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<br /> r � ��. oo � a � � ` �
<br /> (� Tn 'uaeYhe loan �videnced by the note sottly [or purpnses eufhorized�by the Government .
<br /> `�� To pay when uue ell iazes, liens; judgments, encumhrances, aod assessmen[s Iawfully atteching ;o �or nssesscd
<br /> egninst the propetty, including all charges and assessments in cnnnection wiffi water, water Aghts, un� ��ter atnck
<br /> + pertaining tn oi reasonaWy necessary tn fhe use nf the renl prnperty described ebove, end alJ taxes end .essessmenfs .}evie�l
<br /> upnn fMs mortgege ot the note o: nny indebtedness hereby securetl or aqeinst eny legal holder .hecmf m of .fhe no!e nr uf
<br /> said andebtedness under the ]aws oi Nebraske, nnd prompUy delivei io thr Govemment without demend receipts evioencing
<br /> such .paymenEs.
<br /> ; (8) To kcep the properry insured as aegui�ed by and under irtsurance palicies approved by, delivered to., and reta�nnd :by�
<br /> tfrc �Government.
<br /> (� ?'o maintein imprnvements .in gond repeir nnd make repairs required by the Gwernment; operate the property in a good
<br /> and husbnndrtwnlike manner, comply with sach fnrm conservauon pructites nnd farm and hnme mnnagement plans es thr
<br /> Gwernment irom time to time may prescibe; and not to abendon the pmpercy, uc cause or permit waste, lessening m impair
<br /> ment of the securiLy-cuvefed -hereby, ' nc, viithout the written cnnsent of the Government, cut remove, ot lease any tim'uec,
<br /> i gravel, oil, gss; coal;or othec minefels excepi az mey� be neressary for ocdinary domestic purposes.
<br /> (10) To comply with •alllews, mdinances, and segulatinns aHecting the property.
<br /> (11) To pey or reimGurse ihe Govemment fac ezpenses reesnnu6lg necessary or incitlental zo the praiecfion atthe lian
<br /> and priority heren! und to the enEmcement ot m the compliance wifh the provisiaus hereuf end af the nnte end eny suppir
<br /> mentary agreement (whether before ur uEter deEeult), including but not limited Yo ensts oE evidence oi title to and survey ot
<br /> � the propertp, cests of recmding this end other instrumenu, ettarneys' fees, trastees' fees, cnua costs, and ez}+enses of
<br /> advertising, setling, and cnnveyingthe property.
<br /> (12.) Neifher the pro�erty nor eny portion thereaf ar interest therein shaL• 'be leased, assigned, sold; trensierred, or encum-
<br /> 6ered, vnlunterily� or otherwisc, u�ithout fhe wruten cansent af the Government. The Govemment sAall heve the sole and
<br /> � e�elusive sights es mn:tgagee heieundet, including buE not 'limited to the power to grant cansents, pariial relenses, subordinr
<br /> °' dons, and safisFactinn, and no insured holde: shall have any right, tide m mterest in ar to the lien nr anv benefits fiereuf.
<br /> � (13) At ell reasona6le times the Gove:nment and its ngents mny inspect the property to ascertain whe2he thrcovenants
<br /> and agreements cnntsined herein or in unv supplementar}• �grrament nre bcing pedormed.
<br /> � (141 Tt�e Govcrnm�m mat� c�:tend und dcfer thc mmurity nf and renrµ und reamoru7r the cL^;bt evidcna:d b�� thc notE
<br /> ' �z any 'indehiedness to the Govemment secured hcrchy, relcusr from iiabitir�� to the Gr�vcrnment un}� pa:tr su Iiahle thereon.
<br /> rcleaso pnrtions af the prqpettx• f'rom :uid subardinate t}�e lien hrreoi, �nd a�aive �nc othcr nchts ticrrundcr, w�ithout uffacttne
<br /> t}�e licn ar prinrit} herenf at the liabilitg to die Gnvcrnrtunt of' Sorrewcr nr any-a.het party for payment o1' thc note or ir -
<br /> debtedness secured hereby cf:ccpt us spccified by the Government in wriune.
<br /> : Q� 1f at any Hme it shall appear fo the Government that Ho:rower may 6e a61e to nbcein a 1 nan from a production cradit
<br /> ; associetinn, a :Fedeaa! land 6enk, m ather responsible cnoperative o: �ivete credit souse, at reasona6le rates and terms
<br /> r � faz loans fm similar purposes nnd periods of hme, Hnnower will, uFan the Gnvernment 's rrquest, apply for and acrept such
<br /> • doan in - suffieient amount to pay the nate and any indebtedness secured hereby •end to pey for anystock necrssery mbe
<br /> purchesed in e caoperative lending egency in connection v.•ith such lnan.
