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� <br /> , ;�� <br /> .. <br /> ' : � •�_•.-� <br /> ; '�_ �� Q07U2J � <br /> _ .�-._._ _._ _._ _� _. _ »�- , <br /> � _ _ �_ . __.:�.._ _: .._ ___ ._ �_._._. .._= <br /> , <br /> ! II I�52•A-REAL ESTATE.MORTGAGE-(With Tax CWuae) (ReWsed 1962) _�_ �n liva�n Cenernl Su�ly Iiweo,�L(ncoln,NeLt. � �. <br /> .� . . . � . � . . . . . . ��� . . , <br /> ; � KN019 ALL D4GN DY TliGSE PRGSENTS: Thnt Larry L. Evers V^Vi__ w_.__ ' <br /> �� _ � { <br /> <�, j� I of Hal l Counly,tmd 5tnte of NBbPeSke ,in coneidcrntion of tUc xum of I � <br /> "��? i -------------Twenty Thousand and no�100-'----------------'--'------'--'----DOLLARS � L <br /> r i in Unnd pnid do hcrc6y 5�LL nnd CONVEY unto F1oyd H. Evers and Mary M. Evers, Husband and Wife, �� <br /> I� ' il either or survivor '� <br /> t � of Nal l' County,Slnte o[ N@bT�ska tLe tollowing describcd premises eituated ' <br /> i <br /> r,:� � in Hall councy,nna sto�o of PJebraska ,to•H�it: � <br /> I� �� :f; <br /> ' y�" �� Lot,-five (5) in Block one. hundred.forty-six (146) in Union Pacific Railway } � ; <br /> � Ii . . <br /> ,, Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. I f, '' <br /> `, , � <br /> °' I ` i i <br /> i� � <br /> � � I <br /> i S���' � . � . �� . � . . <br /> :� �' I� � � � � � �� � � �� <br /> ;� , <br /> :� �� j � � �� � � � �� <br /> ; , <br /> �� The inlenlion being lo rnnvcy liereby nn nbsolule tille in[ee sim��le,including nll the righta o[homestcad nnd dowee j �' <br /> �� 'f0 liAV13 AND 1'O HOLD lhe premises nMivc descritxYl, with all the nppurlenunc��thcmunlo lxalonqing,unto the a�id ' <br /> � mortgngce(s) und to his,hcr or thcir heirs imd nxsi�;na [ore��er, providnl always, und these prchents are upon thc e:presa � <br /> ±f � cundition that if the xiid mnrtgugor(s),hin,her ur their heira, executors, administralors or ossigns shnll pny or cuuse to:be i <br /> i <br /> paid to lhc snid morlgugce(s),hia,her or lhcit hcirs,execulor�, Udminialrators ut a�.vigns,th�principnl s�m of$ � <br /> 1 paynble ns follows,lo wit: <br /> ;� ! Amortized over 7 years at 12� interest with monthly payments of $353.06 <br /> ,� ; � (Interest 8 Principle) <br /> � <br /> {' ,k . . ' - ::. <br /> . . <br /> T� , . � i- '.� ..,.� <br /> , .. <br /> � �. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ... <br /> g �� , <br /> �' <br /> ,k <br /> E . + <br /> � I� wilb interest ncmrdin to the tenur nnd eliecl o[the mort u ors written �romiasur note benrin�e��en dnle wilh lhese resents ' +� <br /> � b ti ti 1 Y 6 P <br /> � ' �: and ehnll pny nll ti�xes aud nscessmenLv Icvied upon said real esWlc,nnd nll otlier taxes,levies und ussessmenLv Icvicd upon this � <br /> ,, � morigage ar the note'which thi� mortgage is givcn lo s�tiure, Lefore the sume becomee delinquent,nnd k�rp the buildings on <br /> suid premises iasured for the sum o[$ 20�000.00 , loss,if uny,pnynblc to die snid mortgnFec,Q�en thesc presenfs <br /> � { to be��aid�O�IICEN'IYC lo bc nnd remuin in full force. � � <br /> . � ,� �� � IT IS FURTfIGR ACRIED (1) Thnt i[lhe anid morlgagor sh:�l fuil lo pny such tnxes or prc>cure sach ineurnnrn,the � ' � <br /> �t t <br /> ?