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<br />''� . 53-A—REAL£STATE MORTGAGE—�With Taz Glause) (Raviced 1962) ;t,c HuC�u,m tx�n.�:l F.,��,1y Hn�.sc,Lic.rns,`.�2». . � � .
<br /> ss,� �. � . �._ ._�_�___._.__.____._____r. ._ . . � .
<br />� ' ; KNO��' ALL ?�t�I� I�Y Tl�'FiSE PRESEIi7'S: 'I`l,ai Owen G. Benson and l�ina F. $enson, Husband anri
<br /> � Wife, each inditidually in his and her owm right and as spoUse of the othar,
<br /> �. i� �,s 2ia11 Connq•,and Statc o[ Nebr35ka ,in ronsidcration cf th<���ra nt� , . � � . � �� �
<br /> � ' '. TWEAsTT—ONE THOUSANL SIX HUNDRED AN-D fi0I100--------------------------------i�DLL,:iiS!
<br /> }
<br /> � in hsnd paid,do hercfiy S&LL.nd CONYFY �mto The First Nation3i Bank of Grand Island,
<br /> � {
<br /> y
<br /> , �oI � H�1 . Cu�nt,Y,Statie ot tieDr3Sl:a ihe fcitoutin,^.des:ribecl premisrs situat.cli � . ..
<br /> ; � Hall C�,unt>-,vid Etate nf Nebtas3:a ,to-µ�t:
<br /> i: i � � . � . . - .
<br /> � The tdesterly Eleven (11) Feer of Lot Three (3) and all of Lot Four (4), � ,
<br /> jin lilock pne Hundred Twenty-Seven (127) oi Unien Pacif3c Railwa�
<br /> +
<br /> Compan�'s Second �ddition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Countt, ;�ebzaska.
<br /> j
<br /> ;',. f � . .� . .
<br />�ti i .�. � . � � . .
<br /> �
<br /> y..
<br /> ei�.-� ��. j .. � . . � .
<br /> � '- The intnntion iv�inr.m�;nrey herebr an at�snhn��titiea in t�.�.,simple.induuinF aii tl�c rights ot hnmestrad ancl d�xver. . �
<br /> � I'O H:1\'L•'A\D 1Y1 HOI.11 th pr m»�=. �b��c<::nixKf, �ritli �li tiie appurtenana thsr-unto tKton,ing,uata tne�a�d j
<br /> � moriCa�ce!s3 :ind tn his.Lrr or thev he�n and e�.si�ns t�rrver. pruv,3u I vw�a��s, aad .i,c.e prr�enls .,rt: upun the e�prr..s i . .
<br /> . �� c�ndition that It"tis s�id n;ortragor(,i,his,hcr cr thein c�irs. .�xcruin::, ac9miniatr.+tors ��r xt.irns siuili pap ot rause-.o hi�i � � �� �
<br /> � {�tid to thc said mcitt�a�cti ls).his.hrr or their n�irs,eactiutnrs. �3m.utuiratnrs er�'i�u,the principal sum of S �l>6��.0� � .. . . � �. � .
<br /> ; payablessf,llov.s.:o���i:: principal pa}m�ent eT $21,600.00, plus interest,
<br /> on Decenber 3, 1977.
<br /> ' � Intexest to be pa}�abie semi-annually, on June 1, 19i7
<br /> "' ; and on D�cen�er 3, 1977.
<br /> t
<br /> �; . . x�th in!rtr>t acroniinc t:�the tenar:ind rlIect of ihe mun�a_ors�criiton pramis�ar�•nate Lrarir.�c�rn clatr��idi tncs�t•rvs:•c�ts j .
<br /> . . and=hzll P=?•a(1 f zxes and::su�.ticmenc�leriiv3 upnn;sid re:il e.,tat.e.:md atl rther tnxrs,Ic�'irs aod a.cse;sazenes Iecii�i uP��n this' ..
<br /> . ��� mort�are o: ihe noie-u�liic}; :}iis monF:�^e n ci��en to sctiu:u. 'trfnrr Ihe.cim�l,cromes riciinquent.:�.�d keep lhe huiidiac.on ! � . . . �
<br /> � ssid r<•misos m=urrd tr,r;n:�um of �,=1�600.00 �,
<br /> p , lo.s.i(aa�.i�:.yrt tn tim�:iid tnurtgagcc.then thc:ur��ms�:nts I .
<br /> . � ; tn he��ad,otiirrW-i.�e �o he and mmaia Sn ful! (ome. , � �
<br /> � fT 2�I�L'FTHLFi AGIilEll (il 1:h.at ii thr.:�id mon�aeor�.hall f.:ii to p.i� suck iazrs or t��mcure o-u�n insurance. t!ie ': . . . . .
<br /> . said mni-7tn�cr map P.:Y •uch t:alc.anci procure such in<ur:mc.-: ;n.i ihe�. .um w.� ariranci+3. wiL� in;crest at 11 prr� . .
<br /> � '. n�nt.=halt tk repsid F,��svd moncs�or,a:d:hs nx�rt.Aa�e shall c;��;s,so.urit��tar tho vime. t'-') Tha:a iailure to pac tinv ; - .
<br /> � . � nf caid money,either princi�al ar intrrest.�cner,thc same lucc.-�rs riue. ��r a tailure io c:xc:pt>• with ua�� oi the tomgoi:g; �
<br /> .'t . � � a,rcemene_.shali�use the ud�ole s�im of mor,ey herrin s:�a:red tn tren•ome due a�d ivll��ctihle ut i»ice xt the option of ihe;
<br /> �. � mon„^n�cr. . �
<br /> y Si�:��c1 th9s 3rd ,ia�ot Decesber , i� i6 -`�'
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> '` ! In presrnce of �__..._ �S''�7'L� _-_...!.. � �?Zc�-L? �
<br /> � ��en Benson
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<br /> ...._... .....__. .. _ . . . ._.... . .... . . � .
<br /> ..__.._ ....._._... . .
<br /> '�ina F. 3enson
<br /> ': _._............._....._......._.........._.. ...__..._.....__...._._...._.. .._ _ ._...._......._.._.___.....___- ......_-...._.._._.._....._--......... ;
<br /> � ST T1aq..r� +„''�E$�.�Slic'�.. _. _.____. . Coun�y � _�i3I.L_..... _ _.___..
<br /> � �� �`�'nTC Y'1cr��. yrg pul$ic yualifitK3 for �a�d r.�unh, i er�on:ili�•rau�e DkE-'R G. :ensen and :<ina F. Benson '
<br /> � •�v�\ �'vL� n'%. ; .
<br /> !�y�Ko me lo<tk:�i2 deniical percon or {�erums uno Fi;ned lhe forn��ing instrumcnt and ncknouled��3 the ezccucion:
<br /> � ;thc�cu,({si^M:'.'h�i5.trch or�hcir�viuntan'aet and dec�l. . :
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