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� ` ��F. <br /> • „�:� <br />; �.��. r -.� <br />� <br />�. <br /> ldOR7GAGE�aving� �d l.oac Form--(Dlrect Cradlt PIaa1.2552 (SpectoU . � � <br /> . �� . . ���� , � . . � . <br /> � �b- Q Q'7 Q�1 MORTGAGE <br /> � <br /> I.oan No <br /> . �� �. �.� rfnS txnEt71'[raE,:maaa �h�. � 4th � ,,;.,t. - December 1s`16 by��a m�ween �� � � . . <br /> DAVID L. CHASE AND KATHY K. CHASE. husband and wife, each in his and her oc�� riQht S3 <br /> 3 and ae spouse of the other i <br /> .�$ o� � H311� � rouaty.Nebraata an mortgagor S aad fiama Fe�;vl 3aviags and Iean Aaaocimio¢of Grand Ll�d S< � . . ��j <br /> a coryaration org�lzod and erietlnq undar the Jawi d Nebreska�with itn prL^dpd n[flce and place e!6usineea at Gtaad InL�d,�Nebra:lca, �� � .. <br /> �.� m monq¢gae: � . . . . . <br /> `, f� � WI7HF55Elii: 1Lct amd mortgaqor 5!or rmd ia eoaeiderarion of tha sum uf . . j . � � �.. <br /> y� �THIRTY THOOSAND AI�'D NO/100-------- v� Ss 30,000.0_0 ,. # � � . � � ��. <br /> �the reeeipt ef whiek is.hereby a�kmwledqed�do—_by iheae�preeenu moxtgago aad wmz�t ssnto smd mortgnqea, ib succesaors �d �#� <br /> : <br /> r �jjj$ aselqne,lorever,al!fha tollowiag deaczibed real estate,aituated fn the rnuaty of 1�d11 . . <br /> � �md State o!Nebrmka,to-wU: � #� � � � � . . , <br /> �$ <br /> . �� !, � � � � �-� <br /> �S <br /> � LOT FOUR (4) ROSS HIEHGTS SUBDIVISION, IN HALL COUNTY, P:EBRASKA. � <br /> j rS <br /> S# 'F <br /> '' �� <br /> fe <br /> . ,��. Sj �. .- . .. <br /> < + <br /> Y � � <br /> t 42 <br /> � �� <br /> ( <br /> �� s; <br /> � <br /> - �� �r <br /> x. � S� �S <br /> F: j <br /> '� <br /> f; <br /> _ �SS iogethcr tvith�all Se¢iLn9. Ilghtlnq: ea3 plumhing equipmeat and lirturee.indudsg stoken aad buraem.s¢eea�.awninqa.stormwiadown � . . <br /> - and doo[s,md windnw ehadea or 6linda,uned oa cr i�cCnneclipn with emd p:operty,whether 1Se acxe Qe mv l�eted oa amd property � � - � �� - � <br /> ��� �on c�reafter piaced thezeoa. �� . . <br /> ; � �+�r �� <br /> TO FihVE AND 70 HOLD TfiE SAME,together with al1 and ainqulaz the teneaeah,hezedit�ents and appufen�ces thezeuato beloaq- �j . . , <br /> {. ��' i� in4•cr in�pwine apperi�r_;,lorever,�d w�x�t the title to the eame. Said aoriqagor 5 hereby covenaa�with nQid mortg�gee �$ � . � . . � <br /> r <br /> � j3 � t1ye V are ��delivery hereof,tLe lavcful owaer Sof the pce�ee e�ove cosveyed mid deacribed,cad are jT � - <br /> ${ <br /> t., ' j4 aeira3 ui a qood aa3 iadefeasible entvte of iaheritacce thereia tree aad dear ot all ecn:a6iaaces,as3 that t he��wil!warrant cad F � <br /> ti defcnd tk�e title�ereto forever agmnst thn d¢ims and dem¢cd.�of a11 persa.v whomsoever. �� � � - � <br /> � �� P90VIDID ALWAYS, ¢�d thi� iastrumeat is e:entted ead deliveted to eocure l2�e payaeat of tho sua cf e� <br /> �� THIRTY THOUSAATD A2�'D NO/100--------------------------------------�11aza ts 30,000.00 � $' <br /> ��� � �$t wiih interest thereoa tooether wi�h such c3mges aad adv�rns¢s m¢y be Cua vad paya6!e to said aonqageo ucdez the teras and fi � � <br /> � $; cacditions o! the prasisaor7 aote o! even date herewith aa33 neaued hetebp,ezetuted bp evid mnrtgaqors to s�3 morignqee,pvycb!e f� <br /> t � �� aa ezpzessed in aai3 r.ota.�3 m eecute iha pedoxm�ce a!all the ter�a m3 conditio�e mnimned �e:e6n. TFr tecw of said aote are �� <br /> ti0 a <br /> i..