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� , : <br /> I ;:K. <br /> � ;. <br />�� �: <br /> aak � <br />�� � <br />� I�-00705f� . <br />� <br /> AtORTGAGE <br /> ` �fORTGACGLOAN N0. �ZZ,44� _ <br /> KNOWALLAIENBYTHl:SF.PR[SENTS:That Alvin E. Rinke and Sharon Kay Rinke each in his and her <br /> � own right and as spouse of each other <br /> ! �1urtgagor,whether one oe more,in consideration o(the sum oF ' <br /> Twenty Thousand Five Hundred and No/100------------------------------------------- ��LA�� <br /> ' loaned to said mortgagor by Tl�e Gn,uitable I�uilding anJ Luan Associatiun of Grand fsland,Nebraska,Afortgagee,upon Zp5 shares of stock oC � � �� <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22,447 ,do hereby grant,com�ey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following� ' � � <br /> , described re;�l estate,tituated in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska: , _ .- <br /> '}..' � � � . . <br /> EAST THIRTY FIVE FEET OF LOT THIRTY SEVEN (37) <br /> HND ALL OF LOT THIRTY EIGHT (38) IN BLOCK THREE (3) <br /> - BLAIt, ADDITION. CITY OF GRAND ISLANO HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> < <br /> ?� EXCEPTING THEREFROM A TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO THE CITY <br /> Of GRAND ISLAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN QUIT <br /> CLAIM DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 141 PAGE 281. <br /> � : <br /> � <br /> � <br /> a to ether wilh all the icnements,hercditaments and a urtenances thamunto brlon ine,includin g - � � � ' <br /> g pp g g attached(loor covrrin s,all window screens, . i <br /> � windotiv shades,blinds,storm���indows,:����nings,heating,air conditiuning,anJ plumbing and H•ater equipment and acttssories thereto,pumps,sroves, � � . � <br /> ; retrigerators,and other fixwres and eyuipment now or lierenfter at[ached to ur used in connection with said real estate. � . � . . � i <br /> � And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and doesliere6y agr�e d�at the mortFagor shall and will pay all txxes and assessments Izvied or �,. .. . � ! <br /> ' asseesed upon ssid premises and upen this mortgage and the bond secy��1 r�b��jz(ure d�e same shall becomz delinquent;to furnish appmved . � �. � <br /> `5� � inmrance upon thc buildings un said;�remises situaied in ihe sum o(5 L V+��U•�`� payable W said ASSOCIATION mid to deliver to said � � - <br /> ASSOCIA"ffON the said in;urance;and not to commit or permit any wxsce on or about said premises, � � � � � � <br /> In case of default in�he p�dorm:�nce o(any uf the terms and condiiions uf d�is mortgage m the bund secured hereby,d�e morlgagee shall, � i <br /> .4, ��. un demanJ,bc rntitled to iminediate possession of die mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, trsnsfere xnd sets over ro the .- � �.� , <br /> . morigagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derivrd Gom the mortgaged premises duru�g such time as the morlgage indebtednes:shall remain - <br /> J� unpaid:and the mongagee shall hare[he pnwer to�ppoint any agent ur agrnts it mav desire for the purpose of repairing said prcmises and renting . � � <br /> the same and collecting the rents,revenucs and income,and it may pay out o(said income all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary : . � � <br /> � cmnmissiuns and cxpenses uicucred in renting and n�naeing tLe same and of mllecting rentals Iherefrom; the balance remaining,i(any,to be � � � <br /> �; � applied towurJ the dischuge of said morte:�ge indebtedness;these rights of the mongagee may be exzrcised at any time during the existence of such �� <br /> de(ault,irrcspective of any temporary waiver of the same. <br /> �� ' Thcu Presents,however,�m upon ihe Cunditiun,That if the s�id pfortgagor shall�epay s�id loan on or be(ore Aie maturity uf said shares 6y � ig <br /> fi p�ymen4 puy munthly ta s�id ASSOCIATIO\o(the sum