,maaa mn 6th ,,�o� December ls�� by�a ne�..een i <br /> OICK H: ZLO�HKE AND MARY �i, ZLOMKE, husband and wife, each in hfs and her cwn riqht <br /> 3 and as spouse of the ether <br /> �•�� ot_ H���� Couatp.Nebraaka,as mortqagor 5 cmd Home Fedeml Savinq�and Loaa Aaaodatton o!Grand Inl�d . �� � <br /> . a mrporation orgaaiwd and aaating undee tha tawa o!Nebraeka wit6lh prindpa!oflice and place ot buaiaena at Graad Id�d.Nebmdca,. � � � � <br /> m mortgagee; . . � . . . <br /> WITNESSETH: ThaL aaid monq¢gor S for aad in conaideration ot the aum al . � � � � <br /> S THIRTY THOUSAND AND t�d/100 ------------------------------------ n 30.00O.QO � <br /> OIIOT/ (S y <br /> � <br /> S �Ihe recelpt o! which Is�he[eby admowledged do—by theae pte�eate mortgage nnd wartant unto aQid mortqagee, ila �ucceuon uad� , � . . <br /> �;� � . aeaigm,forever,all tSe follawinq dewihed real ealate. eimated in the munty of Na�( � _ �. �� <br /> '�� � � and State oi � � ��� � � . � <br /> r : <br /> � A tract of land in the PJE;; of the NIVu of Section 22, Township II IJerth, Range 10 } <br /> # P�est of the 6th P.r,1,, in Hall County, Nebraska, described �s iollok-s: Cammencing f' <br /> � ' � at the Northwes+ Corner of the East Half of the Northwest <br /> � Quarter of Section ?2, 3 <br /> y. S, Thence running in an Easterly directicn along and upon the North line of said � <br /> #� Section, a distance of 125 `eer thance running in � southerly direction parallel t <br /> ; to the West lire of said Section a disTance of :&Z feet thence runninq in a 1 <br /> ' 1+lesterly direction parallel to the idorth line o= =_aid Section a distance oi 125 S� <br /> �; #� feet thence runninq in a northerly direction aleng and upon the 1��es'r line of tho # <br /> �; : ,� EfNWµ of said Section a dis'rance of 38? `eet io rhe point of beginning. � <br /> �' '• # <br /> �� <br /> # ' �� �f <br /> ��. �i Togelher with alf hoa4nq, lightiag, and plumbing equipment aod 1lzturea.includinq alokere and burnem.acreetu.awninqa.etormwindows $� � � <br /> and doora,and w7ndow ehodee or blinda,uxd op or(n connection wilh aaid pmperiy.w6alher tF.e sama aro now loc¢ted on eoid pmpertp $ . . <br /> „ . �± o:hcrealicr placed thereon. S , . , <br /> s` ; E< <br /> �, �' TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD 7HE SAME,togethex with all aad sinqul¢t iho tenemonts.Aareditamenta and appurlenencea thereuato bclong• $ . . <br /> � <br /> ` � j' ing,or in anywiee appenaining,lorever.and wanant tho titte to the eame. Said mortqagor 5 hereby mvcnanL—with said mortgaqee j� <br /> . S£ thal�he�L_ %arP ut the dalivery hereol,Ihe lawlu]owaefi ol the premises abovo conveyed mfd deeaibed,and �re $ <br /> sei¢ad o!a good and indeleasible eelato o!inheritence iherein,Ireo and deai of aL encumbmncea,and lhal t he�' u•itl wotr¢nl and = <br /> ` �� detend Ihe litle thetelo lorever aqainst lha cloima ond demande ol all persone whomwever. $ � <br /> r PAOVIDED ALWAYS, ¢nd this inatrumeul is executrd ond delivcred to eoturo lhe paymeat ot lho aun ot t# � f <br /> . �f THIRTI' THOUSAND AND N0;100 -------------------------------- rl�ttaro ts ;O,000.00 , � � <br /> 5� s{ wilh intesest therron,(oqethvr with euch charqca and advancee m moy be due and payab:o to said modqageo mder lhe Inrmt ond �� <br /> fF $ <br /> S con3ilioas ol ihe promiasory note ol even date herewilh and sAcuted he�e6y.e:ecuted by aaid mertgagor�!o eaid mortgaqee,payable j <br /> s; as e:preseed in aQid note,ond lo eecure tho