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� . . -� • � ;1,y..�G. . . . <br /> , '�`....+ �...� .... � ,� . .. . . , .,. .. . � (� . � . . . � <br /> P^ ,, _ Tf?-�lO'7U.I J ;j � <br /> .�_ �' S�COND�.-_.-_«•.—�__�_.�=__-,_:-:. _�_-.=:-�-�_-:.. :... . ._:`.-,�... , ; <br /> 58•A-qEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE(Corp.)-With Tax Clause(Revised 1962) The imn�vm Cenerd su�qily Itaue,I,Incotn,Nebr. j! � � <br /> ' '` I f <br /> i � KNO1V ALL At�N IIY TIi�SE PRL•'SGNTS:Th�t ROIIERTS DAIRY COMPANY � <br /> :( �I <br /> � � a�cpr��ration orgnnizecl und c:ieling m��crund by virtue ot the luws o(.ihe sinie at � Nebraska �. � �d )�� <br /> '� - conaidcrnlion of qm num oE OIIE? MllllOri '($1�000�000)-------------------------DO(.LAIiB 1� <br /> '� in`hnnd pnitl;doea I�ereby SGLL nnd CONVLY unto UNITED STATES OF AMERICII� $CONOMIC (� <br /> DEV�LOPM�NT I�DMINISTRATION <br /> ii <br /> ,� ... rf �('i qi�4�4J'k�J+ uL..- � � � . � the[ollowing described premisce niWnlai (' . <br /> �:� i,, Hall Co�nty.ana stnic ot Nebraska ,to•wia i� <br /> $,., ; Part.of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W1/2 SW1/4) of Section <br /> ;i <br /> Twelve (12) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th �' <br /> P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebraska as follows: Beginning 33' East and 110' !i <br /> T' ' North'of the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest i; <br /> Quarter (SW1/4 SW1/4) ; thence South along the East Right-of-Way line of �� <br /> Shady. Bend Road 577.7'; East 173'; North 24'; East 52'; South 24'; East �j <br /> � �52'; North 24' to-the Northwest corner of Lot One (1) ; Fairacres Dairy 'i <br /> �, 2nd Subdivision; thence East 832.05'; North 427.72' to the North line of i{ <br /> � the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 SW1/4) ; East 185' �j <br /> to center of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) ; North 100' ; West 75'; North ;! <br /> �,, �f 10'; West 1,208.5' to point of beginning containing 14.57 acres more or �' <br /> f less. (Note: This does include the North 80.3' of Lot Nine (9) and all �! <br /> j� ,of Lots Ten (10) , Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Fairacres Dairy ji <br /> : !� Subdivision) . �� <br /> �� subject to a prior mortgage to the First National Bank of Grand Island, i? <br /> �' ��bzF St�a <br /> f ie m en ion�Leing lo rnmey hereby nn absolule liUc in fee simpla �i <br /> if TO I�AVL AND 7'O}IOLD thv��remiars nbovc dcwcrilx�l, with nll the nppurlentmrna thcrcunto bclonging unto Uie wud <br /> !� successors Roberts Dairy Company � � <br /> � und l0 1tS � }f00A�:�nd nssiqns torever,proeidrcl nla•uys.and tlicese pttxnts nre a�wn the exptess cnnditiou thnl if llto j` <br /> �1!` ���.} Roberts Dairy Company '� <br /> ,� :. iI �or�igd�s1�1u��i�y S�Z�RIr��lo8�pnid In lhc e�iid . � . ." <br /> �� �`�`�U$n$Qite$d States of America, Economic Development Administration ;j <br /> :� � �S[SIIDCICKA}C�JIdID1�IQIQ�SDS�`}Q1I 7L591�'I19,��11'Non�„t One MllllOn ($1�000�000)------ Dullun,pnynblc ns 1� ; <br />•witC _ �i <br /> a j � �; — <br /> � � Dnllnn+on qm dnv n , 1�J ' <br /> ' Dolln day oi . l0 <br /> li <br /> ::�.3;�. �! . .. .... . � . . .. . . . Dallnra on.tlm.. dny of. . .. , 1'J . u .:�.. .. . _. . . <br /> �.� � (Z � I)ollt�ra an lhc dny ut � , 19 � i� .� . <br /> i i ' � <br /> . �_. �` QA - - . . ..nttrordin�;lu the lenur:md clicct 4j � <br /> §�� � �� of:thc � � �Stum�hsory no�e ..� • • . . .. .. � � r � ; � <br /> Ii <br /> � �( benring even dnte with Ihcso prescnls nnd aLall pny�dl tnxes nnd nss��ssmenLq levi�vl u�wn nnid renl rslnlc nnd nll uQ�cr tnsr9, �i <br /> �� levics nnd nwiesamenLv Icvied u�mn Ihis murlgn�;u or Ihc note which thiv modFnge ig gi�•en lo secure.lxfore the e�ime lrectimes Vi <br /> � I� dclinquenl.nnd kiv�p the buildiuga on said promises insurcd[ur the�utn of g ,loas.i[nuy.pnynblc to thc i� <br /> � 4 suid mort�n�ce. then these prcsenls to be void, othenviec to be imd mtttain in full furea '' <br /> , ;�� ;� . 