� said morlgngee may puy auch taxes nud procure such insurance:nnd pie aum eu ndvancerl, wiUi inturest nt 12. � �per� � <br /> }`� � cenl,shull Ire�repaid by said mortgagor,and lhis mortg�ge ahnll stand i�a security for the snme.�(2) '1'hnt a(uilure to pny nny <br /> �, of said money,cither principul or inlercal,when the sume becomes due, or n (nilure tn cvimplp e�ith nny of thc foregoing � <br /> '� agreemenLc,shall cuuse the wlwle sum o(money herein sttvred lo Lecome due nnd collee:lible nt onee ut the option ot the � <br /> . .f : � I mortgugce. . � .. <br /> : ;' t 5ign�vl lhis `i� dny ot�'L:�c-r--�-*•.-�-�i` , I��C , f <br /> � � � <br /> : i� , , <br /> � � . I, In presencc o[ ��i i t � - �..� . ,. : - . <br /> .l ' <br /> _,. , ................_ ..,- �.:...:....... E <br /> � .� <br /> � � <br /> . ......................................................................................................._... <br /> 9� <br /> ; ....................................................................................................... ...................................... . <br /> . ......................_............................................ � . <br /> j I .. . . . . � . <br /> $ ` sTnrc oF....�-<.=-?-;r..�..-�_.................... . �� ,C'( <br /> � .. ... county uL. ./�....�:.......... .. • j ' <br /> .... ......................... <br /> �' �I Before me,n notary public quali6ed for snid counly, persnnnlly c.vne �z r/-y �./_- v T i r � <br /> 1 <br /> i: �! knnwn to me to�be the idenlical petaon or persons who signed the toregoing instrument nnd acknowlcdg�d the e:ecutian� i � � � �� <br /> � I� thcreof to be hie,her ar thcir voluntnry nct and dced. ; <br /> { � tt . <br /> $' Witnesa my hand nnd nolannl acnl on r.V:�..�--�::�'�- �...,._..... ¢CNE �U��Y-Staleof �� <br /> l; .............. . .....6y .,��..._........ , <br /> . - ['1 ,�,��1- - ,. <br /> � i , <br /> .� - I� hly commiseion expires: ��W........� .................. 19.......... _............._ ✓..��`(j�,:��}�,�p�16..i91a�C.Notnry f'ublic. I � ,"€��• r��.�' <br /> .. ; ... . . "�=�` ..... . ��. <br /> � � � � ��, <br /> � N �s�", <br /> � �f. STATE OF: .......1� �nlered on numcricnl indez and filed for mwrd �� > �'3Y, <br /> ' � <br /> 4 � County : .,,....J in tlie Register a[Deeds O�ce o[s¢id County ihe i � �t� <br /> �. ,4 , � <br /> � � ..... .........dny oL...:... ......... _........ 19........_., ut..................... <br /> ...........o'clock and........................._...minutes......................h1., I +. � <br /> � J : <br /> i {� nnd recorded iq Book.... .......:. page..................._........................ <br /> . ' ..,' <br /> V ,f ..........................................._........_._......._...............Itc�. o[ Dmds ::. y• • <br /> � 4� I � IIy..................._.....................................................................Deputy I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � ^ _.. _.._ -- - _. _., <br /> �------—-�= - "----- . _._�__-__ <br /> _____. _ _:.. _ ___ <br /> - - - _ .___ . _. _ --- _.. . _. . , . _ �,.. ._. <br />� ' J <br />�res ^ . . ` <br />�j <br /> t <br />� <br /> s,'�.- <br />