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,.,.� �: <br /> . � � <br /> ,��. ��� <br /> ' j <br /> ��_ li... . ._.. .___ _. __ - -_ __ � <br /> } rr . <br /> .__ <br /> ._.. _. ,_�r ..._.�_.___...___ . .--- -.._.__...._.__... ._....._._..._. ...._ _.. . ._ . . <br /> .,.��� i ..217•A—RELEABE�-0F REAL�E6TATE MOqTGA6H(Revlsed t962) 7T�e Huffmnn Gercml Ru�iy iicux LSnmin Ne6r 4 �� � �. .' <br /> ���.__u-�--__....__._-_.____�__� �'------- ------.�..:.�.._._--------.._._.___.__..Y._�_..--"'-_.__�____.__._�.� _,...____._ ; q--� � � .: <br /> � � �b'���U.�� � <br /> , j <br /> ! IN COA'SID�RA9'ION of tlie pa��nent o[the debt nnmecl tlterein;I ur a�e,hereby releaEe the mort�age of �: <br /> 4 .� � �� � � � j <br /> �, <br /> liight Ti�ousand 6ight Rundred lwenty-five and No/100 - - - - - - DOLLAI2S, � ;i <br /> � �-�� made b �� y� <br /> 1 . Y LeRoy G. Kramer and Arlene T:ramer, husband auc3 c.�ife, each in his and I �'' <br /> Y lier o��ht riglit and as spuuse of the other � <br /> •a ,. � � � . � � � <br /> . . . : . ' . . � �i <br /> ,Y� .� .�� . .� . . . . . � � � ' . �: <br /> F„= on tiie I�llowing deacribed property, to•«�it: !' ;,,, <br /> r . <br /> First, to ascertaiu the point uf beg.inning, atart at the eouthwest cornet of said �' <br /> 5outhwest Quarter (Sk�!ti); tltence ruuning noitherly alon� the weat ltne of said � 'i <br /> ,., Soutnwest Quarter (Sl�'%) a dLstance u[ Nitte IIundred Ninety and lhree Tentl�s (990 3) <br /> -:�... feet north nf. the souLhwest cnrner of said Southwest 1)uarter (S1,''i); thence running l� <br /> � " eaAl•erly para•.11el Co the snutli iine t�f 5oul:hwest QuarL•er (5!�!;) a dist�nce i�i � '� <br /> '��f � Sixty�Six (G6.U) feet tu Che AC9'GAL poiirt of 6eginning; Lhence cantinuing eaeterlv f? <br /> '� I along the last described course a distance ot lfoo ilundred Gight 2nd tievento-One I ; <br /> ilundredl-hs (208.71) feet; thence running northerl�� para11e1 Cu the wesc of ! � <br /> .•�, s a i d 5 ou t hwe a t Quareer (6W'a) �� �tiatance of 'Auo livndred Ct glit and SevenCy-Une ( �� <br /> , �, � Nundredlhs (208.7.1) feet; thence �resterl,r• parallel. tu the snuth line � ;; <br /> of said Soutliwest (juarter (51�'�) a diseance of. 7tau Ilmidred Eight and SevenLV-One I j� <br /> � IluUdmdths (208�71) Leet; L-o a pnint Sixty �i� (66 0) f�et eas[ of the �eest Line � <br /> of said 5vutlnaest Quarter (SK�); llience running s�utherlv par.allel to the west <br /> 9 � Line cif said SuuthwesL• quarte.r (Sh'�z) a distance uf 1t;o liundred lii�,ht and 5eventy-' � <br /> � , Une Hundredtha ('1U8.71) teet to Nie ACTUAL potnt oC and containin� 1.:00 i <br /> ' � acre more or less. �.� <br /> , � � ; ;, � <br /> } � i ;, <br /> �� � A L•ract of land comprising a part of the Southwest �, <br /> � Quarter (SW�) of Section Thirty�-three (33), Township, j� <br /> Twelve (12) North� Range Nine (9)� West of the 6th �� <br /> P. Ti. in Hall County� nebraska. °� <br /> �� � . � � �! <br /> , :;. < <vhicli ie mcordecl iu book 1G4 ,of renl esiate ntortgages,page 3��5 of tl�e Recottle oE the County o[ 1� <br /> i ' <br /> llall ,and Slate of Ne�rnslta _ �; <br /> .