pedormance oi all tho t�rma md mndiliom rnninined �hetein. The termn ot said nota nru j� � <br /> �{ hereby inrorpomted herein by thia telerence. <br /> S <br /> $i 1�in tho intentioa and aqreemeat o! �he par�ies heteto that thie mortgage nhail also aocure any fuluic advancee madu to aaid <br /> x � +{�t morlgagor S 6y ndd mortgaqec, and cny and all indebtednesa in addit[oa io the amounl above ntated which aaid mortqaqoia, or aay <br /> E� �S o1 owo to said morlgaqen howevor evidcnced whethcr b}•nole,boolc attcunt or othcrwisa Thls mo�gaqc nhnll tzmain 3n 1u11 <br /> ': i fome and ellect belween the parties herote aod iheir heira, peraoaal rep�eecntnuvaa, eucceneora and assiqaa, unUl all amounta eecvred <br /> �;- I� hexcuader,induding Iufuro advancee,are paid in tull wilh intereel. <br /> � <br /> '� � The moxtgaqo�he+uhy ansiq�—to�aid moriqageo all tente aad Inmme cuieinq at cay and all timea lrom eaid propecty and �� <br /> x- hereby autho�izo eaid mortqaqee or {te agenl, al Ile option, upon detaut6 to Iake chaige ol eaid property und coiisa a1!ronte and Inmae �t <br /> S thcrelmm and appiy�hc ealae�v�he payment o1 in�e�cat,principal,in�ucvnce premiuma,taxee.amo�amanta,repairs or[mprovemrnb nccua• S <br /> j# eary fo Aeep eaid p[operly in tenanlablo conditfon.or fo olher charqe�or paymeals provided lor herein ot in the nole Lwo6y teeured. ILia j � <br /> - � ��� rent assignmenl ahnll mntinue!n force until the unpQid balonce ol eaid note is fully paid. The�aking o!peeeeeaian hesaunder fholt!n no f � <br /> manner prevent or felard eaid mortgagee in tba mllection ol mid eumn by forecloeuce or otbenviee. 1 <br /> � �j T6n tailure of the mor�qaqee�lo aaaert aoy.o! fu righh heccunder al any tlme ahall nol be conetcued ae a waiver ol i�a righl lo aueH j <br /> � tLe eame m any Imer time,and to inaiet upon and enforrn etria mmpliance wit6 all the �erma aud proviniana o! eaid note and of Ihi� j <br /> S$ morlgage. ; <br /> $f 11 eaid mortgagor 5� nhall cause lo be paid to said moitqcqee tha entire amount due It hereunder.and under the tecros and provinion� <br /> �� of naid notc hareby�ocurod,induding iutwa advmrne,aad any eztanaiona or reaewdn �hereol In acco�danca wiN ihe lecau aad proridona <br /> s� thereol:aad!1 aaid.mertgaqor 5_ ahall mmpiy xith all Ihe provisloa�ol eafd no�e and ol thb e�onqage,thea the�e preeeab ehall be�otd; <br /> it oNecwiee to ramaia in SWI lorca aad etfuc4 aad aald mortqaqn s6all be eatiUed to lhe poueuion ol all ol ecid propertp,and may,al ils � <br /> �� option.deelare the whole o!sald nole and all indebtedneat rapre�mted t6e:aby lo be(mmedlmely due md payable,aad may foreclone thfa ,F� , <br /> ar. .� '. �i� monqaqe or tnko mip�other logal acUon to pro�oct f��riyht and 1rom�he dats ol euch datault all ltema ol indeb�ednea�secured kereby� �.,��V� <br />� � . S{� ahall draw tnlem�t nt�%I Pe�amua. Apprabement wdred. ' <br /> #f 3 � �y <br /> 7hi�mwtqaqo�hall be btndinq upon and�6af1 enurs fo th� Mnel11 0!�he hd�q exeCulot�,ndmlal�lraton.�ucce�wn and.msign�ol � <br /> .. � �$ �ho re�pectiv�.partlsa Lcreto. � • � ' <br /> � . IN.�.W[TNE55 WtIEpEOF, iald Mo�tqaqar 5 w���e Lereunto.wt the i r h��s �he day and ycar liro�nbove ^�` <br /> vrritlen. � t:. <br />;�., � � 7 --�� / � ♦ l l.' _'.i i..�, . � .r� �-� �)���'.v ./.; � <br /> _.J�.� S- � , ��„� ;� <br />��� Dic H. Zlomkel % � � ti^ar, f�l. Zlank2 �� , <br />`a` � `'� -- - <br /> S <br />�€ `�{' L� � I <br />',,-� <br />'^� <br /> -� <br /> F <br />�' — <br />