speciCird in the 13ond secured h.rc6y as inlerest and principal on said loxn,an or before � 9 <br /> thc'Twentielh d�y of e�ch and every munth,until S:II(�IO;Ip IS�IIII�'P81(I;p�y all taxes and assessmenls levied against said premises end on this�tortg�ge � <br /> ���� and the Bond secuced thereby,before delinyuency;fumish appmved insurance upon tha buildings thrrcon in the sum oC 5 90 500 00 P�y�ble . - � - <br /> ' �u s;iiS ASSOCIATIO`v;rep�y to s�id ASSOCI,1TIOti upon demand all monty by it psid Cor such taxes,assessments andm�urancz w�th iNerest ut <br /> �% � tl�e maximum Ir al racc thcreon from da[c of JVllll'lll 8II 0�R'IIICII SIOfI�aeur hereb�a�rees to a - � � � � � <br /> g p' �. } E p y;permit no was[e on said p�emises:keep and wmply . � <br /> i' <br /> y with all the agreements and mnditions of the Bond(or S 2��5��.��this day gieen by the said t�furtgagur to said ASSO('1AT10N,and comply � <br /> � wiih�II the reyuiremznts of the Constitution and UyLaws of s�id ASSOCIATION;[hen diese presents shall bccome null and void,otherwise they � ' <br /> ? slmll remain in full foree and may be foreclosed at the uption uf the said ASSOCIATION after failure (or three months tu makc any of said � <br /> paymenls ur be three mmuhs in arre�rs in making said monthly payments,ur m keep snd cumply w�ith tfie agreements and conditions of said Bond; ; <br /> � and!,tortgagor agraas to haee a receiver appointed(unhwith in sud�(ureclusure proceedinRs. <br /> �. If tl�cre is xny ch�nge in ownership ol'the real est�te�wrtgaged herein,by sale or otherx�ise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hercby . ��. <br /> � secured sliall,at ihe opiion u(7he Equitable Building and Loan Association uf Grand lsl�nd,NebrasAa,become immediately due and payable wilhout �� <br /> ti furlher notice,and the;�muunt�emaininp due under said bund,and any u�her bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shall,from lhe � <br /> date of exercise of s�id option,bcar inlerest at�he maximum legal rate,and U�is mortgaee may then be iomdosed to satisfy the amount due un said <br /> k� - bond,and any otlier bond fur additiunal advances,tugethcr with all sums paid by said 71ie Equilable Building and Loan Associatiun o(Grand Island, ; <br /> Nebraska Por insurance,ta�es and asseuments,and abstracting ex�ension charges,with interest thereon, (rom date of payment at the maximum � � <br /> Icgal ratc. <br /> r As pmvided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mung�ge remains in effrct the mortgagee may hereaftec ad��nce additional sums to the � <br /> . makers u(said I3ond,their assigns or successurs in interest,«�hich sums shall be within the securiry of this morigage the same as the funds originully � <br /> ; secured thereby,�he rotul amuunt uf principal debt nut tn exteed at any tirne the uriginal amount of this moetgage. <br /> Daled this 7th ��>��� Oecember �•u �9 76 `� , <br /> _ Cl.�� �' � ��-�- -.<�_,. _1�., i _�r� <br /> Alvin E. Rinke Sharon�K�y✓Rinke � <br /> STATE OF 2.EBRISKA,� 7th December 6 I <br />���� ss. On this d�y of 1� ,be(ore me, � I <br /> COUNTY OF f1ALL <br /> ihe undersigned,a Notary Pub6c in and for said County,personallycame -'i;,� .•' <br /> Alvin E. Rinke and Sharon Kay Rinke each in his and her own right ahd as SPOIJPesOallyknownto N ,� <br /> � other are ' - <br /> me lo bc the identical perwn 5 whou name5 are aftixed to the ahove itutr nt as rtgagor 5 and th2y severally a ' <br /> their � <br /> acknoa•ledged ttie said instrument to be voluntary act and dced. n ` <br />'^' 1YIITJC•SS my hand and Notarial Seal the date afbrcsaid. \/j'� ,G�J�/ � � <br />�: �1y Commissiun expires ��C\ j ��'//!// ,[� _'. <br />�, � ,� � <br /> k;: . . � . . `� ' . �,'. I /L � � \u ary Public <br /> s.j.snt fcf , , ' � ��f l y � <br />°°' , , ., ....._.... .�,;y <br /> . ,::. .. .,. <br /> ' _ ___------- <br /> � L._ � <br />;-� <br /> � <br /> ! <br />