<br /> (lo) Default hereundet shall constitute default under am� othe: ree! estete, nr under any personal pr�perty ai ozhei,
<br /> security instrument held or insured ry the Government and eYecuted a sssumcd by Su:rowec, und defaul2 undtr anv such
<br /> ;
<br /> , o?her secnrity iastrumrnt shsil cnnstifute deiault hereunuer. '
<br /> {77) SHUVZD DETAUL7' occu: in the nerformancc or disch•rrec cri am� o5ligurion in this inscrumenr or secured bv rhis
<br /> ineuument, nr should aay one o£ che parcics nnmed as Anrrower die o: bc decla;ed •rn incnmpetcnt, a �ank:upt, or an
<br /> insoJvcnt, or mal:c .an nasienmcnt far the bcncut oi crr.ditora. thc Govcrnmcnt, at its onrion, ai.l� or withnut no.icc. mc�•:
<br /> (n) declnre xhr enxire amount unpaid under the note und anc inde6tednesR co cfir Government hereb�• sr.cured imme3inu}c
<br /> duc .and paya6lc, (6} for .hc uccnant ti. Hoanwer ineur and p¢�• ;c•rsonable cinenses io: rcptir ar maint�nancr of �ad tnk�
<br /> p�sscssion o� opernxe �: rent zhe Moperty. Yci unon aapliruLion bc it and prnduc:ion o7 thu inscrument Mdthout othcr
<br /> r�ddcnec and without norice of hea:ing O{ SCId 4f1f1IICIIl�t011. }IIIVC 8 7CLCIl'C[ SD�OI7ILCU So; .ho nrnnem�. �itn che aaual pow�7�
<br /> �� ofreccivers in !iL-c casa. (dj forer�ose this inFsumcnt ue nro�idcd hcrcin or br laa, and �o f cnforcx •rar nnd ull othcr riehu
<br /> i; � and .remedies provided hcrcin or by present nr furu:e law.
<br /> (78) The �rncecda nf fo:rclosu:e sale shall Se applied in the lollowing arder xo :ho puymenx of: i;� j coscs .nd cipen�es
<br /> ineidcnt to enturcinq o: comph•inc K'ich ;hc p:ovisinna hcrcof. (bi �uic prior licn: rcouired ht� law o: a cnm�eccnt c�urt m
<br /> r be so p�id, (c) i}1C �C}lt L�7dcnccd b}� zhc noto nnd all indcbtcdncss to chr Gnvc:nment sccwr.d hcrab��, ; d) inlcrio. Iierss
<br /> of recnrd roquired by law or a compeunc court io hr sn pa�1, ; e) at :hr f,overnmen:'a onrion, �nc ��:hrs indcb.ednesa
<br /> nf 8or. owcr owdn¢p to or insurcd by the Govcrnmcnt, und �f) •uny balanee to ITtmowcr. At forrclosucc or ot6cr wlc
<br /> of all or uny pnrt ol T�iC rroDCTtC. :}IC GOVCi}I{�C:tt 6bll 1'.6'II['CPLS RIY{' fJl.� :ibd ��ifLI1QF[ k5 :1 SIISIlLCT :ltld SfI➢T FIIIV t}1[ GOVC.^TI-
<br /> mc�nt's share nf ihe j llTL}lIISC paee bt• creditinc xuch amount on any debts of Bonower owinq to cu insured 6v the
<br /> Gwcrnmenx, in thr �der nrrscribed ubova '
<br /> (79) Sotrower agrces thul the Gnvernment u�il1 nrn br bnund b� ur.� presenc or iuturc Stmr lew. � a1 prnhdine fnr
<br /> ; vuluation, .npprnisal, h�meatud oi :xemption uf the prnperty . (hl pruhihitinc mait�lenan;•r nf an acti;m ior i deiiciency
<br /> judgnunt or limiting tt�c emoum tl�oreof or the time within a�}UC}I SLLCII Lt210t1 RIU51 Hf hIOU�h., (c) prescribuig any othc�
<br /> ` stntutc of ]imitauons. (d) allowuia any richt oC radempriun nr posse:sian followine an} farcclnsure s:de. or (c) limiunc zhr
<br /> condiunna which tt�c Governmeni muy b�� rerul�tion impnse , inclucting the interctt rutc it mav ch¢*ee, us u condiuon Ui
<br /> approving n uunsfer nf the Prnpartg tn a new Rnrrower_ Bo;rowcr expreuly wnives thc bea�t oi an}� such State lzwa.
<br /> Bonower }ierehy relinquishes, a•uives, nnd sc,nveyF all riehu, inchnnte ur :.onsummuic, oi' .deacent. dowe� , nnd cuncsy.
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