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.h�"„�. � � � � � � ��ti � <br /> s,m;`;, . . �i <br /> t <br /> . � . . • t �, � . <br /> 1 <br /> ;t: <br /> �� �. � <br /> .�� MOA7GACS—Savinq� and Loan.Form—IDd�ef C»dll.PImI 2557 (SpedaU � � <br /> �w.._..... b- � , MORTGAGE <br /> 7 DQ70 0 <br /> . � � � � �. � � . . Loan No �. - <br /> ( ' ntts�rmetrtvt�e.moae�h�• 6th ,�,y,r pocembor .�e 76 by aaa e.iwa.n 1 <br /> ,$ 3 <br /> DELORIS•E. PETZOLDT, a single person <br /> k <br /> s-3 � � <br /> �t Y .' . . � . .�. <br /> :����. ���ul � Ha������ �� � County,Nebraika m modqogor_.�d Home Fadervl Sarinq�and Laan Auodatlon ol Grand I�Iaad,� �� <br /> '�:'. �. a mrporalion organ(zed'.aad c�atinq.mdcr Iho lawr ot Nebm�ka Mlh Il�pdndpal ollin and ploeo ol bwlnau at Grat�d ld�d Nebmdm.. � <br /> ;._x . .� m modgagee: . .. �- � . � � . <br /> ;��� .WITNESSETH: T4al said mortqagor� lor aad In eonddecation ot the�um ol � . <br /> �`r( FOURTEEN THOUSAND �OUR HUNDRED AND NO/100 -------------------- not�at. �5__.14,400.04-1. <br /> ;,�j .� � the�recoipt�ol�which 1��heroby aeknowlodqed do_by those prc�enb mongago�and warmn!unlo �ald moqqagee,�lie �uceeuon and ' <br /> '��I �� �. aeaign�,lomver.alt tho�lollowing daxrtbod:cal adato,dtuated In tho rnunty of �ia�� . <br /> '��and"�Slate�o(Nobra�kaPlo-wlL• � .. . . .. .. � .. . . . � . . � . .. . . � � . . . � , <br /> ; �� � � � � �. � . . <br /> ; � LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE (145) IN UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C0�IPANY'S <br /> :,_;,� SECOND AODITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> ., � � : <br /> , , <br /> 7 <br /> ;.1, <br /> � ' <br /> � <br /> � <i <br /> t3 �..Togelhcr with all hoat[ng. Itghting. and ptambinq oqWpmonl and 11=tuca�.includluq�tokan and bumen.�ccna,awnloqe.dormwindowti � <br /> sf and doon.and window ehade�o�bllndn,uxd on or In connection wllh eaid proporty,whathe�tho eamo a�e now�ocatod on sald property � � <br /> �t or horeafte�placed tharcon. � � .. <br /> TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD TfiE SADSE,logc�hcr with all and efnqular tho tenemanu,ha�ediiamenli and appurtenancca thoraunto belooq• <br /> inq,or tn anywiec apporlaininq,lomvcr.and warrant Iho litle to Iho name. Said morlqcgor_hareby rnvemnt 5 wi�h aald motlgaqea � � <br /> ��� Ihat_�o_ �S at lhe dolivury herool,lhe lawful owner_ot tho premleee alwvo conreyod and de�cribed,and �S � � � � <br /> j = aei:od ol a good and indcleaei6le ealalo ol inhedlance theroin. Iree and clear ot all eneumbmncee,and that Sho_wtll warrant and � � <br /> �; j delend tha tllle Ihcrolo lorevcr againel tho cluims and demande a!atl pa�aona u•homaoavaa t <br /> a t y <br /> jT PROVIUED ALWAYS, and thfe.inelrument la execwed and dclivored to nxu�o the paymont ol Iho aum ol . <br /> ? FOURTEEN THOUSAND FOUR '9UNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------ �„iiQ=, ��14,400_QO , <br /> % � wllh inlmcet Ihercon,togothar wf�h euch chv�gce and advancea aa may be duu md payablo to naid morlgaqeo undor !he lorma and � . <br /> f <br /> S condltlons ol tho promieeory note ol even date hc�ewith and eccured hcraby,a:cculed by�afd mo�lqagor_la ea4d morlqagoc.payabla <br /> - ���� ae oxptnnod in wld noto,and lo eecure the pedormance ol all thn tormi and condltfons rna�ained tha�eN. ilw to�ma ol�eafd nolo aro � ��� � � <br /> � i ; he�eby inmipomled hc�efn by thi�rolerence. . ' � <br /> ' � �It I�the Intentlon and aqteement o!the pa�tice hcrelo that Ihla martgage aha�i aleo eocum any lulute advance� mado lo wid . � � <br /> i <br /> -f mo��gaqot_by �ald mortgegca,and ony and atl Indoblednoee In addlHon to I�v amount above elnlod o•hich said modqaqou, or a¢q� , � . . <br /> o!them, may owo to eald mo�tqagoe,ho.vevor evidenrnd whather by nole,book account or otherwl�e. T6le moctgaqo ehall:omaln ln lut� . . . <br /> iorce and clted betwoan the parNe� horoto and thofr kein, panonal ropccecnlaUve�, eucccewra and malgns, un�ll all amounb waeurad . . � . . � <br /> -�' � hereunder,including lutura advnnce�.ace pald ln lull wiih Inte�e�L � � � � � � <br /> The mortqagor�_horoby auiqn�S to wld mottqaqee�all renb and(nrome adainq at anp and al� Ume� Irom wid propenr and . � . <br /> �� homby aulhoil:e�ea�d mo�tqagoo ot Ib aqen6 al Ita optlon, upon dolaut6 lo lolce cha�ga ol safd propetty and mllttl all tenb and Inrnm� � � . _ � � <br /> Ihetelrom and apply the eamo to the payment o�Inlereal,princlpal.Imumnce pmmiumi,la:e�,auoumenU,repafn or Improremenh necen � . � �.�. � <br /> :-.,4� eary to kecp�ald.p�oparty�in lenanlablo mnditlon,or lo othor ahatqoe or paymant�p:ovldad!or horoln or In tho nolu horoby aeeurod. Thl� - � . � � <br /> �rnnt aulgnment a6ali unql the unpald balanca ol eald nolv Is lully pald. Tho laklog ol posaeuion herounder�hall In no � <br /> mnnnor preront or rolacd�afd mortgagee 1n 16e�colloNlon ol wid eum�by lorcebmre or othafxi�e. � <br /> �? i Tho fallum ol Ihe�morlgagea to'aueN any ol Ib dqht� hoieundar at any Hme�hall not bu consttued m a wai�or ol tb itght to a�wrt � � <br /> �, i, Ihe:� any lalet�lime,md lo Inaid-upon and enlo�rn drlcl wmplianco wil4 all tho terme aad provLlone ol naid nole ond o! IhL . . <br /> moctgoga., . . . . <br /> II soid moctqoqor_ehall mueo lo bo pald lo eatd morlqaqea the ontlro amounl due fl 6erounder,and under the lotmt and prorlaton� � . . � � <br /> �� ol wld nole.ho�eby�ecvtad�Includlnq luluro adrmeee,nnd any extandom o[.ranewal� Ihereol fn acco�danca with the�fetma�and proddona � . � <br /> �i���� . thorool,and.11��aid�mortgaqw��_�hall mmply�vph all Ihs providon�ol�afd nole and o�thla mortgage,Iden the�s prc�enb�6a11 be�o�d: . . <br /> {�� �-. otherwbe Io�.remafn.lalu111ome�and a(lodrand�aid�motlqaqee���hall be anlllled lo.lhe poueulon o6all.ol iaid proporlr.�and may,.at fla ' <br /> � �': �option,daelare Ih��whola ol�wld�nole and all ladebledneu reprcunled the�eby lo be Immedlotely due and payablo,and.may torealo�e Ihi� � <br /> ���( + �. ��motlqaqe�or taks anr other�Isgal�actlon to protacP f6�right,tmd 1rom Ihe daN�ol�uch delaull all Ilem�ol ind�blednen-�ocvrad hareby �.�ry� �`�'. <br /> :i� - ��hnll�draw Intereel al��tpfe4r annum.� Appmtiomanl rvalrod. ��',,�,.'-. <br /> - �Thb��morlqaqs �holl bbPolndlnq upoa and �hall�nure:to Ib� b�nelll ot Ihs 6dn;�:ecutor�.admin(�tmton,�um�wn and uu�qn�d � � � i �� <br /> ��paeliw�{xitUn herala, . �...... , �. .'. ,:._ , _. . . . _. . . . . I K;: <br /> L�� � � a.� �' <br /> .IN WITNF.SS WHEAEOF. aald Mottqaqor.�_�a 5.h�reunlo�wt fle�� �+md_tho day ond year Ilnt abov n �r�t <br /> .... � . . � i� £ '1 <br /> I writte� .. � � ` , <br /> .��E�Zs��� <br /> Deloris E. Petzoldt, a s ng o person <br />� � � � <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />�:: <br />