� � � t <br /> � llated thia �� � da�•of tiuvember ,t9 7(� �i <br /> i � I � � ��I � � <br /> � � In presence o[ i, t <br /> � _ <br /> : � � +'r � r ;7. ;: <br /> ' i� ��� ...........:......................_.....---.......................................... ( ..1.:2`<:,`�.:a. :J� �r.::.c��'::-'?.1'{�`�f.t.:._..... ; <br /> j � l harles r. 1Seshaler ������ <br /> � • : <br /> i � ......... .:.....: ...::_. t ....'..:h�::�5-�..:.........................:.. �� <br /> ..:...--'................................................................. <br /> � � � I Llien Pi. Ilesha.ler i : <br /> �� � � S'PA'IL''�L �cbrasl�a � � i �. � <br /> ' �..........'...................................................... <br /> � .. sa. j. � <br /> .Couut �' <br /> i .....:(..:�aG•.�G!:L.�...:.............................. y ) �; <br /> � Un llus...°1�...�.....�ot............Noveml�er.................. 1l�...��.,before me,a Notnr�•PuUli�,duly cottmiissioued �� � <br /> � ' t�nd quulitiecl for�nid coun�y,i�ersonally cnme....._Charles i'. 1leSl��ler and l:lleu PI. ]leshaler .......... <br /> � ....:.......................................................... .. <br /> ... ............ <br /> ' � r <br /> . i . . . ... � . <br /> . ,.. ........:............................................................................................................. <br /> _',. . . ...........................................""............,............ `f � . <br /> �i <br /> { . �� :... �........���.:..... ..�...............:..............................................................................................:...............:................... �, . <br /> I <br /> � 1 <br /> � lo ihe pet�e yskt�� the ideuiicnl persun or per4ons«•hu esecuted Uie�ibove rele�ise mid ncktto�vledged �; <br /> the suid si �16 u. lier or tUejr�•oluutary��ct nnd dc�ed. " <br /> - ,., <br /> � 1Vi e tn}�diN�A'nu ee ai{�..<.2-kuf.!:.,:...._....iiLefiiQ�auiily .lie f�Ci�`nnd�•�r ln9t a�oee�vritten i; <br /> � CUMMI58�bN F f " <br /> � '� FxrIRES lk' G/(�..- ,i � � <br /> ? ... �/.��... .-.�?tit✓..........�....Nulnrv Publie, <br /> ; ��;RCII l l��q� h� L� �J ::� G � .. �!G'. I '� <br /> � I�Iy c ��e ae� h �e. ::._.:.:�f:.................dny ot:....�����:� .�........... .., 19 �` <br /> ; 'irti� �� � � <br /> z 9'TAT� OF ••••••88 liutered un numnrical iuilea and filed for recon! �' ,�'� � ' <br /> ' Cuunty bf a..... .... . . ... .. .....:� in tlie Regieter of lleede 0liice n[enid County �he i j.' ' �x : <br /> � ....... .... � <br /> r . . � � � <br /> �- + :.... bE::..... ...........................10........,nt......._...................u'clulk nnd.........._...........uuhules............_...HS,, i �, t ., <br /> , I and recordpd in I3ook: i : �` i�W ' <br /> � , r'. . <br /> ` ...........................nt . ...._............_.....................:...nL pnge...............................:. ; , <br /> { ...................................••---......._........._--.12eg. ot Deedn � <br /> , � ,� `'�( . <br /> I3y.................: �; ' <br /> .... ...... ... ... :..11eputy <br /> ' <br /> `,_ . __ _ __ _:�..__._.._ .._ ----- --- - - - _.. <br /> •--- - -------- --- - ----- - .:__ . _ .. � ....__. � <br /> _ _ __ �. <br /> __. _ _ <br /> _ _ . , .._ � <br />� 2ti;.-�-.�. � <br />:^-. <br />;�� <br /> r,;� <br />