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� <br /> , �•a� <br /> . . <br /> � ':;.:� <br /> �� � � <br /> , .. $TATE OP NEBItA$g9, County of ........................................................: . <br /> , <br /> Filed Yor rneord nnd entQred in Numerical Iudez <br /> jon......:...................................................nt ................dcloek................ �i., ; <br /> ;. and recorded in Deed Record...............................Pnge..,...........,............... ' ;, ; <br /> j <br /> ; . ..... .. .... By ...... .. ................................ <br /> ........ . ... ...... ...,. .. ,... .... <br /> ,:; ; County Clerk or Deputy County-0lerk or <br /> �r Register of Deeda Deputy Regieter of Dceds ;;r; <br /> I.�. _ i <br /> �.Q 76= Q07045 WARRANTY DEED <br /> �t� <br /> ,� . <br /> Y_} ; E, Dean Wolfe and Judith A. Wolfe, Husband and WiCe, each in I-xis and Her own <br /> i ; <br /> # right and as spouse of each other , hereiscalled the grantor whothur ene or rt:rre, . , <br /> �� in eoneideration of Twenty-Seven Thousand, Five Nundred and No/700 ($27, 500.00) Dolla�•s <br /> �.� rer.eived from grnntee, does grant, bnrgaln, scU, convey and confirm unto <br /> `� Kathy L. Taylor 5 <br /> herciv called tUe grnntee whethcr one or more, the follow•ing dcecribed real property in <br /> % ' � � Hall� � � � . ` . -:. <br /> r. .......................... ............................. Countq, Nebraska: .. .: �: <br /> ,� <br /> T A Part of Lot Eleven (11) of the County Subdivision of Part of the South Hal{ (S1/2) <br /> ''�- of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Ran�e Nine{9) West of the bth P.M. , <br /> :�", in Ha11 County, NeUraska. Descrihed as follows,To-�Nit: Commenciri� at a point <br /> '�, 50 feet South of the Northeast Corner of said Lot 1l, Funning thence West 105 1/2 <br /> �'� feet, thence.South 75 feet, thence East 105 1/2 feet, thence North, along the East' <br /> ;�'�` Boundary of said lot 11, 75 Feet to the Place of L�eginning. <br /> ,� f <br /> (� To l�nve nud to hold the abo��a described premises together �vith nll tenemeuts, heraditamenta <br /> t�nd uppurteunnces Uiereto Uelonging unto the grnntee nnd to grnnteo's heirs nnd assigns forever. <br /> Avd the grnntor docs hcreby coveannt �cith the grantce nnd �vith grantce's heirs nnd assigns <br /> '; tlint grnntor is]n��•fully seised of said premises; thnt they are frce from encumbrnnce except easements <br /> � � and restrictions of reco�ds <br /> �,,F` <br /> �, <br /> '� thnt grnntor l�ns good rigLt nnd lan•ful nutl�ority to coneey the snme; aud thnt grantor �rannnts and will <br /> � <br /> � defend the title to snid premises ngninst the lawful cluims of nll persons whomsoever. <br /> � �-", � Dated December 6 19 76 <br /> � .................................................................................... ��...�.`.i.:..r.�.C.irsr.�.....�'� ......... <br /> y.t�t�... <br /> � �. Dean Wolfe / <br /> � �^��: `7.�.c.f...�Z...Z11.C1:�.�4�.................... ; <br /> . .................................................................................... ...... <br /> Y Tudith A. �Volfe 0 <br /> ,, <br /> , <br /> '' 81'ATI:OF NEBRASK�1,County of Hall <br /> Q <br /> r Beforc me, n notnry public qunlificd for snid county, persa�nll}• came <br /> 5 rtntFMfNT 71TTACt1Fl1 <br /> ZE. Dean �Volfe and Juditl� A. �5'olte, NusUand and Wite, each <br /> � �EQRASKA DOCUMEPITARY � <br /> , � STAMP TAX in His and Her own right and as spouse of each othe�• <br /> DEC: G 1976 _ <br /> �., kno�cn, tv um to be Lho identicnl pereon or persons who signed the <br /> ! �3a gy�! foregoiug instrument nud neknowledged t6e caccution thereof to ho his, ''^ �a �,��,, ' <br /> ,., <br /> -�--- Ler or their �oluntary net nnd deed. ,., N ;G + <br /> L' � � � � .J1.�.�..e.a.-.�,. .�..�. ...�i. .1..,1�'..�7� � ��.` � <br /> Witness m,r• hnnd nnd notnrinl aeal on � y... ......... " <br /> ...��� �T��� � <br /> r <br /> h �,; . <br /> . ;` .,........ Notary Public , <br /> ....... . . �? ,, <br /> , � �4 <br /> � <br /> , HAROIb G./IREHN2T, '' , <br /> = N�• commission exp�res ...........�.......�^�"S�lllnUn:staa al�etir......�... " <br /> �Y Y cnin,isslon Ernire� <br /> Fortti 2.2 A y Alarch 24,197Q <br /> pproved b Nebraskn 9tnte Dor AssocfaUon Felbn t Woif Oo.,Lnoo�n.Ne6r. <br />,,,�<, <br /> 4� � � <br />� <br />�� <br />�; <br />