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�: t e,� <br /> � ...:.`�► <br /> �� 1 � <br /> _ <br /> w. <br /> � : 76. 00704G � �r ,�..} _ < -1 <br /> . r�:rrr�„ s <br /> usnn-r�„iiA <br /> Fo�n, r•�„itn azr� n��: <br /> (Rev. 3.2p,75) RL'hL i;S7'ATL' �tORTGAGL I�OR NEI3RASKA <br /> t TNIS�t�10RTGAGE is madc and entcred into bv -•-•---.�rald_L. Taylor and._Katl�_L..,Taylor,_. _. `- <br /> �' husband and xife _each in,his,and hor own r ht xnd as s ouso..of_the othor�µ.,,.._ <br /> - • _.� •__�._ ...._..............�.._. <br /> z residin m -_•__�.._...Doni,p_han�_......_..__._. _...___....__Nall.__ <br /> � S � • •• - — Counry, Ncbraska, ofticc address is <br /> i ........__.............�__.____ _....:......_._..._.......___....._.._._. Doni_p,han._......_._...._.._.._...., �ebraska ._688„�2„. <br /> - . ....._._..._. <br /> hercin called "l3urrou�cr, and: . <br /> WHERL.IS Dorrower is indebted to tlic United Statcs uf America,acting thruugh the Parmcrs fimnc Administrntion, <br /> United States Departnient of Agdcultuie,hereui called tlte"Go��ernment;'as e�tidenced by one or more promissory note(s) <br /> or assumpdon:agrecment(s),hercin cnlled"note."«�hich has bccn eaecuted bg borrower,is pa��abie to the urder of the <br /> Govcrnment, aadiorizes acceleration of the cntirc indcb�edncss at the upNon oP ihc Go��ermncnt upon any dc(ault by <br /> Borro���cr,and is dcscribed �s foliowr. <br /> Anraal Rutc Duc lh�tc of Final <br /> A�te of Lutncme�rt Printipal�irnomrt o lntrrest frutaflmc�u <br /> g : Deceaber 6, 197b �w27�500.00 8?n Decomber 6, 2009 <br /> � <br /> : ` <br /> z <br /> ';:.F . . . . . . . <br /> .:�.F . � . . . <br /> And the note evidences u loen to Borrowcr, nnd the Govcrnment, at any timc,muy essign thc notc and insure thc poyment <br /> thermt pursuant to the Consolidated Fnen ond Rural De�•elopment Acl,or T ide\'of thc of the Housing Act o[1449; <br /> ' ' And it is the purpose nnd intent of Ihis insUument that, nmoung othet things, at all timcs u�hen thc notc is held 6y Ihc <br /> � Govemmcnt, or in the c�•ent the Govcmmrnt shouid assign this instrumenl without insucance o[ the note,this inslrument <br /> shall secure poyment o!the note; but when the note is held by�n insured holdeq this inslrumenl shell not sc�cure peyment <br /> o( the note or attnch to the debt ecidenced thereby, but as to the note nnd such debt sh�il ronslitute on indemnitp modSage <br /> to secure the Goremmenl agninst loss under its insurance contract by reason of ans�defaWt 6y[iorrower. <br /> NOK', THF.REFORE, in considcrution o(thc loan(s)nnd(n)nt all times u•hen the note is hcld by lhc Govemmmt,or in thc <br /> !` event thc Goeemment should essign tHis instrumenl without insurancc of lhe paymert of thc note,tu securc prompl puymenl <br /> of the note and any rmewnls und eztensions Ihe«rof und nny aercements conlained thetcin, including any provision(orthc <br /> t' paynnent af an insurancc or othcr chargc, (b)al all times when thc nutc is hcld by an insured holdcr,to sc�:ure pedormancc o( <br /> '; F3orrower's agreement herein to indemnify end sa��e hnrmless the Government against toss unJec ils insurance contract by <br /> i �> reason o( nny default 6y Eiorrower, and (c) in any event ond ut oll times to secure the prompl pnyment of all ndvences and <br /> ' expenditures made 6y the Gavernment, with interest, as hereinatte� described, end the per(ocmunce ot eve�y covenanl nnd <br /> � ` agreement of Borrower contoined hercin or in any supplemenlary agreemenl,Oorrowe�Jocs hereby gronl,borqain,sell,canvey <br /> { and essign,wilh gene�nl wenonty,unto the Govemment the following property situoled in thc Slatc of Nebraska,County{ics)af <br /> t' Hall <br /> ............................._............._.............._........_....... . . .......... <br /> .......... ..........._.........._..__.......... <br /> A part of tot Eleven (11) of the County Subdivision of part of tho South <br /> Nalf (Si) of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Rnnge P�ine (9), <br /> Nest of the 6th P,AI., in Hall County, NChTII6IC3� described as follows, to- <br /> xitt Commencir� at a point j0 fcet soutti of the northea�t corner of said <br /> � Lot 11, running thonco west 10,5r feet, thence south 75 feet, thenco aast <br /> � 10� feet, thence north, alonE{ tho east boundary of said Lot 11, ';5 feet to <br /> � the place of beginnin�, <br /> s, <br /> Y: <br /> i <br /> PmIIA 427•1 NI;(Itcv.5.0•75) <br /> �' <br /> �. � <br /> ,: . . <br /> _. ,..:., ..,,.... .,.;, .. r ., <br /> , .. <br /> _..:. :.. ... ... . . <br /> _ . _.. _ .. �'. . <br /> . . . . . _... . � . . ... � .. ... _ . . . . N w.�` � <br /> � � � � z <br /> � �� <br /> . � . . � . . . . � . i!h �'��,? <br /> . . . ' . . .. � � <br />�$ � <br />+ L� J <br />