1T IS FUR7'HtiR AGRL•"ED, (1) 7'hul it thc nnid morlgngor shnll fnil to Trny nuch tuzes or pr(xure sucl�insurann, thc ij <br /> � +j xaid morlgu�;ee mny pny such tnxes nnd procure such invumnce:�wd lhe autn xo nd�•nnced,wilh inleresl i�l 9$ per �( .� . <br /> �� cent shnll be mptiid by enid morl�;agor,nnd thia murtgnge sluili atnnd ns xecurily fnr anme. (2) '1'hnl n G�ilurc to pny nnv of <br /> � I� w�id tnoncy. eit6cr principul or interei+l whcn lhe xnme becrime duc,ur a tniluro to�Yimply wilh nny of Ihe fine�oing ogree <br /> menla.shall enusu lhe whole eum n[muney hereiu securtvl lu birnme due nnd cullecliblo ul once�d lhe nption u(the murtgi�gc� <br /> � �� IN 1VI7'NI:55 WHL'RGOr, lhc siiid RObeT'tS Dairy Company �' <br /> ;� � . �� . hnx heremdu cnus�vl ils a�rpurule senl lo he nflixirl nnd lh��e present�lo be signnl by ila Pr0S1C�@rit ' � - . <br /> i' <br /> I, u�ie 30th aoy ot November . is76 <br /> � !� Signal,eculcvl nd dclivcrecl' pm e �of <br /> t:' 1� ........�E�e�LG�+'�<'e3�`�`�Q-�^� ROBERTS DAIRY COMP NY � <br /> � ............................. ....................... ....... , <br /> .. . ..... . .. <br /> ..............._................... <br /> �{ ...... it <br /> ... <br /> 1 a �� ..........`..................................................._.. . . .. Ily.. �'�/.t44.� .... 4' <br /> ................ . . `.. V1 ._ .T`i �her 'Presid�rit� ......... <br /> . � }� �� � <br /> � , � n -. Nebraska. as <br /> i . S }�'1�f,�.�.`._............................................._........., Cuuuty oL.......... .........._U�1...........................................: i <br /> Do ; <br /> � ! �. SiA�o.ry��:`' rY public qunlitiirl in nnid county,txr.wnully ctunc ' <br /> �' �� �•,;��,���'^r� .�' Calvin D. Fisher t>«q�a�n��t j <br /> a r:osnrer � � OBERTS DAIRY COMPANY <br /> , '� '� •. . ,u wrporntiun i` � - <br /> � (i kho�&W t4�tOtbe;tAe Qtesidenl nnd idenlicul�rern�m wha signal the forcguing inatnimimt, und ncknowleJgiYl Uia exev.ulion <br /> ,� �•«t�ereo[3o�����s vrlun ry nct nnd Jeed ns euc�ollicer nnd lhe vulunWry ncl und da�d o(��id cnry�orntion and lhnt ile cun <br /> .-Y �� parale senf.wns�lllCrct h(flx�rl.Ly ils nulhurit�t . °� � . � <br /> g � I ,:: +qC^ �,.,c� . . .. . ' . <br /> � ! �j+jWj�nd6s��pg,�@'ii nnd notndnl eenl o� .._...........N4..v,.ember..3U......... ...................................... 9...��.... i <br /> ... � � <br /> d .... `: ., � , . <br /> {# �� T r�fiifi�o°t�t �ires... .S'"...�r ........, 1J..7....� .........(...�.4,.L...�..Zl.aa...✓....t.G:?:��0.4(!:�......:Nntnr.y Yublic. j� . <br /> . � rfy, <br /> ,{ � � � ` � <br /> . STATC OI' ......... . ............................._... aq. Lntcred on nuwerical index nnJ filcd for ree�rd �! , � ! S <br /> �. ( fi ; <br /> I ' � tY <br /> `. 'County� ...........:..............................:.......................»....... in lhe Regislcr o[Decvls Utlice of nnid Counly lhe �� '.� t}' i�.. <br /> . . . � , � � �;. <br /> : � ....... .._.._...dny o[ '...:.__....__............................ 10............� at............_......._.._.....o'clock nnd..............................minulrs.................. Ai ' � <br /> � . i � �, . : � <br /> � and rococrled�n IItak..._..._................................o[....................._..._............nt��ngn.........».................................. <br /> , � <br /> i ....................................................._._......................,.Heg. o( D�rcts ' ' • <br /> :' y........................................ '' <br /> � �� . . � � ................................................11eputy �� <br />�. ����� : -_ ___ : � _ _ � <br /> r : _ � <br /> , __�_-�___=-.-=-__=__��_ ._ _ �..�_-._ _. . :. _ <br />? <br />�. <br />