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��. <br /> , �.}: <br /> _ � ,;$�„� <br />- �� � � - <br /> � STATE OF NEBRA9S�, Countq oP .................................................: � <br /> Filed for record und eutered in Numaricnl Indez � <br /> ; on......... .:....:...................................nt................ o'elock................ bi., <br /> � <br /> ; andrecorded in Dced Record...............................Puge .............................. <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � ......... ......... .................. By ...,,.........................................,.... <br /> � County G7erk or Deputy County Clerk or - <br /> -,� <br /> ^ ... Regiater of Deeds Doputy Regietcr of Dceds <br /> I;� � <br /> � `; ;76- Q O70�4 WARRANTY DEED <br /> -� <br /> 3 ARTFIUR R. GOODWIN and IRENE M. G00DWIN� huaband and wife, each in his <br /> �' and hQr own right and as apouse of eaah othor <br /> 7 , herein called the grantor whether one or mJro, <br /> j ', <br /> '� in wneiderntioa of FORTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100 (g42,9o0.00� <br /> •� ' recetved irom grnntee, does grant, bargaln, sell, convoy und confirm unto ARDETH C. MEIER, a <br /> married woman <br /> �� <br /> .� ` herein cnlled thc grnntee whethcr onc or more, the following deaeribed real property in <br /> �' .......Hall ........... County� Nebrnskn: , �'' <br /> '� . ....... ............. <br /> ` � NEBRASKA UOCUh9EMTARY <br /> � , Lot Fifteen (15), Block Three (3�, in STAMPTAX <br /> a ( Dill and Huston's Addition to the City <br /> � of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. pEC 6 ,g76 <br /> � $ '�1� � BY r <br /> ,'�� � � i7ntFMEh7t ATIA(,'Hl.S <br /> � <br /> t r� 'Po Lnre und to l�old the nbove descriUed premises together �vith nll tenements, l�eraditamente <br /> nnd nppurtennnces thereto Uclonging unto the grnntce und to grantee's heirs uud nssigns forever. <br /> �'� And thc grnntor docs hereby cocennnt with the grnntec und tt�th grnntee's heirs nnd assigtia <br /> � tLnt grnntor is 1ail�fully seised of said premises; that tLey nre free from encumbrance oxcept for <br /> � easements and rostrictions of record <br /> � '3 tl�nt gruntor hns good right and lawful authority to cocn•ep the same; nud thnt grnntor �carrnnts nnd will <br /> ;;� defend the title to xnid premiscy ngninst thc la�efiil ciaims of all persons mhomsoevcr. <br /> `.i <br /> Dnted Novomber 30 1�76 <br /> i .�� � <br /> .................................................................................... - ......:� - <br /> S L �,�1'......� ..".�.`.T�..��-,r.... <br /> Art ur R. Goodwin <br /> ; .........................................................................:.......... ��...�-r...:,,�.-�� : <br /> .. ...... ...... <br /> � Ireno Dt. Goodwin <br /> 4 S7'ATI3 OP NLBRASKA,Couut,v of..............He l 1,,..,..,,.,,., <br /> � ................... <br /> � Before me. a notnry public qiudificd for said comHy, personnll}•came <br /> ¢ ARTHUR R. GOODWIN and IR�NE M. GOODWIN, busband and wifo, eaoh in his <br /> .',i and her own right and as spouso of each other <br /> f . <br /> � <br /> �. ' <br /> _ <br /> , � <br /> i kno�sn to me to Le tLe identicul persou or persons «•ho signed ttie <br /> ` foregoing iustruu�evt nud ��eknoticledged ttie esecution thereof to be his, x,;,��� �,�A, <br /> � Ler or their voluntnry net nnd deed. <br /> € _ <br /> , � � � _ � <br /> , .'i t�nnd and n`tarial senl on �f`:�..�...c'�F"�""L" 'j�,/ ���� ,, pe }�� <br /> - .......... ................... .... <br /> L l � ............... <br /> r ` / �'.J/ ,�`� <br /> ° i atn[wtt hoTan.fLMdlMlr. ....................••f•F4.(:.....�.—.....•,:.�`•'�,':.�r..�-4..l.G:.'........ Notnry Public <br /> 1 JOE E.SETLJK. ' �%� <br /> � ��' <br /> ,; '• NyCanm.Eq�ar.�t.ttl0 \t}• conunission e�pires ...�I.,f.,'4�G{'l� •�'� �O u <br /> is � <br /> Form 2.2 Approved by Nebraska Stnte Bur Assoclntlon Pelton k Wdf Oo.,Llnedn.Nebr. ' <br /> a,r: � ..... . . . ..,. , . ... . <br />� �� � <br />-L�.".3 <br />� <br />'S.� <br />