�.. he:e2ry inc��r¢tad Lereiu by this retereace. 11 <br /> � �, f <br /> $+ It'u the Iatention md agrcomeat of the partics hcrero that ths aortqage ahail alno senve any Iuture edeanrer sode to ncid $� <br /> S � <br /> Ifmortq¢gor S 3p amd mortgaqoe,and¢np md ell tndebtedneae Sa ad�tie� tha cma�t cbove afctod which naid aortgcqor�, or my f� . <br /> � ot fLen,azp owe to ncid monqngee,h�weva� evidenced whethei by aote,book acceuat or otkervvise. TLis cmtgaqe ehall remmn ia Sull �S <br /> � ,# force�d eltact betwee�ihe p�tles hem:o and tLcir beL�a,peceoaal repreeeatativw, succease:a cn3 osiqav, uatil ell emow�tn sonued f � <br /> , $tt hereundez.intluding futura advaacee,�e paid ia full with iatareet $, <br /> S �i <br /> ;� � The.emztgagor S Lnteby assig�to eald mmtgagee ell zenta �d incor�e�:aiag at aap aad all tises Izam nmd pxope:ty�d i� <br /> e <br /> 'y�_. i. herebp wthorlra e¢id mnnqagee or its¢genL at is optir upva defmili,to telce cherge o!aald pra,�ertp aad allect all rEntn and lncoxe %� <br /> Y i tl:eielroa and cyply the nana lo the p�pmeat ot Sntezest priadpal,fnaur¢nce p:emlury t�ea.aaaeasmenta.repmia or improvasenfe aeces• ij � <br /> � n��to keep amd propertp ia tenantnblo taaditioy or to othez chmqea oz p¢paeata provldnd foz hetcia or ia the aote hereb secured TLia S <br /> ';-� � $ xear auiqaaeat e�all caatiaus ia fa.�ce nntil:he lnpaid bnl�ce d eaid aote is fully pmd. Tho takiag ot pvsseaaioa�reunde�ehell ln no .S . <br /> � �3 aaaaer prevant m reta�d fcid mong¢qee Sa t�a colloctlaa of amd suma by la:eclomue or othemise. �' <br /> t{� <br /> . :f 2ha Iml�e ot the�.mortqagee tu as�at�p o! 1U righh Lereuader at mp vae eh¢ll aot be co^��ued ce a.rcive=of iG righi to csxrt i> <br /> the�same a!mp later tima� iasist..upm�d entozca�tria magimce with all tLe terc� aad proviuiors of said noto and ot thia �� <br /> #i �rt��. ff <br /> , i: u�+d�s�9a'3oz 5� ahall cacee to be p�d to eaid aartqcgee tha eatire mauat due It mdei ihe toms�d pmriaixu �S <br /> S$ d eatd nnte ha:ebp aecured iacfudiaq futuce ad�ces.�d anp eneaabm or.reaewaL thereol!a acecrdcaa evlth the teima ead p:aridr� <br /> #f�S thereol.��d it eald ae S ahall coa �� � <br /> �4a4 ptp with all the pro�Ldm�d sa7d noa�d o!thL�aortq¢qo.thea thees preaenb aLall be�oid; � <br /> . �� etherwim to remma�la hill focw�d allecL�:md seid�aoztqaqes aLall be eatitled m tho.poueulan d all ot tmd ProPect7.�d say.m['a � <br /> : ,� opdoa.�decim.tha whoL of n�id note cad dl tndebledaear represmtcd thnreby b bo Snmedfete7y due�d payable,and aap lrneclono thii 1 � <br /> �f mmt9a�e�or tc}e�T Mhei 1aqa1-aden to Drotect i!a�qht,�d from tLe data o!such default all itema cl ladeb�edness�ecvred herebp Sf � ��.'�� <br /> S aLall�ew.iaferest at 9%per�aum. Apprd�emeat wafved � N . <br /> �{ ..#,. Thle mort4v9e� Mndln9 uPen aad��bcii�r�nra m��he b�neff!o!the hsln.axeeuma.admlaSstra�«esuzs md csaigns oi 4� I � z <br /> 1 $+ �he rsepectira pc�tim barero.� � . <br /> �h : _J .� <br /> rS s <br />'r;� �S wriilan.- .Wf�ft.AF. a�d Mottqog��Y2�Lecennto ut theii x ��tha dcy aad qcar lust ebo�e f$ ^ � <br />� �� � � � `f} . <br />�� , !� � s# _ <br />µ #£ Davi L. C e Kat y K. C a e " � <br /> Stt �� <br /> 'S i <br />_ �# f <br />`- c�.'�'�" t_ � <br /><=y <br />-..� <br />`�}� <br />,-Q <br />..� <br />